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SPOILERS: For the 11/27 10pm video.

TRIGGERS: Miscarriage, mentions of self harm.

It wasn't often that Charlotte called in the middle of the day. Not that Mia didn't want to hear from her girlfriend all the time, but she usually like to spend her lunch talking to her co-workers. Maybe everyone else was busy today.

Mia took a moment to admire the picture she'd set as Char's caller ID photo - her laughing at something that Mia hadn't been paying attention to because why would she look away from the most beautiful woman in the world? - before she answered. "Hey you."

"Hi." Charlotte sounded upset. It immediately put Mia on edge.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Who do I have to kill.

"Down, Mia." There was a faint note of amusement in the words. "Nothing happened... to me, anyway. Remember I told you that I think Autumn's pregnant?"

And Mia had nearly imploded from all the conflicted feelings? Because of course she was happy for Autumn but it had also brought up the sadness Mia often felt about them not being as close as they were before. When she was younger she had always imagined a future where Reece's and Autumn's kids called her Aunt Mia, and her own kids referred to them as Uncle Reece and Aunt Autumn. Not that she wanted children now (although step-children were certainly in the cards), but she'd never get to be Aunt Mia to any kids Reece or Autumn had.

"Yeah, I remember," was what she said to Charlotte.

"Well I was right. But Marjorie told us today that she had a miscarriage."

The ground felt like it was spinning out from under Mia's feet. She sat hard on the edge of the bed, staring at the wall, trying to figure out what to feel. She settled on angry, because that was what she did best. Why did the universe keep taking things away from Autumn?

"Is... Is she okay?"

"I haven't seen her in a few days. Marjorie said she's coping in her own way, but obviously she's upset. Winter said basically the same thing when I asked him."

"Wait is Winter at work? Is Autumn alone?" That absolutely insensitive prick. How could he leave Autumn alone when she was vulnerable? He must have seen the scars by now! He must have known what happened when Autumn was upset and alone-

"Reece is with her today."

The anger cooled slightly. Autumn wasn't alone. Good. Reece knew what she was capable of doing to herself. He wouldn't let her out of his sight. "Okay. Good."

"Are... you okay?" Charlotte asked. Mia immediately straightened up. She hadn't realized how far she'd hunched over.

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because I know you still care about Autumn, and it's terrible when someone we love is suffering and there's nothing we can do to help them."

Charlotte knew her too well. That should have scared Mia. Another person knowing her that well should have been terrifying. Instead, it made her feel warm.

"Maybe we could... send her flowers." Autumn must have received flowers from someone since prom night. Winter seemed like the gushy type to bring home "just because" flowers he saw while he was shopping. But she hadn't received flowers from Mia. It was different. She wasn't sure how, but it was different.

"I think she'd like that," Charlotte agreed. "Why don't I go to the shop after work and video call so you can help pick them out. I'm sure you know what she'd like better than I do."

"Yeah. That sounds good."

It wasn't much. But it would have to be enough. Mia had long ago lost the right to care about Autumn and would probably never be able to earn it back. This had to be enough.

* * * * *

"Can you believe her?"

Mia was ranting as she paced around the living room. She had come home from buying flowers completely enraged, and Charlotte understood why once she got the full story. Marjorie had told her about the complaint and it was infuriating. She also knew it had been a big step for Autumn to agree to put that announcement in the newsletter. And now someone was trying to make her feel bad about it? After everything that had happened?

"Did you see Autumn today?" Mia turned to look at Charlotte. "Did she seem okay?"

"She seemed like Autumn," Charlotte said truthfully. "Marjorie said she did seem a little upset about the complaint, but she moved on fast."

"Of course she did. She's always been like that, you know." Mia shook her head, still pacing. "I'm going to punch that mother if I see her again. How dare she act like Autumn doesn't deserve to share the news? And you know damn well that if it was her she'd be posting all about it and bragging to everyone she sees because that's just how people like that act. Rules for thee, not for me. I should have yelled at her more. What a miserable bitch."


Mia finally stopped and looked at Charlotte again, raising an eyebrow. "What are you smiling about?"

Charlotte hadn't realized she was smiling. But she wasn't surprised. "I just think it's sweet that you care so much about Autumn."

And it was a little sad that Autumn might never know. Charlotte could tell Autumn that Mia cared, and Autumn could probably figure some of it out for herself. But she'd probably never know that Mia went to bat for her against this mother. She'd never know that Mia desperately wanted to be Aunt Mia. Because Mia would never tell her - she'd never believe she deserved that spot in Autumn's life after everything that had happened.

Charlotte, on the other hand, fully believed that Autumn deserved to know how much Mia loved her. And Mia deserved to know that Autumn still loved her too. In her own way.

But Charlotte couldn't fix all the problems between the Knight siblings and Mia. She could only encourage Mia to keep taking steps and hope that eventually it worked out.

She had a pretty good feeling that Mia would be Aunt Mia, though.

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