The next wave

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As the war against the unknown forces raged on, Marcus led his Valorcrest army deeper into the territories, establishing fortified outposts as they went. The battles continued, and the toll of death on both sides was staggering. Bodies littered the battlefield as modern Cold War-era technology clashed with dark magic and ancient creatures. Tanks, M1A1 Abrams, and A-10 Warthogs unleashed their firepower while Valorcrest's allies, wielding Napoleonic-era muskets and WWI-era equipment provided by Valorcrest, held the lines. Cannons roared, mixing with the sound of modern artillery.

In the dead of night, the enemy struck again, this time in the shadows. Cloaked in powerful dark magic, an assassin—a Blood Elf—slipped past the outpost's defenses. The assassin’s movements were silent and swift, bypassing soldiers and guards as they patrolled the perimeter. Their target was clear: Marcus himself.

Just as Marcus was reviewing strategic plans inside his tent, the Blood Elf struck, driving a poisoned blade deep into his side. The venom surged through Marcus’s veins instantly, his body paralyzed with pain. Gritting his teeth, he staggered but remained upright, trying to reach for his radio to call for help.

Before the Blood Elf could finish the job, Empress Valdrianna and Queen Elandra burst into the tent, sensing the attack through their magical bond with Marcus. Valdrianna's eyes flared with a cold, dark light, and Elandra's hands crackled with arcane energy. They rushed to Marcus’s side, their magic immediately working to heal the wound and counteract the poison coursing through his body.

Elandra’s voice was steady, her words ancient and powerful as she summoned a healing spell. "Stay with us, Marcus," she commanded, placing her glowing hands over the wound. Valdrianna whispered incantations in a language as old as the Abyss, dark energy swirling around Marcus as the poison was slowly purged from his system.

In the meantime, guards at the outpost had heard the commotion. One of Marcus’s elite officers stormed into the tent, weapon drawn, only to find the bloodstained blade on the ground and Marcus being tended to by the two queens. Realizing an attack had taken place, the guards immediately raised the alarm.

"Find the assassin!" the officer barked into his radio. "All units, high alert! Scan the perimeter!"

Outside, the soldiers began to sweep the area. Searchlights powered by Valorcrest’s advanced generators flickered on, illuminating the outpost. Snipers with M16s and AK-47s scanned the treeline, while infantry with night vision goggles patrolled the outpost walls. Modern military equipment stood ready, the low hum of tanks echoing through the night as the search for the Blood Elf continued.

Gunshots rang out as a few soldiers fired upon what they thought was movement in the shadows. "Target spotted!" one of the guards yelled, pointing toward a barely visible figure in the distance.

The Valorcrest forces, well-trained in modern tactics, fired controlled bursts from their rifles into the last known location of the assassin. The heavy machine guns mounted on Humvees unleashed a hail of bullets into the night, trying to pin down the elusive figure. But the Blood Elf, using magic to obscure their form, slipped into the darkness, vanishing as swiftly as they had arrived.

Back in the tent, Marcus groaned as the magic worked through his body, knitting flesh and expelling the last of the poison. His vision cleared, and he could feel strength returning to his limbs. Valdrianna and Elandra stepped back, their combined efforts having saved his life.

“You’re not dying on us tonight,” Valdrianna said with a grim smile, brushing a lock of hair from his face.

Marcus grunted, his hand pressing against his side where the wound had been. “I owe you both. Again.”

Elandra’s expression was more serious. “We have to be more careful. They’re getting bolder, and their assassins won’t stop coming.”

Outside, the outpost was now on high alert. The guards doubled their patrols, and every corner was scanned with modern surveillance equipment. The defensive line was reinforced, and the radios buzzed with constant communication as the officers ensured every unit was in place, expecting another attack.

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