The first rodeo

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It was weird for Atsushi to have a whole night's sleep. Usually he was woken up by the orphanage staff at random times of the night. He only had a beaten down mattress, but for him it felt like the softest luxury bed.

The boy woke up late in the morning. Well rested, and unexpectedly happy. What he did to Dazai yesterday only hurt a bit.

"I shouldn't get worked up about so little things" he tought a bit annoyed "even he said it was okay"

Atsushi stretched. He looked around. The little flat was still dark but familiarity made it a little more welcoming. He went to the kitchen, just to realize he didn't have any food. He sighed.
"I gotta figure something out"
He poured a glass of water. It way quite the unsatisfying breakfast. He looked around in the cupboards. Maybe ge could find something. Well he found a can of beans. He didn't have a can opener. He chuckled sadly.

Someone knocked at the door.
"It must be Dazai" he tought happily.
The boy opened the door. There stood Dazai and Kunikida.
"Hey guys!" smiled Atsushi while waving.

"Hi Atsushi-kun!" said Dazai, he had his contagious smile on his face

" 'morning Atsushi-kun" said Kunikida with his signature frown.

"So whats the plan?" asked Atsushi.

"Well, first we have to check out your car" said the brunette while he made a one with his index finger "and then we will teach you how to drive"

"Okay then we should head to the garage" said the excited boy

The three went down the stairs. Atsushi wondered what did Dazai mean by "amazing" car yesterday. His excitement grew with each step. Finally they reached his garage.

"Do the honors Atsushi-kun!" said Dazai jokingly.

The boy put the key into it's hole and slowly turned it. The two men stood behind him. He could feel their excited gazes. The door was a bit jammed so Atsushi had to pull really hard. But finally it was open.

"Wow" exclaimed Dazai.

Kunikida adjusted his glasses. "It is truly amazing" he said.

Atsushi couldn't form words. Was this really his car? He could not believe his eyes. Before him parked a BMW. You can't really see one like this on the streets. It's white color contrasted the darkness of the garage.

"It's a 520i E34" noted Kunikida. "It fits the son of the Beast well.

Dazai's eyes glittered in amazement. "I could only wish for a car like this" he exclaimed "My Civic can't even compete with it's beauty"

"After all my parents cared about me" Atsushi tought. He walked around the car. Appreciating every little detail.

"We should pop the hood and see what she got!" said the excited Dazai.

"No need for that" said Kunikida matter of fact "I know everything about this car"

Dazai's eyes widened with suprise. Atsushi looked at the blonde man.
"Have you seen it before?"

Kunikida scoffed. He adjusted his glasses and looked at the boy with a stern look. "It was the car that gave me my first defeat"

"So thats why are you so pissed when you see a BMW on the street" Dazai interjected. "You act all mature but you are still butthurt about that" he laughed.

"Shut up Dazai" Kunikida sighed.

The bandaged man couldn't stop his laughter.

"Anyway Atsushi-kun, we should try if it still works" said Kunikida frowning.

The three boarded the car. Kunikida in the driver's seat. Atsushi on the front passenger seat. And Dazai on the backseat. He was leaning over to the first seat row. He watched Kunikida's every move with an excited face. He looked like a puppy again. "If he had a tail it would be wagging now" Atsushi tought.

Kunikida turned on the ignition. Lights lit up on the dashboard. The radio came to life.
"Thats a good sign" he said.
He pressed the clutch. Atsushi and Dazai watched intently. The blonde man rotated the key. The starter whined for a few seconds, but nothing. Kunikida tried again, still silence. He gave it a third try. Now the engine roared to life miraculosly. Relief washed over the three.

"It sounds even more beautiful than it looks" said Dazai with admiration. "You are such a lucky kid Atsushi"

The boy chuckled. Kunikida put it in gear. The car slowly rolled out of the garage. He stopped the car outside.
Atsushi looked at him questioningly.

"We need to check the tires before we can go" the blonde man explained.

Half an hour later they were in an empty parking lot. On the drive here Kunikida explained the basics so Atsushi now sat in the driver's seat wuite confidently. The blonde man sat beside him, and Dazai behind them.

"Give all you got Atsushi-kun!" exclaimed the bandaged man.

The boy smiled with determination. He put the car in gear. He let go of the clutch. Suddenly the car stopped. Atsushi looked around suprised and a bit scared.

"Did I break it?" he asked concerned.

Dazai chuckled. "Nah, you just stalled it. Beginner's mistake. You should give it more gas" he explained.

Atsushi restarted the car. Shifted first gear, and let go of the clutch now with pressing gas with his right foot. The BMW started moving. The boy was ecstatic. He gave a bit more gas. The car accelerated.

"Now press the clutch and shift second" said Kunikida.

Atsushi complied. He did it like it was second nature. He was suprised. Is it this easy? He started going circles in the lot. Kunikida instructed him to do a slalom around the streetlights. The boy did perfectly on first try.

While driving Atsushi felt a freedom he never felt before. He could control it really well. With each circle he got faster and more precise. Kunikida and Dazai looked at him with pride.

"I think you can drive home Atsushi-kun" said Dazai "you are really good."

"You are a natural Atsushi-kun" noted Kunikida.

The way home was a long downhill touge. The best way to experience your car. It was getting dark now. Atsushi turned on the headlights. Their faint orange glow illuminated the ground before them. The boy felt something he couldn't really explain.

Dazai turned on the radio. "Make up your mind" from Wain L was playing.
The feeling intensified in Atsushi. It was like an unexplained urge.

"Baby make up mind... Follow your dreams until the night is over..." the radio sounded.

Something clicked in Atsushi. Now he understood everything. He floored the gas.

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