Chapter 41: Apologies, Surprises and a Mini-Ice King

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Ah, yes. Back to me. You didn't think I'd let Maverick hijack the story for too long, did you? It's Kathy again, and let me tell you, being Vice President is fabulous. The office, the power, the sheer satisfaction of making my own decisions. Oh, and the donuts. Yes, donuts. Don't underestimate the transformative power of a good donut. One bite, and suddenly the world feels manageable again. But that's not why you're here, is it?

Let's talk about Maverick.

Now, I knew he'd come around eventually. That was inevitable. I mean, how could he not, after everything that's happened? But this time... this time, things were different. I'd like to say I was fully prepared for whatever he threw at me, but even I, the Ice Queen, didn't expect what came next.

It all started on a seemingly regular Tuesday. My schedule was packed, as always. Meetings, emails, and lots of nodding at people pretending to know what they were talking about. You know the drill. I had just wrapped up a rather boring meeting when, lo and behold, Maverick walks into my office. No knock, no warning—just Maverick, in all his tense, brooding glory.

I leaned back in my sleek new chair, fingers steepled in front of me, giving him my best ice queen stare. "What can I do for you, Maverick?"

I could see the discomfort in his face, like he wasn't sure how to begin. Typical. It's like he was gearing up for a big speech, except his face looked like it hadn't slept in days, and his tie was crooked. I mean, come on—where's the effort?

"Kathy, I need to talk to you," he said, and there it was—that voice he used when he was about to say something serious.

Here we go.

I raised an eyebrow. "Well, it's not like you barged into my office to chat about the weather, so let's hear it."

He ran a hand through his hair, clearly struggling. "About five years ago... what my father did—forcing you to leave the company—it was wrong. I had no idea. And I should've fought harder for you, for us."

A slow smirk crept up my face, but I didn't let it soften my glare. Apologies were cute and all, but it was five years too late. "Oh, so now you care?"

"Kathy," he sighed, frustration lacing his voice, "I'm serious. I'm sorry. I didn't know about your mom, or what you were going through. My father—he was thinking about the company, about James, and I... I was stupid. I let him control the situation. I just want to make things right."

He took a step forward, closing the distance between us, like he thought being physically closer would somehow make the apology sink deeper into my icy heart.

But before I could respond with a signature Ice Queen retort, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," I called, maintaining my composure, but inwardly rolling my eyes. Great timing, as always.

The door creaked open, and in walked Maison. My son. My five-year-old bundle of sass and, let's be honest, a mini-Ice King in training. He was holding his stuffed dinosaur (yes, even the Ice Queen's offspring has a soft side), but his eyes were locked onto Maverick like he was assessing a potential enemy.

Now, I'd like to say I was prepared for this moment—Maverick meeting Maison for the first time—but let's be real, there's no manual for introducing your ex-boss-slash-ex-love to your child. Especially when said child is a five-year-old mini-me with more attitude than should be legally allowed for someone under four feet tall.

Maison strolled right up to my desk and hugged me around the waist. "Mommy, who's this man?" he asked, voice dripping with suspicion as he eyed Maverick.

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