Chapter 22: The Ghost Glacier of the Past

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Alright, dear readers, buckle up. You're going to need to grab some popcorn, maybe a stress ball, and possibly a stiff drink because this is about to get real messy. I'm talking the kind of messy that makes you question why you haven't moved to a deserted island to live out the rest of your days without human interaction. Let's dive into what I like to call: Kathy's Life, Episode 402: When the Universe Decides to Mess With You For Fun.

So, picture this: I'm sitting at my desk, minding my own business, working on a particularly frustrating report. You know, typical office stuff. Maverick is in his office doing whatever it is General Managers do (hopefully not thinking about our secret relationship while reviewing budgets). Things are actually pretty normal for once. I was this close to having a productive day without any drama.

And then... he showed up. David.

Yes, readers. That David. The David who broke my heart. The David who, in his infinite wisdom, decided to end our relationship because I gained weight. The David who made me build the impenetrable wall of sarcasm and cold indifference that I am so proud of today. The David who I had blissfully, gloriously, finally put in my rear view mirror.

Or so I thought.

*The First Sight of Chaos (A.K.A. David Walks Back into My Life)

There I was, typing away, sipping on the cup of coffee that Maverick had sneakily brought me earlier in the day (because secret relationships and caffeine go hand-in-hand), when the door to the office opens. Now, usually, I'm pretty good at ignoring people who walk by. You know, focus on work, avoid eye contact, continue being a productive member of society. But something about this guy made me look up.

It was like I sensed the douchebaggery before I even saw him.

And then, there he was. Standing in the doorway like he'd just stepped off a "Bachelor" audition. Same cocky smile, same too-slick hair, same overly confident posture that made me want to throw a stapler at his face.

David. In my office.

I froze. It was like my brain had a total system failure, like someone had just unplugged me from reality for a second and plugged me back in only to find that my worst nightmare had materialized. The moment our eyes met, my stomach did a weird backflip. You know the kind — the one that happens when you're in a free-fall situation and you have no idea where the bottom is.

David's grin widened like he'd just found his next target. "Kathy," he said, dragging out my name in that irritating way he always used to, like we were still on good terms, like he hadn't reduced me to a sobbing mess years ago.

"What the—what are you doing here?" I blurted out before I could stop myself. Subtlety is clearly not my strong suit.

"I'm here for the project with Sanchez Corp," he said, waving his hand casually like it wasn't a big deal, like he hadn't just turned my life upside down. "We've been contracted to help revamp some of your digital systems."

Oh. Oh no. Oh, of course. Because why wouldn't the universe send my ex-boyfriend back into my life while I'm secretly dating my boss? That makes total sense. Fantastic. Just fantastic.

I could feel the sweat starting to form on my forehead. I needed to play it cool. I needed to not let him get to me. I needed to remember that I'm a strong, independent woman who does not need validation from anyone—especially not from David the Heartbreaker.

But instead of doing any of those things, I just sat there, mouth slightly open, staring at him like a fish gasping for air. The past five years of carefully curated emotional distance were crumbling right before my eyes.

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