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Kamiya stood at the entrance of Lake View High School, her heart pounding. The sprawling campus loomed before her, a maze of buildings and bustling students. She took a deep breath, gripping the straps of her backpack tightly. This was it—her first day.

She had always been the quiet one, preferring to blend into the background rather than draw attention. Asking for help was never her style. She had a stubborn streak, determined to navigate her new environment on her own. Still, as she glanced at the sea of unfamiliar faces, uncertainty washed over her.

She stepped inside, the noise of laughter and chatter enveloping her. The hallways were crowded, and the walls felt like they were closing in. Kamiya pulled out her schedule, her eyes scanning the list of classes. They seemed to scatter across the campus like puzzle pieces she needed to fit together.

With a determined nod to herself, she decided to find her first class—History. She tucked the schedule back into her pocket and started walking, her steps quickening as she maneuvered through the throngs of students. She tried to look confident, even though a small voice in her head urged her to just ask someone for directions.

As she turned a corner, she found herself in front of a busy cafeteria, the scent of food wafting out, but she pressed on. "Just a little further," she whispered to herself. After a few minutes of wandering, she felt her confidence start to wane. The classrooms seemed to blend together, and the numbers on the doors began to blur.

She took another deep breath, reminding herself that she could figure this out. Suddenly, she spotted a sign that indicated she was near the science wing. "I'm almost there," she muttered, quickening her pace.

Finally, she reached a door marked "History 101." She paused for a moment, heart racing, before pushing the door open. Inside, a few students were chatting while others were seated at their desks, some glancing her way. Kamiya felt a rush of relief as she stepped inside, but it was quickly replaced by anxiety. She had made it to class, but she was still a stranger here.

The teacher, a middle-aged woman with kind eyes, looked up and smiled. "Welcome! You must be new. Take a seat wherever you'd like."

Kamiya nodded, finding a desk in the back corner. She sat down, trying to blend into her surroundings as she listened to the teacher introduce the syllabus. It felt good to finally be in a class, but a part of her was still on edge, anxious about the rest of the day.

As the lesson continued, Kamiya found herself absorbing the information. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. She felt a small flicker of excitement about the history lessons ahead, but the thought of navigating the rest of the day still loomed large.

When the bell rang, she felt a sense of dread wash over her. The students began to pack up, and the noise grew louder. "Okay, just follow them," she thought, watching as everyone streamed out of the room. She took a deep breath and joined the crowd, keeping her head down.

The hallways were even busier between classes, and she felt a wave of anxiety wash over her. She glanced at her schedule, trying to locate her next class—Math—before she lost her nerve.

As she stepped into the throng, she realized she had no idea where to go. For a moment, the urge to ask someone for help surged, but she pushed it down, determined to figure it out. She turned left, then right, her heart racing as she tried to make sense of the chaos.

Suddenly, she caught sight of a group of students standing near a bulletin board, laughing and chatting. Gathering her courage, she took a step closer, glancing at the schedule on the board. Just then, one of the girls turned to her.

"Hey, are you lost?" she asked, a friendly smile on her face.

Kamiya hesitated, the words "I'm fine" on the tip of her tongue, but something in the girl's eyes made her pause. "Um, yeah, actually. I'm trying to find Math."

"Follow us! We're headed there now," the girl offered, gesturing for her to join them.

Kamiya felt a mix of relief and embarrassment, but she nodded. "Okay, thanks."

As they walked together, she felt a weight lift off her shoulders. Maybe asking for help wasn't such a bad thing after all. And as she chatted with her new classmates, she realized that this day—her first day—was just the beginning of something new and exciting.
Kamiya  made her way into her first class . She wasn't nervous but she didn't want to be seen by everyone else . She wanted to go untouched and unnoticed like she always did of course .

The young lady made her way to the back of the math class . The teacher was playing quite lofi music while all the students had their eyes glued to the math textbook and worksheet that needed to be completed by the end of the class .

" Goodmorning , Ms brown I'm guessing ?, I will be your first period math teacher for the rest of the year . Nice to meet you Ms . Brown " the middle age brownskin woman spoke .

" Goodmorning miss . " kamiya replied and shook the teachers hand in return .

Her classmates heads begin to turn around towards her which did make her nervous unfortunately.
" don't worry Ms. Brown , I will make sure you will feel safe and comfortable in my class . And by the way , I am Ms . Williams " she spoke before sending a smile and walking away to her brown desk .Kamiya let out a small sigh before putting her hand up to ask to use the restroom.

Once inside the bathroom kamiya had all intentions to skip the class she was previously in .    


A loud bell blasted in the hall as kamiya made her way to her next class . Once arrived kamiya set down at the back of the class before checking the time which read 10:13 AM

Kamiyah threw her head back and looked around the room before her eyes landed on the Group of black boys but one in particular caught her eye .

He was caramel, he had shoulder length dreads , skinny , and tall. He looked about 6'2 ft tall. His tall shape stood lent as kamiya could tell that he wasn't sober. His eyes were bright red and he kept his hands on something so he wouldn't fall .

" f**k is you lookin at ?" the young man spoke making kamiya fall out of her trance

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