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She didn't know if she should tell her brother about the stalker she had gotten recently, but figured she should wait on that. He hadn't harmed her yet, and seeing how he was this big killer, she didn't want to trigger him to do any violent acts.

Lucas had bought lots of candy for trick or treaters, and was going to get dressed in a pirate costume. Today's plan for her was going to that Matt guy's party, and with how much he was talking about it to everyone, she had high expectations.

Later in the day, she was getting ready for the party. She put on the outfit, slid on her white heels, and to fit her bloody wedding dress, she did her makeup as light and beautiful looking as she could, as if she were really getting married - then she put drops of red coming from her eyes as blood. She smudged the eyeshadow and the bottom of the lipstick, then was satisfied with the look. She lowered the white veil that was on top of her head, completing her costume.

She left the house, and decided to walk to the party, since it wasn't too far away. Halfway through her walk, she regretted not taking the car, since these heels were already killing her. She arrived at Matt's house, and it was crowded inside. The music was blasting through speakers, and people were dancing or drinking.

She searched for a less hyped up area, but found none. There were people around every corner. She spotted Matt, judging by the jersey and the green color he had all over his skin, with some small blood spots, she assumed his costume was a zombie football player. She walked over to him. He had been messing with the volume of the music, and she stood in silence, waiting for him to notice her next to him. When he saw her, he flinched, then laughed. "Shit, you scared me."

"Nice party." she says, looking around. "Thanks." he says, trying to be louder than the music.

"I don't think I ever told you my name, it's Arabella." she tells him, trying to ignore the painful throbbing in both her head and feet. "Pretty name for a pretty girl." he comments, she smiles slightly. "Oh, thank my parents for both of those..." Her smile fell when she realized what she had said. Way to ruin the mood for herself.

"What happened?" he asks, noticing her expression change. "They're dead." she says, staring at the floor now. "Wait, who's dead?" he responds, not able to hear her over the music.

"Nevermind!" she shouted back, making sure he could hear that as she walks away, pushing through some of the crowd. She knew this would be a bad idea. Matt seemed like a decent guy, but coming out to this party... it sucked. Too many people, and all that came out of it was her being reminded why she's not going to do anything related to Halloween anymore.

She was in her head, thinking about everything. "Arabella!" She turned her head, and saw Matt running over to the bench she was now sitting on. "Mind if I sit?" She shakes her head, "Go ahead."

"I couldn't hear you in there, what did you say about someone dying?" She bit her lip, hard enough to draw blood, and she did. She released her lip, it didn't hurt, but nothing did anymore besides her parents's death and anything to do with it.

And suddenly, it clicked for him. "I'm so sorry." he says, pulling her in for a hug. She squeezed him firmly, her eyes closing as she decided to let herself enjoy the feeling of comfort. "It's okay, it happened a few years ago... they both loved Halloween. It was their favorite holiday... so I usually get emotional around this time because of that."

They separated from the hug, but he held her hands, looking into her eyes. "I can see why they loved it... it's fun to be anything you want for a day, with no worries."

She nodded, glancing down at where their hands were held together. "Yeah... it was really special to-" Her eyes widen when blood splatters onto her hands. She looks up, Matt had a new addition to his costume, a knife sticking out of his forehead. Then the knife slid out by going straight up through the rest of his head, cutting it open as his body fell onto the ground.

Behind where he was sitting only seconds ago was the white masked man. Michael Myers. Some of Matt's blood had gotten onto his coveralls, and the knife in his hand was dripping with the red substance.

"Why did you do that?" She questioned, standing up in a careful way as if he would kill her if she moved wrong, which he probably would. Of course, he gave no reply.

She took a step back, and then another. He still wasn't moving, but she could see his eyes were on her. Arabella turned around and ran away.

Halloween: DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now