One kiss

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"Go left now" said Chuuya. They reached a clearing overlooking Yokohama. It ended in a sheer dropoff. The jet black Mercedes was parking there. On the edge sat Akutagawa. The two got out of the car and walked towards him. The pale boy gave them a somber look.
"Hey Akutag-" said Atsushi but he was cut off. Chuuya pounced on Akutagawa. His eyes widened. The redhead got him in a headlock.
"You dumbass, your little stunt made us all worry" cried out Chuuya "Don't ever do this again!" his headlock slowly turned into a hug. Akutagawa smiled. "I didn't mean to worry you guys, I just wanted some alone time"

"You didn't really sound like that dummy" said Atsushi.

The pale boy chuckled. "I'm sorry for that Atsushi-kun, I hope I can make up for it" he winked.

Atsushi shook his head. "You are an idiot" he smiled.

Akutagawa pet Chuuya's hand. His head was taking on an unnatural blue color. "Chuuya-san... you... are choking me out"

The redhead let him go. "Oh sorry" he was a bit embarassed "I'm just glad you are okay"

Akutagawa smiled. "Chuuya-san could you go back and tell the others I'm okay?" he said "I'd like to be alone with Atsushi"

Atsushi's eyebrows raised. It was a suprise, but a welcome one nontheless. He felt butterflies in his stomach.

Chuuya pet Akutagawa's head. "Okay but I will borrow your car"

The pale boy nodded. "As you wish"

The redhead got in the Mercedes. "Use protection idiots!" he yelled at them. And drove off.

Akutagawa chuckled and looked at Atsushi. The boy's face was red. This made Akutagawa crack up.

"D-don't laugh at me" cried out Atsushi embarassed.

The pale boy smiled at him. "Alright"

The city lights danced in his black eyes. He grabbed Atsushi's hand and lead him to the cliff's edge. This made the boy blush even harder. They sat down there.

Atsuhi was stunned by emotions. An hour ago this guy was screaming at him. And now he's holding his hand and sitting in this beautiful location. And why does it feel so good. It was nothing like when he hugged Dazai. Then he felt comfort and safety. But this was something else. Akutagawa's cold pale hand made his heart burn. His eyes were like an abyss. And if you stare into the abyss long enough the abyss stares back at you.

"I'm really sorry about what happened after the race" the pale boy said "I was childish and a sore loser" a tear formed in his eye "I regretted it immediately"

Atsushi smiled at him, and squeezed his hand lightly. "It's all right" he said "It is quite mature to admit to your faults"

Akutagawa's eyes lit up. "You really think so?" A tear rolled down his face. "I was worried that you'd hate me"

"Why would I?" Atsushi chuckled. "I didn't really understand your actions, but I tought you had you reasons"

Akutagawa looked at him thankfully. "You are such a good person Atsushi-kun" his eyes lit up and smiled playfully. He leaned close to Atsushi's ear. And he whispered:
"You know what good people get?"
The hairs stood up throughout Atsushi's body. He made a clumsy smile. It made Akutagawa chuckle.
He grabbed Atsushi's chin gently.
The boy was lost in his black eyes, but this touch made Atsushi even more flustered. Akutagawa smiled. His face inched closer to Atsushi's. He gave the boy's cheekca little kiss.

Atsushi felt his warm lips, which made him turn red immediately. The butterflies in his stomach went crazy. Warmth spread out in his body, starting from the location of the kiss. He was lost in the moment.

Akutagawa chuckled. "You are such a cute boy Atsushi-kun" he pet his head "there's more where this came from"
Atsushi was still in a daze. But Akutagawa's touch snapped him out of it.

"What were you saying" he asked innocently.

This made Akutagawa crack up. "You've never been kissed before Atsushi-kun?"

Atsushi shook his and looked down. "I haven't"

"Well than be glad that I was your first" he said proudly "the next street racing champion of Japan"

"No if I have a say in that" chuckled Atsushi.

Akutagawa slapped his back. "Wishful thinking my friend"

They both laughed.

"Shouldn't we go back to watch the results?" asked Atsushi

"Sure" answered Akutagawa "I'm curious who will I be defeating in the next round"

They drove back to the parking lot. Joking and chuckling all the way.

They arrived just in time. They parked next to the Lamborghini, or what was left of it. It was totaled.

"Dazai-san was right" Atsushi tought.

They met up with the others.

"Right on time boys" said Dazai imitating Kunikida. Everybody laughed. Even the subject of the imitation.

A huge crowd stood before the stage in anticipation. Our group could only get a spot on the edge. Everybody was excited. Suddenly the old man lil Kubik stepped on the stage. His voice rang through the whole place. The crowd cheered

"This was a great race! We saw a lot of high level maneuvers. But now comes what we had been all waiting for: the results! As you know only the top three teams advance into the next round. I don't wanna waste your time anymore so let's get into it!"

The crowds excitement grew. People tried to get closer to the stage but all was in vain. These movements sent Dazai and Atsushi adrift from the rest of the group. They nearly got separated but Dazai grabbed the boy's shoulder and pulled him close. Thanks to his quick thinking they were now squished together.

"Dazai-san, I feel like the electrons in a neutron star" cried out Atsushi "and you are the proton I'm gonna be merged with"

Dazai chuckled. "We will be a pretty neutron" he wrapped his arms around Atsushi, who did the same.

The boy shut his eyes tightly. He was still bad at handling crowds. But with Dazai's hug it was like a dream. They were constantly pushed into each other so it kinda felt like an impossibly tight hug.

Suddenly the crowd stopped. Giving the two a much needed breather. Atsuhi emerged from the hug to see better. Dazai still had an arm around him making him feel safe.

The announcer's voice boomed:

"It's time for the results!"

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