Pedal to the metal

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The BMW flew through the night. The world stopped existing around Atsushi. It was only him, the car, the road and the music. He accelerated.

"What are you doing Astushi!?" exclaimed Kunikida "you are gonna kill us." he was holding on the handle with his life. But his words were no to no avail. Atsushi couldn't here him. He was in a flow state. Dazai just sat slightly smiling.

A sharp right turn was approaching.
"SLOW DOWN ATSUSHI!" screamed Kunikida. His words encountered deaf ears yet again. He closed his eyes and prayed.

Atsushi saw the turn. He downshifted, and braked. The car barely took the turn. When he got out of it he floored it. The engine roared, tires screeched.
He shifted with proficiency. The car was going 90 now.

Kunikida screamed. Dazai just looked with astonishment.

A hairpin turn approached. Atsushi shifted into second. And braked but it wasn't enough. Kunikida covered his eyes. The boy pulled the handbrake. The back of the BMW slid out. He controlled the car like it's second nature. The acceleration was flawless. The car literally launched away into the night.

In Atsushi's mind the world couldn't be more perfect now. The headmaster's voice was left behind by a million miles. It was replaced by the roar of the engine and the screeching of tires. The eurobeat echoed through his whole body. Adrenaline and dopamine flooded his body. He felt the freedom. The sliding of the car made his heart rush. The acceleration put him in a trance. He only woke up when he saw the gates of their house.

He stepped out of the car. The cold evening breeze tickled his face. He took a deep breath. A silent cracking could be heared. The superheated metals cooling down in the BMW.
Suddenly he felt Dazai jumping on him.
"This was absolutely awesome!" he screamed in his ear. "You agree Kunikida, don't you?"

The said Kunikida fell out of the car. "You drive just like your dad" he muttered.

Atsushi felt pride. Dazai slapped his back. "With this skill you will be a champ in no time!"

"It was not a compliment" noted Kunikida "your father's downfall was this fearless driving" he explained.

"Don't mind him" said Dazai cheekily "he just got a bit scared"

Kunikida scoffed. Atsushi smiled. He felt great. The freedom of driving and Dazai's enthusiasm made him all warm and fuzzy. He was excited to do this again.

"Kunikida find Junichiro" exclaimed Dazai "even if you have to drag him out from under his car, we are celebrating tonight"

Kunikida nodded and went away.
Atsushi chuckled and blushed. "Is this such a big event?" he asked, not really understanding the man's enthusiasm.

"Yes Atsushi-kun, your talent is one in a million" the man smiled "you are destined to great deeds"

These words stuck out to the boy. In his whole life he was told the opposite. He really started to believe it. So this was new for him.
"It was not even that hard, probably anyone could do it after me" he said blushing.

Dazai pet his head. "No one could drive this good on their first time dummy" he smiled with approval. Then something hit the both of them. Atsushi didn't get scared of Dazai's raised hand when he pet his head.
The man smiled sweetly. "Atsushi-kun, driving really did wonders on you."

"Yes" he replied suprised "I kinda wanna do it again"

Dazai chuckled. "Now now, you need to have rest champ." he said with a sweet smile.

Atsushi laughed.

"C'mon up" said Dazai "Kunikida should have found Junichiro by now"
The two walked up. At Dazai's flat the two men were waiting for them. Junichiro was a bit oily but he was smiling warmly.
"Congrats Atsushi-kun, Kunikida-san told everything about your driving"

"Thanks Junichiro-kun, this driving is crazy fun" answered Atsushi smiling.

"Junichiro-kun how's your car?" Dazai asked.

Junichiro's face darkened. "Not good" he said with a nervous smile "the rotary engine isn't the most reliable"

Dazai and Kunikida chuckled.

"Well at least your childhood dream came through" noted Dazai cheekily.

Junichiro burst out in laughter. "No one told me that this shitbox breaks down all the time when I was little"

The four went into Dazai's apartament. The bandaged man brought out some Vodka. He poured a shot to everyone.
"Tonight we are drinking to Atsushi's success" he said warmly.

"Cheers" the four said in unision and they all drank. The remainder of the night was spent cheerfully. Kunikida gave Atsushi a lot of useful tips for driving. Junichiro told him about his RX7 and all of its problems. Dazai was chuckling through the whole story. It was a usual occurance, but with time it always got longer. And the end was always that Kunikida noted that "You spend more time repairing your car than racing Junichiro"

At 1 am they all went home. Dazai stopped Atsushi.
"From tomorrow you will practice with me" he smiled "since I'm the best for the job, Kunikida is way too stern for you and Junichiro is better mechanic than racer"

Atsushi chuckled. "Alright Dazai-sensei" he winked.

The man started laughing.
"I'm glad that you enjoy yourself Atsushi-kun" he pets the boys head "you look a lot better than when you came here"

Atsushi smiled warmly. "It's thanks to you guys" he blushed "I've never had friends before"

"Than I'm glad to be your first friend" Dazai said a bit moved "I will make sure the best you could ever wish for"

Atsushi blushed. He looked at the man thankfully. "Goodnight Dazai-san"

Dazai smiled warmly. "Goodnight Atsushi-kun!"

They went on their separate ways. Atsushi closed the door behind him. He went into the bathroom. "This new life is great" he tought while undressing. He noticed his image in the mirror. It was the same old him. With his sunken eyes, pale white skin and skinny body. But contrary to before, this him was smiling. He chuckled. He continued looking.

His eyes wandered at his numerous scars. His heart twisted from them. Every one of them had a sad and painful story. He shook his head.
"Don't even think about that" his smile was quickly fading tho "I should just forget about that place"

He got into the shower. "Dazai and the others help me so much to forget, with friends like them life is not so bad" he tought. He washed himself everywhere. The warm water carassed him gently. Lastly it came it came time to wash his hair. He hated this. It made him deadly afraid to close his eyes. He didn't really know why was that. Something must have happened when his was very little.
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Fear struck his heart immediatly. He quickliy got his hair wet and opened his eyes. There was nothing before him.

Sometimes he had nigthmares with him washing his hair and a shadowy figure attacking him. He doesn't usually remember them. The only thing he can recall vividly is his complete powerlessness and the sheer terror.

"I should quit being childish" he scoffed, and washed his hair quickly.

After the shower, he laid down on his bed. And contemplated his situation in the darkness. It was short lived tho since he drifted into sleep very quickly.

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