you push me back, ill push you back

252 10 13

The anger gradually rose in the redhead, creeping further and further up. It was almost as if Charlotte could see the smoke pouring from her ears.

"How could you do that to me? After everything Charlotte! You know what he did to me. What he did to Autumn and Reece. You willingly chose to betray me by running to the man who ruined my life? I never thought you to be such a bitch. I'm done with you." the words spilled from her mouth, her emotion overtaking her rational thinking. She refused to hear the brunette out, to let her explain her bullshit reasons as to why she had done this.

It wasn't until she moved to exit the house that she had once considered a home that Charlotte reached out to hold her love, to beg her to stay and listen to her reasoning. Never would she willingly choose to hurt her in this way, she never thought she would find out. It wasn't her choice, he gave her an ultimatum that was impossible to choose between. It was either, she became his puppet, his new toy to play with as he wished or her children's lives would be on the line. She hated every single moment that she had to converse with the wretched man but she had to do it for her girls. Everybody knew how much the brunette adored Mia, how she would end the world if it meant she was okay but her children would always come first.

"Amelia please" those were the only words that would leave her mouth. They broke through the sobs that echoed throughout the walls of her home. She couldn't lose Mia, she was her everything.

Placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, she felt the redhead flinch away from her touch followed by a grimace on her beautiful face. Charlotte swore she could hear her heart shatter in that moment.

As she turned away from the woman she once loved with every fibre of her being, she fought the tears that threatened her eyes. She refused to let Charlotte see her cry, she had humiliated her enough. The tears stung her eyes as she pushed away the brunettes hand rushing towards the door. The longer she stared into her sweethearts broken eyes, the harder it got to leave. Despite the fact she had broken her trust and her heart, she still loved the girl she knew.

Her mind desperately tried to tune out Charlottes pleas, trying to block out any reason to turn back and fall into the warmth of her arms once more.

It wasn't until she heard the door behind her slam shut with such force that the gravity of the situation truly hit her, regretting every cruel word that had just left her mouth. All she wanted was to rush back into the house and apologise profusely and forget everything but she couldn't. In truth, she didn't think she could ever forgive Charlotte for what she did, no matter how much she loved her.

Making her way towards her black mustang, she wiped the tears that she had allowed to fall, from her eyes. As she sat down she let the scream that she had suppressed, escape her throat. She needed a distraction, she didn't want to feel this.

Her mind wandered to the one person she could always rely on to distract her from the heartache of her life. Janice. The woman had always had a soft spot for the redhead and would always be there for her whenever she would call.

She scrolled through her contacts until she found Janice's name, and pressed dial. Initially she had expected the older woman to decline after the first few rings, but she soon let out a sigh of relief when she heard her soothing voice. The second she picked up, she could hear the sniffles come from the other side of the call.

"Oh Melia, what's happened." she hadn't heard her sound so distraught since she had been trapped under Roger's grasp and it panicked her.

"I just- I need you please." her voice broke and immediately Janice agreed to meet her, she wouldn't let her suffer alone no matter what had happened.

"How about we go to our usual spot hey? The Boston Club? You can get dressed and do whatever you need to do at mine." she knew that the redhead would need a drink in her after today.

"That sounds perfect. I will see you then... thank you again Janice" and with that she hung up the phone, jamming her key into the ignition and driving in the direction of Janice's home.

Her car still smelled of her. The smell alone making the redhead want to burst into tears for a second time.

The drive to Janice's house was long and painful, each moment adding to the torture of her current situation as she replayed the argument again and again. She stared up at older woman's mansion as she pulled into the drive, grateful for the familiarity.

Janice had been patiently awaiting her arrival and the moment she saw her black mustang she sped to the front door.

Mia watched as the door flew open and she saw the sweet smile of the woman that she had so desperately been waiting to see. Immediately she unbuckled her seatbelt, rushing out of the door and onto the woman's doorstep. Falling into her arms as they collided, slowly dropping to the floor, the tears falling from her eyes once more.

The pair sat on the porch of the older woman's home, as she cradled the shaking girl and shushed her gently.

"Come on beautiful. Let's go have so fun yeah?" she lifted her head up by her chin, so that they were face to face, winking at the redhead. She smiled widely in response, glad that she didn't warrant an explanation.

They made their way into the mansion that Janice had inherited after he ex husbands untimely death and prepared themselves for the night ahead.

Meanwhile Charlotte, knelt on the cold, hard floor of her dining room, sobbing into her hands. Around 10 minutes ago, she had called her best friend to come over, not wanting to be alone during this time. She already felt like a piece of her was missing.

The door to her home swung open, as she heard the familiar voice of Marjorie echo through the walls.

"Char my love where are y-" she cut herself off once she saw the state her best friend was in. The brunette looked exhausted, her eyes red and puffy from crying and her arms hanging limply at either side of her. "Oh darling what's wrong?" she knelt down to her level gently stroking her shoulder.

"She left me. I fucked everything up I didn't know what to do. He was going to hurt my girls I had no choice but she wouldn't listen" she sobbed into the other woman's arms.

"Who Charlotte? Who was going to hurt them?" her voice wobbled slightly, afraid of what had occurred.

"Roger." she whispered, refusing to look her in the eyes for longer than a second. Marjorie could practically feel her heart in her throat, at the brunettes words. As much as wanted to be mad at Mia for hurting Charlotte, she couldn't. She understood that all the redhead would be feeling was betrayal and heartbreak. It wasn't Charlotte fault and it wasn't Mia's either, it was Roger's.

"I'm so so sorry my love. None of this is your fault I promise. I'm here for you and we can talk as much or as little as you would like." she heard as the sobs coming from the brunette begin to subside.

"I don't want to think about her Marjorie. I don't want to think about what I did to her. I don't want to think." the guilt had been eating her up for months but now it was ready to swallow her whole.

"How about we go to the bar and have a drink together? Like old times" usually the thought of this would immediately appeal to Charlotte, but she had made so many memories with Mia in that bar. That was where they fell in love, where Mia had saved her from rock bottom and brought her spark back. She couldn't go back there. She would go anywhere but that bar.

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