The podium

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"On the third place coming up with a fiery run: Mauvika and Peruer!"

Two girls stepped on the stage. One had a flaming red hair. While the other misterious light gray. They both had an air of elegance to them. Lil Kubik the announcer led them to their place on podium. Atsushi was nervous. They looked so competent, he really didn't believe he could have a better time than them.

"On the second place: even with a broken down car and having to finish the race on foot coming up Akutagawa and Chuuya!"

Atsushi's eyes widened. The realization has set in. He and Kunikida defeated them. This could only mean one thing. Dazai looked at him with pride and excitement. He knew it too. Atsushi hugged him screaming.


Dazai wrapped an arm around him and pet his back.

"I'm so proud of you Atsushi-kun"

His voice was drowned out by the announcer.

"And finally! After some crazy drifting and breathtaking run. On the first place coming up: Atsushi and Kunikida!"

The boy pushed through the crowd with Dazai's help. The spectators were going wild. Just before the stage Atsushi met up with Kunikida. The blonde man slapped his back.

"Congrats kid on your first victory!"

They climbed up the stage. The crowds cheers were defeaning. The flash of cameras blinded the boy. They shook hands with the other winners. Akutagawa winked at him, making Atsushi blush. Finally they climbed up on the podium.

The old man's voice boomed through the crowd.

"These are the teams whom will advance into the quarter-finals. Their capabilities are exceptional. Wish them luck and be sure to follow their racing in the next stages too! The quarter-finals will be held one week from now in Shibuya!"

After the ceremony the champions left the stage. Atsushi literally jumped Dazai. The man nearly fell on his back. He laughed. Suddenly the boy felt another arm on his back: Kunikida joined the hug.

"Never knew you were like this Kunikida" noted Dazai chuckling.

"Shut up Daz-" he was interrupted by Junichiro who jumped onto them.

"I can't believe you won, you guys are truly on another level! he shouted."

Dazai broke out of the hug and shouted:

"Party at my place! We're going till dawn!"

The others cheered.

They started walking back to their cars. The conversation is lighthearted.  Suddenly a yellow BMW M3 g80 pulled up beside them. It rolled down it's window and someone called out from inside.

"Atsushi Nakajima we have an offer for you!"

The boy jumped in suprise. Dazai looked suspiciously.

"Who the hell are you?" he asked

"Oh excuse my rudeness I haven't even introduced myself" said the stranger while opening the door.

An androgynous looking person stepped out. They had their white hair in a bowlcut.

"I'm Uraume, representative of Shrine l.l.c." they said in an upbeat voice.

"And what would your company want from us?" asked Junichiro still a bit suspicious.

Uraume smiled "Well Boss saw your racing and he was blown away by Atsushi-san's driving. So we'd like to sponsor your team."

Atsushi stood dumbfounded. Was he that good that now big companies want to sponsor him. He couldn't believe this.

"We will give it a tought" said Dazai.

"Okie" beamed Uraume "I will schedule you an appointment with the Boss. You can discuss the details with him"

"We'll be there" said the bandaged man "but you better be a legit company"

Uraume chuckled "Oh we sure are. I'm looking forward to our meeting" they waved and drove away.

"Atsushi-kun you're built differently" said Junichiro with pride "getting a sponsor after your fist race. It's crazy!

The boy blushed. "I never thought something like this would happen."

Junichiro slapped his back. "No need to be so humble, you are the best!"

They made their way back to Dazai's flat laughing all the way. Atsushi just noticed that he hadn't heared the headmaster's voice in a long time. Altough he was glad for that.

At Dazai's place they started doing shots in celebration. Atsushi haven't really drank before, but he couldn't pass it up now. This was his night after all. Junichiro poured him a new everytime he finished one.

"Junichiro-kun please stop before I die!" laughed Atsushi

"It's literally just water!" shouted Junichiro.

Nontheless Atsushi was knocked out before midnight. Junichiro chuckled nervously.

"Never knew he was this lightweight"

"Compared to you everyone is one, dumbass" cried out Kunikida

They both laughed.

"I will take him to sleep, he probably won’t be able to go home today"

"But no funny business Dazai!" shouted Junichiro. "We will be listening with Kunikida-san" the blonde man nodded in agreement.

Dazai chuckled. "I don't even like guys!" he exclaimed "my dream is to commit double suicide with a beautiful lady!"

The two burst out in laughter.

"You and Atsushi sure looke like boyfriends sometimes" noted Kunikida.

"Yup yup" doubled down Junichiro.

Dazai sighed. "Source?"

Junichiro rolled on the floor in laughter. "My source is that I made it the fuck up!"

The bandaged man chuckled too. He walked to Atsushi and picked him up gently. "He's unexpectedly light" he thought. His heart sank from the realization. He hugged the boy before setting him down in the bed.

"I will make sure that you never have to suffer like that again" he whispered.

In the living room the situation was unchanged. Junichiro cackled on the ground, and Kunikida laughed at him. Dazai joined them. They spent the rest of the night cheerfully. At 3 am Junichiro stumbled home. Kunikida help him not to get lost. Dazai chuckled when he bid farewell to them.

He closed his door, and threw out the empty bottles. "Did we really drink this much?" he thought. After that he brushed his teeth and went to sleep.

Atsuhi muttered something when he sat down on the bed. It sounded like:

"Ashshuuhshgaff Beethoven"

It made Dazai chuckled. He put on the blanket on the boy. He couldn't help but pet his head. Atsushi was so cute while sleeping. The man laid diwn beside him and quickly fell asleep.

Bungou Stray Dogs: Love RaceWhere stories live. Discover now