Mia paused to take a deep breath before turning to look at the girl behind her. "Yeah, Aut?"
"I know you've been busy—" Because that was what Mia said every time Autumn asked for something now. That she was busy and Autumn had to learn how to do things for herself. "And it's really last minute. But someone asked me to go to prom with him, and I need help getting ready. Do you think you could come over Friday?"
Mia wanted to scream. To tell Autumn the truth, to save her from this inevitable heartbreak. But Roger had promised her information about her father if she just played along with his crappy plan. She could only hope Autumn would understand when all of this was done. And if she didn't... Mia kind of deserved to have Autumn hate her, didn't she?
"Yeah." Mia cursed herself inwardly. "Yeah, of course Autumn. I'd love to help you."
Autumn's anxious expression brightened, and Mia hated herself even more. "Thank you, Mia."
She hurried off toward home. Mia watched her go, biting her tongue. Autumn would understand. Or she wouldn't. And Mia would deserve whatever she got.
* * * * *
It wasn't often that Mia saw Autumn actually excited for something. She'd spent most of her life learning to temper her expectations, because nothing ever worked out the way it was supposed to. Roger made sure of that. God forbid his children actually enjoy life.
But she was excited tonight. She was almost vibrating when she opened the door to Mia. Roger must not have been home. "I brought all my makeup," Mia said, holding up the bag in her left hand. "And wine." She held up the bag in her right hand. "Only one glass though."
Autumn beamed and grabbed Mia's hand to pull her inside.
"I don't want to get too involved with my hair, but do you think you could braid it like you did for that dinner Father made me go to last year? I already heated up the hair straightener."
"That sounds like a great idea," Mia agreed. "Let's do it."
She had decided she was going to make this the best night ever, because it was probably the last night they would ever spend together. Wine was poured, chocolate was broken out, and their favorite music was playing in the background as they settled in front of the bathroom mirror. Autumn's leg was bouncing as she sat. Mia rested a hand on her shoulder to keep her still.
Autumn really had beautiful hair. Mia had done it up for her before and always enjoyed working with it. "That's not too much, is it?" she asked as she clamped a strand of hair in the straightener and pulled it down.
"No, it's fine." Autumn took a sip of her wine. She really was too young to be dreaming, but Mia and Reece had agreed that it was going to happen anyway and it might as well happen in a controlled environment, with people who could take care of her. And it was just one glass. "Thank you so much for doing this."
"Of course, Aut. I'm always happy to help you."
Autumn was quiet for a moment, her eyes on her lap. "You're not mad at me, are you?"
Fuck. "What? Absolutely not. What would you have even done?"
The girl shrugged. "I don't know. But you've been acting weird lately. I didn't really think you'd want to come over tonight. If I did something..."
"You didn't," Mia said immediately. She set the hair straightener down and knelt so she was eye to eye with Autumn in her chair. "Seriously. Whatever happens, I need you to know that you did nothing wrong. I love you. Okay?"

Snapshots of a life, lived
FanfictionA series of oneshots from The Nursery Nurse. Seasons of Love: Winter's and Autumn's story, from Winter's point of view. Girls' Night: Marjorie, Autumn, and Charlotte head to the pub for a girls' night out. The Hardest Day: Autumn goes through the se...