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It was obvious to everyone that this run was going horribly. The last floor, Goob had been attacked and was unable to keep the twisteds busy. Of course, for some, it wasn't an issue. But, Glisten wasn't exactly the most stealthy character, and without someone to keep the monsters busy... He was left on his own.

A familiar pop sounded from across the floor. He could hear Rodger's voice, faint but  comforting all the same. Glisten always appreciated Rodger, though he never said it. He was still building up his courage, wanting to admit he wanted more than friendship. But, he never committed. He didn't know that Rodger felt the same, they seemed to be the only ones unaware of the silent longing between them.

Glisten found himself at a machine, and he smiled. It would be the last one, if he remembered right. But it was far from the elevator... Glisten swallowed the growing fear in his gut, he had to get it done. He was perfect, after all, fear wasn't right for him!

Glisten placed his hand on the valve, calling out, "I'm at the last one," as he pulled it. The machine filled swiftly, Glisten was smart with the old things. But, he heard footsteps, much too heavy to be toons... There was danger, but it couldn't see him yet. Glisten heard the pipe stop as the light turned to green. He could hear the elevator open in the distance. He took a deep breath and began to sprint.

Almost instantly, a twisted was on his tail. The monster, taking the shape of Tisha, chased after him with an outstretched hand. He couldn't afford to die here... Glisten could hear the countdown, the final few seconds. No, no! He wasn't close enough to reflect!

He was just barely in range when he felt hands wrap around him, pulling him towards the elevator. For the briefest moment, he felt like he could make it. But, just as his front half was pulled into the elevator, he heard the door slam shut.

Rodger, already in the elevator, watched on in horror. The door came crashing down, and Glisten's waist was crunched beneath it. Glisten screamed. Even with the door down, he was alive! Rodger didn't care, he shoved past the other toons, grabbing Glisten and cradling him.

The damage wasn't something that could be undone. No medicine kit could replace an entire lower half. Glisten's body, once beautiful gold, was now splintered and broken where the elevator had crashed atop him. Blood, turning to dark fluid, drooled onto the floor from the wound.

Rodger wasn't thinking. He pulled off his jacket, desperately trying to wrap it around Glisten, keep the blood in, keep whatever he could inside his closest companion. Rodger could feel long, squishy materials in his jacket, his would vomit if he had a mouth. Glisten's intestines were barely kept inside of what remained of his body.

"Glisten?! Glisten, stay awake! Please!"

Rodger shouted. He didn't care how desperate he seemed, how it felt out of character. He couldn't lose Glisten. But, despite his efforts, Glisten's eyes were falling shut. He attempted to choke something out, it sounded vaguely like a reassurance, but Glisten couldn't breathe. The mirror toon slipped into unconsciousness, blood pooling on the floor below him.

"Glisten!" Rodger squeezed the toon against his chest, feeling tears roll down his glass. The other toons watched on, unsure what to do or say. Goob sat down beside Rodger, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I... I loved him... Glisten, I love you... Come back..." Rodger choked out the words through tears. But, the begging did nothing. Glisten was gone, Rodger knew that. But, what would he do? He couldn't leave Glisten's side, he wouldn't just leave him dead to turn into a twisted, to suffer as a monster. But he couldn't bring a corpse in the elevator, at the same time.

"I loved you... I'm sorry..." Rodger placed his head on Glisten's chest. He was cold to the touch now. Any sign of life was gone, his heartbeat, his breathing... It all faded away, claimed by death.

The doors opened once more. Goob looked distraught, he had tried to save the toon, only to get his killed. Rodger didn't blame him, as much as his heart wanted him to. He picked up Glisten's body, shaking. It wasn't easy to carry him, but Rodger tried him best to keep the jacket on Glisten's wound so Glisten wouldn't lose more of himself in death.

Rodger set Glisten down in a room. It was an old storage closet, and despite the lack of a door, he found it private enough. Rodger pulled a dusty blanket from the shelf, laying it on the ground. He set Glisten on top, before wrapping him up. Rodger sat beside the body, letting tears roll down his face. Glisten looked peaceful in death, at least.

Rodger stayed there, cleaning Glisten up the best he could with a mix of tissues and old rags. Rodger leaned down, tapping his frame against Glisten's forehead. He was so cold. Machines popped, one by one... Rodger stood up slowly, standing in the door frame of the closet. He rubbed his face, remembering how Glisten used to scold him, saying it would irritate his eye... Rodger spoke in a soft tone, not feeling ready to leave, but knowing he had to.

"Glisten, I'm sorry. I love you. I hope... I hope that you're at peace," Rodger whispered. He turned, making his way to the elevator. Glisten's body was left behind, wrapped in blankets, a final resting place.

Rodger looked distant as the elevator door opened, blood still splattered on the surface. The door shut once everyone was within. Rodger gave a final wave, and with that... His friend, his love, was gone. Rodger was alone once more, his head hung low and his heart heavy with grief. He had to continue on... For Glisten, in his memory, he swore it to himself as he left the elevator to find his next machine.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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