𝒫𝑒𝓇𝒾𝑜𝒹 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇

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It had been one of those mornings where the world outside seemed distant, shrouded by the heavy clouds. The rain tapped lightly against the bedroom window, a rhythmic sound that should have been soothing, but instead, it only heightened the discomfort brewing inside of you.

You curled up tighter under the blankets, willing the aching in your lower abdomen to stop. Your period had arrived, bringing with it waves of cramps that felt relentless, sharp pangs radiating from your core. Despite having dealt with this once a month for years, it always felt new somehow—like your body's way of reminding you who was in control.

Beside you, Eric stirred. He'd been working on some music late into the night, trying to perfect a rhythm that had been stuck in his head for days. Normally, his mornings were slow, dragging himself from the bed with a lazy stretch before heading to the kitchen for coffee. But today, you noticed the subtle shift in his movements. He turned over, facing you, and his eyes fluttered open, immediately locking onto your figure buried under the blankets.

"Hey, baby," he mumbled, voice thick with sleep. His hand reached out, resting on the curve of your waist, a gesture so simple yet grounding.

You let out a quiet sigh, shifting to meet his gaze. "Morning."

Eric frowned softly. "You okay?" His thumb began tracing gentle circles on your hip, always tuned in to even the smallest change in your demeanor.

You bit your lip, wondering if you should tell him or brush it off. But you didn't need to. He had learned you well, especially on days like this.

"Period?" he asked softly, his voice laced with concern but gentle, like he didn't want to push if you weren't ready to talk about it. You nodded, feeling a bit vulnerable but comforted by his intuition.

"Yeah. Cramps are bad this time," you admitted, closing your eyes briefly as another wave of pain hit.

Eric let out a sympathetic hum, his hand moving from your waist to your belly. He didn't say anything, didn't need to. The warmth of his palm pressed against your skin through your shirt, and he began to massage lightly, his fingers moving in slow, careful circles.

"Poor thing," he murmured, pressing a soft kiss to your temple. "Why didn't you wake me?"

"You were up late," you replied, voice small. "Didn't want to bother you."

Eric smiled, that familiar tender curve of his lips that always made your heart feel lighter. "You could never bother me. You know that, right?"

You nodded, but the small twinge of guilt still lingered. "I know."

For a while, you just lay there in the quiet, listening to the sound of the rain and Eric's steady breathing. His hand never left your stomach, continuing its soothing motions. It didn't make the cramps disappear, but the act itself, the care he put into it, made the pain feel a little more bearable.

Eventually, he shifted, his warmth leaving your side as he sat up. You opened your eyes, watching him stretch his arms over his head, his tousled hair falling into his face. He glanced down at you with a soft smile.

"Stay right here, alright? I'll be right back."

You didn't even have the energy to protest, just nodded and snuggled deeper into the blankets, grateful for the way Eric always seemed to know what to do. You could hear him shuffling around in the kitchen, the clinking of mugs and the soft hum of the kettle heating up water.

When he returned, he had a steaming mug of herbal tea in one hand and a heating pad in the other. He knelt beside the bed, placing the mug carefully on the nightstand before pressing the heating pad into your hands.

"I figured this might help a little," he said, his voice filled with that sweet concern that made your chest tighten.

You smiled weakly, taking the heating pad and settling it against your stomach. The warmth spread through you, easing the sharpness of the cramps just a bit.

"Thank you," you murmured, meeting his eyes.

Eric climbed back into bed beside you, pulling the covers back over the both of you. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, gently pulling you into his chest. You leaned into him, letting the comfort of his body and the heat of the pad work together to ease the ache. He pressed a kiss into your hair, holding you close, and his fingers traced lazy patterns on your arm.

"I was thinking," Eric began, his voice soft and thoughtful, "we could just take it easy today. Stay in bed, watch a movie. No pressure to do anything. I'll make sure you have everything you need."

You let out a small laugh, the sound muffled against his chest. "You're spoiling me."

"You deserve it," he replied simply, brushing his lips against your forehead. "And I want to make sure you're comfortable."

His words made your heart swell with appreciation. Eric had always been like this—so attentive, so giving, never making you feel like you had to hide your pain or discomfort. He saw you, really saw you, and that kind of care was something you had never taken for granted.

You nodded, feeling a little lighter. "That sounds perfect."

For the rest of the morning, you stayed wrapped in his arms, the steady beat of his heart lulling you into a sense of peace. The pain still came in waves, but with Eric beside you, rubbing your back, pressing soft kisses to your cheeks, it felt like you could manage it.

As the day wore on, Eric kept his promise. He made you a simple lunch, warmed up more tea, and never once left your side for too long. When the cramps flared up again in the afternoon, he was there, pulling you into his lap and letting you curl up against him as he murmured soothing words in your ear.

And as evening fell, with the rain still tapping lightly against the windows, you found yourself feeling a little better. Not because the pain had completely faded, but because of the unspoken understanding between you and Eric. He didn't need to be asked; he just knew how to take care of you, knew when to be there and when to give you space.

Lying in bed together, you pressed a kiss to his cheek, feeling more than a little grateful. "Thank you for today," you whispered, your voice full of warmth.

He smiled, his fingers brushing a strand of hair from your face. "Anytime, babe. I'll always be here."

And in that moment, you believed him with every fiber of your being.

𝙴𝚛𝚒𝚌 𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚛 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛                      ★ 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝 𝙲𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 ★Where stories live. Discover now