Chapter 3

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Lucy's POV:
    We now stood outside the house of the man who had posted the job request. As we approached the door a maid came out to greet us. "Right this way please." she said as she led us down the hallway. We stopped at a room with two couches facing each other in the middle. The maid motioned for us to sit down. Across from us there was an old man. "Are you the man who posted the job request?" I asked. "Yes, my name is Totomone. There had been a dark guild wreaking havoc on our village for quiet some time." he said. "What is the name of this guild?" I asked. "Their name is StarlitSerpent." he said. I thought for a moment. I was sure I had heard that name before. "We would really apreciate it if you could get rid of them for us." Totomone said. "No prob, that's why we're here." said Natsu

We started walking through the forest toward where the dark guild was rumored to take shelter. The deeper we got in the forest, the more unease I felt.

As we kept walking the day grew to an end, as the sun was already setting. Natsu turned to look at me and said, "I think we should set up camp and sleep here for the night." "Ok" I said as I started to pull a sleeping bag out of my back pack. I layed mine out next to his and sat on it, watching as Natsu lit a pile of sticks on fire with his magic. I saw the warm glow of the flames on his face. The gleam of fire fit him so well. I found myself staring until he looked at me, I turned away flustered. 'Why did I stare at him like that?' I thought. 'Of course fire suits him, he's a fire mage!' After that I decided to get some needed rest.

I opened my eyes to darkness. I get up and look around, and there's nothing. I take a couple steps, then I turn to look behind me. I see Natsu standing there and happiness wells inside me. Then I see his face and it looks upset. I walk up to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Don't touch me!" he said as he slapped my hand away. I looked up at him, "Natsu, what's wrong?" I asked. "The fact that someone like you is still on my team." he said. I gasped. "I mean all you ever talk about is rent, you're weak, I always have to save you, and you just flat out pathetic. I dont need someone as weak as you to be a setback to the team." he said. I looked down at the floor. I could feel my eyes start to water."Your better off leaving the guild entirely. You could never compete with any of the wizards in Fairy Tail." he said as he turned around and started walking away. "Natsu... this is just a prank right? A game?" I asked. "No, goodbye Lucy." he replied as he kept walking. I ran after him. "Natsu! Don't leave me! Please! I'll do anything!" I pleaded, but no matter how fast I ran I couldn't keep up. Then I was ingulfed by darkness once more.

I sat up in a flash. I felt something cradling me. I looked over to see Natsu holding me to his chest. I hugged him crying harder. He rested his head on top of mine, "It's okay Lucy, I'm not going anywhere. It's gonna be okay." he whispered to me as he started stroking his hand through my hair. Now I see why he liked it when I combed his hair with my fingers, it was so relaxing. I calmed down and relaxed in his hold. I looked up at him. He was just as shocked as I was. I brought my hand up to his face and layed it on his cheek. I used my thumb to wipe away a stray tear that fell down his cheek. "I'm okay now. Thank you Natsu." I said as I sat down on my sleeping bag next to him."What was it about?" he said. I felt puzzled. He pressed on, "What was the dream about!" he shouted. I flinched, 'why would he want to know what the dream was about?' I thought. "Why?" was all I said. He looked up at me."I don't want to ever see you like that again." he said, talking in a low comforting voice."I want to know how to keep you from crying." I looked at him as he broke down right in front of me. I've never seen Natsu so torn apart. I know that when it comes to friends, he's a whole lot more serious than usual. He hid it well, but I could see right through him. "Natsu it was just a bad dream. No need to freak out about it." I said."Can you just please, at least tell me what happened in the dream?" he asked."I guess..." I said.

After I told him about the dream I had, where he didn't want me on his team, or in fairy tail for that matter, he looked down and didn't speak."Natsu? You okay?" I asked. His hand reached out to mine, and next thing I knew he was hugging me. "Your my partner, we're a team, I wouldn't think your weak. Your not a burden. Don't ever think that you are." he said holding me tighter. He tilted my head up and gazed into my eyes. His eyes were intense, but caring too. They were charcoal black, an odd color, but it fit him. He started to lean forward.

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