Chapter 38: Holt Your Breaths...I'm upHolt!

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So, here we are again, friends. It's me, Kathy, your favorite Ice Queen with a dash of sarcasm, a sprinkle of drama, and apparently, a hefty side of plot twist. If you thought things were spicy before, well, grab your popcorn, because the soap opera that is my life just got a serious upgrade.

Let's set the scene, shall we? Picture this: we're in the middle of what was supposed to be a standard corporate meeting. You know, the kind where people talk about mergers, stocks, and other things that sound really important but make you want to nod off. But, oh no, not this one. This meeting? It's about to change everything. And trust me, I already knew what was coming, but that doesn't make it any less juicy.

Remember that part in the last chapter when I told Maverick that he didn't know what he was talking about? That whole "left me for a wealthier man" accusation? Yeah, about that... Let's just say, Maverick's radar was way off. It wasn't about me leaving him for some old, rich guy. It was a little more... complicated. More family-drama-meets-corporate-power-move complicated. Because, surprise! I'm the long-lost daughter of none other than Mr. Albert Holt, the mega-billionaire sitting at the head of this conference table.

Yes, you heard me right. I'm a Holt. The Holt. And no, I didn't suddenly get adopted by a wealthy benefactor overnight like some Cinderella fairytale. This has been in the works for a while—years, in fact. I've known the truth for some time, and let me tell you, it has been one heck of a journey.

But before we dive into all the juicy details of my unexpected reunion with dear old Dad, let's rewind to the present moment. Picture the scene: Mr. Holt, aka my father, is about to drop the bombshell of the century. The boardroom is full of the usual suspects—Maverick, James (ugh), Maverick's father Mr. Martin Sanchez, and, of course, the HR team and executives who live for drama more than the employees do. Oh, and me—sitting there, trying to keep my face as neutral as possible while knowing that my entire identity is about to be revealed like a plot twist in the final act of a Broadway play.

Mr. Holt clears his throat, the room goes dead silent, and I swear you could hear a pin drop. This is the moment. The moment when all eyes will be on me, when the truth will come out, and when I will step into my new role as... drumroll please... Vice President of Sanchez Industries. I know, I know—it sounds crazy. But let's break it down.

"So, as I mentioned before," Mr. Holt begins, his voice steady and authoritative, "this merger is more than just a business transaction. It's about legacy. It's about the future."

Legacy, he says. The irony is not lost on me. You see, for years, I had no idea who my father was. I didn't know that I came from a family of wealth and power. All I knew was that I grew up watching my mother work herself to the bone to support us. And now, here I am, sitting in a boardroom full of people who have no clue what's about to hit them.

Maverick is sitting across from me, still radiating confusion from our little bathroom confrontation. His eyes are glued to Mr. Holt, but I can tell he's stealing glances at me, trying to figure out what's going on. Meanwhile, James is sitting across from me, doing his usual smug "I'm the golden boy" routine. Little does he know that he's about to have that smirk wiped right off his face.

"And with that," Mr. Holt continues, his eyes locking onto mine, "I have an important announcement to make. I'd like to formally introduce you all to someone very special. Someone who will be taking on a key role in this company moving forward."

Oh boy, here it comes. I can feel the tension building in the room. The executives are all leaning forward slightly, waiting for Mr. Holt to say the name of whoever this mysterious person is. Maverick's brow is furrowed, clearly trying to piece together the puzzle. James, of course, is looking as cocky as ever, probably assuming that he's about to be promoted or something. Ha! If only he knew.

Then, with the kind of dramatic flair that can only be pulled off by someone who has spent decades at the top of the corporate food chain, Mr. Holt says the words that turn the entire room upside down.

"Kathy Luna Holt, my daughter."

Cue the gasps.

Okay, maybe there weren't literal gasps, but I could feel the collective shock rippling through the room. Maverick stiffens, his face going from confused to absolutely stunned. James's smirk vanishes, and for the first time, he looks like he's seen a ghost. And Mr. Sanchez—well, let's just say his poker face finally cracked.

As for me? I take a deep breath, stand up, and give them my best Ice Queen smile. You know the one—it's the "yes, I'm in control, and yes, I know more than you do" smile. And then, because why not lean into the drama, I give a slight bow. Not too deep—just enough to say, Yes, I'm the daughter you never saw coming. Deal with it.

The room is silent for a good few seconds. I can feel everyone's eyes on me, trying to process what just happened. Maverick is staring at me like I've just sprouted a second head. James looks like someone slapped him with a cold fish. And Mr. Sanchez... well, Mr. Sanchez is sitting there with his hands folded in front of him, his face unreadable, but I can see the gears turning in his head. He's trying to figure out how this changes everything.

Mr. Holt, still standing at the head of the table, is beaming with pride. "Kathy will be taking on the role of Vice President of Sanchez Industries as part of this merger," he announces, like it's the most normal thing in the world.

Cue the internal monologue in my head: Vice President? Well, isn't this a twist? I mean, I knew this was coming, but seeing the shocked faces around me really drives the point home. This is no small promotion. This is a massive power move, and I'm the one at the center of it.

I sit back down, crossing my legs and pretending like this is all business as usual. But inside, I'm laughing. Not because it's funny, per se, but because the reactions in the room are gold. Maverick, poor Maverick, looks like his entire world just imploded. I can't even look at him right now because, let's be real, this is awkward. Just five minutes ago, he was accusing me of dating his competition, and now he's learning that I'm not just any assistant—I'm his new VP and his boss's long-lost daughter.

Mr. Holt continues speaking, laying out the details of the merger, but honestly, no one is listening. They're all too busy staring at me like I'm some sort of alien. The only person who looks remotely pleased is Mr. Holt himself, who is clearly enjoying this little power play.

Maverick is still trying to process what just happened. I can practically see the gears turning in his head, trying to reconcile the Kathy he knew with the Kathy sitting in front of him now. And James? Oh, James is fuming. He doesn't like surprises, and this is the mother of all surprises.

As for me? Well, I've spent the last five years preparing for this moment. I've trained, I've learned, and I've grown into the kind of woman who can handle this responsibility. And now? Now, it's time to take my place at the table. Quite literally.

Mr. Holt finally sits down, gesturing for the meeting to continue. But no one is paying attention. All eyes are still on me. I resist the urge to smirk and instead keep my expression cool and collected.

Let the games begin.


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