A Sleepy Little Vex

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As Martyn, Ren, Mumbo, and I wandered through the vibrant shopping district, the stalls and builds towering around us, I couldn’t help but take in all the sights. This place was a bustling hub of creativity, with shops selling everything from enchanted books to redstone contraptions, and all of it was woven together with such intricate detail.

But as we rounded a corner, I noticed a very angry-looking creeper-goat hybrid stomping around, his eyes scanning the area like he was on a mission. He had this menacing aura, but something about the situation made Martyn and Ren suddenly dart over to him, calling out, “Doc! Hey, Doc!”

I tilted my head in curiosity, watching as they caught up to the guy. Apparently, his name was Doc, and from the looks of it, he wasn’t just wandering around aimlessly—he was on a hunt. Mumbo leaned in slightly and whispered, “He’s probably looking for Scar too.”

As if on cue, Doc turned to us, his frustration barely concealed. “You lot haven’t seen Scar, have you? He’s been up to something, and I need to find him before he makes it worse.”

Mumbo chuckled nervously. “Yeah, we’re actually looking for him too. What did he do this time?”

Doc crossed his arms, his tail flicking in agitation. “He’s been tinkering with my redstone setups. Half my traps went off early, and now the whole base is a mess. If I don’t find him soon, who knows what other chaos he’ll unleash!”

I couldn’t help but stifle a laugh. It seemed like Scar had quite the reputation, and the thought of him sneaking around, pulling pranks and causing havoc, only made me more excited to meet him. Doc, however, didn’t seem as amused.

“Great,” I muttered, “sounds like he’s going to be a handful.”

Ren grinned, clearly enjoying the situation despite Doc’s annoyance. “Oh, you’ll love Scar, Grian. He’s got a talent for pushing everyone’s buttons, but that’s just part of the charm.”

Martyn nodded, trying to hold back a smirk. “Especially with Cleo—oh man, she gets him back tenfold. Just wait until you see how that plays out.”

I chuckled, now even more intrigued by the elusive Scar. Whatever he’d gotten into, it sounded like trouble. But honestly, I couldn’t wait to meet him. He sounded like great fun.

Mumbo, ever the problem-solver, quickly came up with a plan. “We should split up and look for him. Grian and I can take to the sky, and Ren, you and Martyn can keep searching on the ground,” he suggested, turning to Doc with a confident nod.

My wings twitched instinctively at the mention of flying. It had been a while since I’d taken to the sky for something like this, but the idea of soaring above the district, searching for Scar from the air, actually excited me.

Doc nodded in agreement, though his frustration still simmered beneath the surface. "Sounds like a plan. The sooner we find him, the better."

Ren grinned, giving Martyn a playful nudge. "Guess we’re on ground patrol then. Let’s hope we don’t walk into any of Scar’s traps along the way."

Martyn chuckled, clearly not worried. "You’d think we’d know better by now, but Scar has a way of surprising us all."

With the plan in motion, Mumbo and I exchanged a quick glance. "Ready, Bird Brain?" he asked, his tone playful as he stepped back to give me some space.

I rolled my eyes at the nickname but couldn’t help the small smile that crept onto my face. "Always," I replied, stretching out my wings. With a powerful flap, I lifted off the ground, feeling the wind catch beneath my feathers as I soared upward.

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