Chapter Eight

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An hour later, Clara has me in a tight black dress

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An hour later, Clara has me in a tight black dress. My hair is curled, and she is currently in front of my face with her tongue stuck out in concentration, like Mikey's little brother's used to do when he was focusing on colouring.

"Your eyes are so pretty, and this eyeliner makes them stand out even more."

"My eyes are brown."

"Your eyes are golden brown, like honey. There's a difference."

I sneak a look in the mirror, but Clara blocks my view.

"Ah ah ah, not until I'm done!"

She finishes doing my eyeliner and mascara and dabs foundation over my face.

"Holy effing shit!" Clara says, pulling away to admire her work. "You are so hot!"

I stand up, pulling my dress down my thighs, making sure the scars on my legs are hidden, and take in my appearance. I look like me but with taste. I definitely wouldn't say hot, though—just a little bit of an upgrade.

"We need to take a selfie!" Clara pulls out her iPhone and bends down slightly to match my height in the mirror. She snaps a photo, looks at it, and then takes another.

"Ah, we are such babes," she exclaims, and I smile as she taps away on her phone, doing god knows what. I wish I had her confidence too. But if I looked like her, I'm sure I would.

"Let's go have some more pre-drinks!" she says as she pulls me across the room to her little bar fridge hiding in the dark.

"Let's go have some more pre-drinks!" she says as she pulls me across the room to her little bar fridge hiding in the dark

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Stepping into the party, I can feel all eyes on Clara and some even on me. I suddenly feel uncomfortable. I usually don't wear makeup because I don't want people to think I'm trying to look good and failing. But right now, I'm standing here next to my supermodel friend and I feel like I'm exactly that—trying to look good and failing. If I wasn't wearing makeup, at least people would know I'm not trying. I feel like that's more acceptable somehow.

Ted and Cass appear in front of us with red cups in their hands. What's the deal with the red cups? Why are they EVERYWHERE? Ted grabs both of us by our hands and spins us around, twirling us with our fingers. Cass whistles at us.

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