Author's Note: I don't write Marjoreece.... at all. So be kind even if it's not good lol.
Marjorie was learning a lot of new things about her boyfriend as they settled into their new home. The most surprising was probably that he was a little bit of a hoarder. He still had a surprising amount of Autumn's things from when she was a teenager, not to mention most of what he had moved out of Roger's house with, awards they had won at school, and books. So, so many books.
One in particular caught her attention as she was scanning his bookshelf one night. "Reece?"
"Why do you have the world's oldest copy of Alice in Wonderland?"
Reece immediately came out of the kitchen, looking a little alarmed. "Don't touch that." Marjorie took her hand away from it, surprised. She turned to look at Reece, raising an eyebrow. He sighed. "It's... It was my mother's. She used to read a chapter to me and Autumn every night before she left, and then I started to reading it to Aut until she said she was too old for that. I know it's stupid and I should just get rid of it, but..."
"But it's something special to you," Marjorie finished the thought with a small, reassuring smile. "And that's okay."
"I'm pretty sure if I even opened it now it would fall apart. That was Mum's copy from before we were born. And it's not like I knew how to take care of books when I was a kid."
"But it's something special to you," Marjorie repeated. "And that's okay."
Some tension eased out of Reece's shoulders, and he relaxed as he realized Marjorie wasn't going to deride him for being so sentimental. "Yeah. I guess."
He went back into the kitchen to finish dinner, and Marjorie returned her attention to the bookshelf. It was a hardcover copy that had clearly seen better days — there were rips along the top of the spine and down the middle from years and years of loving use. She knew Reece didn't have many good memories from his childhood, so obviously this had been something special to him.
And it made her think back to her conversation with Winter about gestures. Maybe there was something she could do with this.
* * * * * * *
Autumn knew that voice. It was Marjorie's "I need a favor" voice. She sighed. "Yes, Marjorie?"
"I was wondering if you could help find something."
"Depends on what it is."
"A copy of Alice in Wonderland printed in the nineteen-sixties."
Autumn paused mid-type and turned slowly to look at Marjorie, who was giving her an "innocent" smile. "That's specific. You could easily find editions that were printed later for probably far cheaper."
"Well... I'd like it to be that one."
Marjorie knew Autumn didn't like talking about her childhood. Sometimes she felt like she was cheating by learning things through Reece. But this was for him, and surely that would make Autumn more willing. Right?
"Reece has this really, really worn out copy, and I was thinking I might... replace it."
Autumn raised an eyebrow, x-ray gaze scanning Marjorie over. "He didn't tell you anything about why he has that copy?"
"Erm, well..." The Jedi mind trick did not work on Marjorie. But intimidation certainly did. "Yeah, fine, he told me it was your mother's."
Autumn pressed her lips into a firm, thin line. "Of course he did."
"And look, I'm sorry that him talking about the past inevitably puts me in a position to learn things you probably don't want to tell me. But I'm not going to tell him to stop talking, and you must known it was a possibility."
"Knowing something doesn't mean I have to like it."
"Fair. But I stand by it. So can you help me? I have no idea where to even start looking for something like that."
Autumn sighed and turned back to her computer. "I'll see what I can do."
That was the best Marjorie could ask for from Autumn. She turned back to her computer, chewing on her thumbnail. If this didn't work, it was no big deal. It was probably a silly idea anyway. But she really wanted it to work.
* * * * * * *
Autumn came in the next morning and put a book on Marjorie's desk. "Here."
Marjorie looked down at the book, blinking a few times. The title Alice In Wonderland looked back up at her.
"How on earth did you...?"
"I bought it several years ago at a used bookstore in London. I was also a little drunk at the time, but I must have been thinking of Reece when I saw it. That tradition always meant more to him than it did to me."
She went to sit at her desk. Marjorie looked at her, and then at the book again. "Autumn—"
"I'm not having an emotional moment with you, Marjorie."
"Right. Of course. Cheese?"
"That'll be fine."
* * * * * * *
Marjorie got home before Reece Friday night and set right to work. She couldn't cook, but she could order his favorite take out. She could make sure the house was perfectly clean and the food was set out for him by the time he stepped into the house.
"Hey gorgeous." He kissed her as he toed off his shoes. "Did you order Chinese?"
"Yup. We're having a nice night in."
Reece smirked. "I already like where this is going."
"Get your mind out of the gutter. I have other plans."
Reece pouted.
They discussed their days while they ate, but Marjorie made sure to keep it light-hearted. She wanted Reece to be relaxed and in a good mood. He seemed happy not to get into anything too deep or frustrating.
"All right, go shower while I clean up," Marjorie said, waving Reece off once he had finished eating. He raised an eyebrow.
"You're going to clean? Really?"
"Yes, really. Go."
He definitely expected Marjorie to join him, but that wasn't in the plans. She cleaned up the kitchen quickly, then went upstairs to change into her own pajamas (one of Reece's shirts), and then tucked the book under her pillow so it was right there for her to grab once they were settled.
Reece emerged from the bedroom, freshly showered, his eyes immediately drawn to Marjorie lying in bed. "Turning in early?"
"Yup, and so are you. C'mere."
He crawled into bed with her and started to lean in for a kiss; Marjorie pressed a hand against his face to lightly push him back.
"Nope. Lie down and close your eyes."
"You're being cruel," Reece grumbled, but he did as he was told. "What's this all about?"
"Ssshhh." Marjorie took the book out and opened it to the first chapter. "Just relax. You ready?"
"For what?"
Marjorie rolled her eyes at his petulant tone and started reading. "Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank—"
Reece's eyes shot open and he sat up, immediately zeroing in on the book. "Where did you...?"
"If I told you, it would ruin the romance. Are you going to lie down and let me read to you or what?"
Reece stared at her for a long moment, stunned. Then he smiled and laid back down, shifting so his head was in Marjorie's lap. Perfect. She played with his hair as she started again.
"Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do..."

Snapshots of a life, lived
FanfictionA series of oneshots from The Nursery Nurse. Seasons of Love: Winter's and Autumn's story, from Winter's point of view. Girls' Night: Marjorie, Autumn, and Charlotte head to the pub for a girls' night out. The Hardest Day: Autumn goes through the se...