Chapter 4

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Natsu's POV:
She gazed into my eyes, as I gazed into hers. Her eyes were soft, but confident. They were chocolate brown, big and beautiful. I found myself leaning forward. I closed my eyes. Then I felt something soft on my lips. It sent a feeling through me that was like fireworks going off inside me. When I expected her to push me back, yelling, with a flushed face, she didn't. She kissed me back. I felt my heart leap. Y'know I'm not as oblivious as Ice Face says I am. I know what love is. I've just never had an interest in any girls before Lucy. Lucy is just... perfect. And I know I sound really cheesy when I say that. Ugh, I don't know how Loke can say stuff like that and not feel cheesy. Anyway, then all to soon Lucy pulled away and I frowned. I looked up at her and she was as red as Erza's hair. She looked at anything but me. I blushed as well. "I'm sorry Lucy. That was uncalled for. I shouldn't have done that. Sorry. I'm so stupid." I rambled, looking around at anything but her. Not wanting to see her angry expression. Her eyes caught mine off guard and gazed deep into them. I couldn't stop myself from staring. She was blushing, but smiling."It's okay, thanks Natsu." she said. I looked to the side trying to hide my blush. She leaned forward and kissed my cheek and I instantly turned to face her, my face going 20 different shades of red. We layed down in our sleeping bags.

I stared up at the sky, still wearing a goofy grin. I looked to my left and Lucy was staring at the stars, a grin on her face too. I noticed how the stars reflected in her eyes, and made her face beam. It was the most amazing thing I'd ever seen. Man, I'm getting cheesy, but I guess if it's for Luce, I can handle a little cheesyness.

I felt my body moving on its own as I rolled to face her. My right arm hesitantly placed itself on her waist. When she didn't say anything, I pulled.her closer to me. I felt nervous about what I was about to say.'What if she doesn't like me back? What if the only reason she said it was okay was because she just disregarded it?' my train of thought continued on, as I rambled in my head. 'I'm the mighty salamander of fairy tail! I can do anything!' I thought to myself. I leaned forward and put my face near her ear. I felt my face heat up as I whispered, "I like you, Luce." I waited for her response. Nothing. I looked at her."Asleep. Perfect." I growled. Getting myself to confess the first time was hard enough, but now I had to do it again cause she hadn't heard me? 'Well this sucks.' I thought. I closed my eyes and sleep eventually found me.

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