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Rodger had always been reserved, mainly focusing on his work. He people watched, of course, and made small talk on occasion, but he preferred his work. So, as his birthday approached, Rodger didn't think to tell anyone. He would take the day to himself, and enjoy some peace and quiet.

There seemed to always be distractions, however. Glisten had been staring at him for the past few days, as if waiting for something. He would huff every so often, but nothing was done about it. Glisten was upset about something, but he didn't say what. That was, until today, Rodger's birthday.

Rodger slept in that morning, and he let himself wear what he wanted. He settled down at his desk, pulling out a file to look through and figure out. He felt calm. Though, there was a knocking at his door. Rodger sighed, closing the file and setting it on the desk. He got up, opened the door, and saw Glisten standing there. Though, he was not empty handed. He had a tray in his hands, with covered plates and cups.

"Happy birthday, Rodger," Glisten smiled. He moved past Rodger, setting the tray on his desk. Rodger watched, feeling himself calm down a bit. Glisten continued talking after a moment, "You didn't tell anyone it was your birthday! You should make an event out of it, feel all special. But, as I am perfect, I remembered, and made you breakfast!"

Glisten placed a hand on his chest. Rodger chuckled, shutting the door and moving to sit back at his desk. He uncovered the plates, revealing toast, eggs, hash browns, and cut fruit. There was a mug of coffee to accompany the food.

Glisten wasn't exactly the greatest cook, but he had tried and it looked alright. Of course, it wasn't the best of the best, but it was lovely for the morning. Rodger took a few bites as Glisten watched. Rodger enjoyed it well enough, though he noticed Glisten slide an envelope onto the desk beside him.

"I still have to wrap your gift up. You better tell someone it's your birthday, and get the wishes you deserve."

Rodger didn't argue, but he knew he wouldn't go around bragging about it. Glisten left the room, shutting the door quietly behind him. Rodger was once again left in peace. He took a sip of his coffee as he picked up the file he'd been perusing before the interruption, and continued where he left off.

It was a few hours before Glisten returned. Rodger remained in his room, reading and relaxing. Glisten was quiet for a moment, before he moved to stand beside Rodger. In the mirror's hands was a wrapped item, the paper a deep purple hue with silver and reddish accents. The ribbon that was wrapped around it was red, tied neatly on the package.

"Here, this is for you," Glisten nodded to the gift before stepping away. Rodger nodded, looking to Glisten before his gaze settled back on the present. Rodger pulled away the ribbon, the paper following soon after, revealing the contents of the gift.

There were two items within. The first was a magnifying glass, the frame and handle covered with intricate patterns. It looked as though it were made of silver. Rodger examined it for a moment, letting himself appreciate the item. The second was a book, titled 'Sherlock Holmes: A Complete Collection'.

Rodger opened the cover. Inside, a note from Glisten was resting. It was on a simple piece of blank paper, not attached to the book. It read, 'Dear Rodger, I know that you enjoy reading your case files and I figured this suited your tastes. Happy birthday. From, the one and only, Glisten.'

Rodger shut the cover, setting the book on his desk. Glisten smiled, he looked proud of himself. Rodger, due to a lack of facial features, was harder to read, but Glisten was getting the hang of it.

"This is wonderful, Glisten," Rodger spoke. Glisten moved closer.

"I was sure you'd like it." Glisten nodded. He leaned down, tapping his lips against the top of Rodger's head in a gentle peck. Rodger paused, he hadn't been expecting it, but he found it a rather nice surprise. When he finally put his thoughts back together, Glisten was already at the door.

"Happy birthday, Rodger. Enjoy your night!"

With that, Glisten left the room, the door shutting behind him. Rodger picked up the book, opening it. It was a good birthday, and he'd spend the rest of it curled up with the newest book in his collection.

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