The irritation

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Working in a nursery can get awfully repetitive very quickly. Everyday, it's the same. You arrive at work, set up the rooms, get berated by the parents just for them to have even more problems at the end of the day. The parents seem to think that taking care of a room full of restless children is easy, they have no idea the anger that can build up in people. 

Anger manifests in many different ways. Some people find healthy ways to cope with their anger, others find more complex ways. Sometimes those coping mechanisms even become fatal. Unfortunately, this was one of those occasions. 

For the most part it had been a regular day. There was one slight difference, all of the board members were in the nursery. They were ensuring that the quality of care provided by the staff members was adequate. They were just observing and helping out if needed. Of course, the board members included Mia, Janice and Siobhan. Three of the most powerful women that the staff knew. 

All three were walking between the different rooms, just silently observing but interacting with the children if they came over to them. Of course, since they were Mia, Janice and Siobhan they were being confrontational with nearly all the staff members. Mia was pushing her buttons as usual and Janice was teasing the staff. Siobhan was just mad about being there. 

Overall, the staff working in the rooms weren't very happy with how they were being treated. Even Marjorie and Autumn were fed up that these three power houses were in the building with them. There's only so much they can do to keep tensions low. It wasn't working and unfortunately the nursery was a very hostile environment. 

One person in particular was driving the staff members crazy. Amelia Roberts. She was mad she had to come back home for this observation. She was very happy to see Charlotte of course and spend time with her but she would much rather be spending that taking Charlotte out on dates, not in the nursery. 

She was being particularly confrontational with the staff members. Within the first five minutes she had already made a dig to Winter about him not being a traditional man and she made a comment about not understanding Sorscha's accent. The entire day she was making jabs at everyone. 

It was a relief when she went on her lunch break. She drove to a local itallian restaurant and ordered Penne alla vodka before sitting down at a table alone. Charlotte didn't have the same lunch break at her which made her even more infuriated. She had to come back to observe and she doesn't even get a break with her girlfriend?

Before Mia began to eat she received a text from Roger. 

Mia, they don't need you to observe anymore. Please don't leave the country, you will be needed in the next few days.
- R.K.

Mia rolled her eyes and put her phone back on the table. Typical. Marjorie must've complained to him. She really couldn't keep her nose out. She always had to find a way to seem like a saint. If Roger knew half of the ways Marjorie behaved he wouldn't be so quick to believe all her narratives.

As Mia finished her pasta, she received a new notification. Her face lit up as she saw the name on the display. It was her sweet girlfriend Charlotte. 

Hey Mia, Marjorie said you weren't coming back. It's my lunch break do you want to come and pick me up?

Mia payed the waitress and made her way to leave the restaurant. She caught a few glances from people because she was so desperate to leave. All she wanted was to be with Charlotte. 

Once Mia stepped through the door she phoned the love of her life. “Hey baby, I'm on my way to get you now. Is there anywhere you fancy going in particular?” Mia exclaimed down the phone. Charlotte was taken back by her enthusiasm since Mia had been unhappy the entire day. “I don't know, I just want to be with you.” Charlotte replied, she knew that Mia would drop everything for her. 

Mia rested her phone between her shoulder and her ear as she opened the car door. She sat inside of her car for a few minutes talking to Charlotte. “Okay sweetheart, I will stay on the phone but I'm driving to you now.” Mia said as she clicked on her seatbelt. 

She fixed her hair in the sunshade mirror before folding it back up and going to start the car. Charlotte was talking as normal. It wasn't long before she heard a sudden BANG.

After that everything was silent. “Mia what was that? MIA? MIA?” The phone line was completely dead. Charlotte had no idea but that bang was about to become her worst nightmare.

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