Winner's mentality

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Atsushi arrive at the parking lot. He could see a crowd of people gathering at the stage. Dazai and Junichiro were waiting for him near an empty parking spot. Atsushi parked there. When got out of the car the two man jumped on him.
"You were awesome" yelled Junichiro in his ear. Atsuhi smiled.

Dazai pet his head. "You did even better than I expected" he smiled warmly "Akutagawa didn't stand a chance"

Junichiro slapped Atsushi's back. "The Beast's blood really flows in you.

Atsushi was happy. "It's all thanks to you guys" he blushed "Without you I would be nowhere"

The two man chuckled. Dazai checked his watch. "Kunikida should be here by now" as he spoke these words the blonde man's Yaris rolled up to them.

Kunikida jumped out with an uncharacteristic happiness.

"Guys look who needed a lift" he chuckled.

The three looked perplexed. Kunikida smiled misteriously. He opened the passenger door.

"The trashcan riding shorty himself, Chuuya Nakahara!" he said ceremoniusly.

Dazai cracked up. The other two followed suit.

Chuuya was just sitting there embarassed. His face matched his haircolor.

"Didn't we agree that you won’t call my Cybertruck that?" he cried out.

Dazai fought his laughter hard so he could ask a question:

"What's up with your PS1 ass car Chuuya?" he burst out in laughter.

"It broke down" muttered Chuuya defeated. He got out of the Yaris.

"Anyway, have you seen Akutagawa?" he asked "he wasn't at our agreed spot" he looked a bit concerned.

Dazai and Junichiro both shook their heads. "We haven't" said Dazai "but I'm sure he's okay"

Atsushi shared Chuuya's concern.
"Akutagawa-kun was in a very bad mood when we separated" he said "I tried to comfort him, but he just sped away crying"

Chuuya and Dazai looked at each other.

"This is bad" the bandaged man said.

"Yeah, this is not like him" noted Chuuya.

Atsushi looked at Dazai. "Did I do something bad?" he asked with a guilty voice. "I didn't mean make him feel bad." tears formed in his eyes.

"Maybe Akutagawa's gonna do something bad now, and its all because of him" Atsushi tought.

Dazai put his hand on the boy's shoulder. "It's not your fault, he's just really not used to defeat"

"Yeah, you just did your job Atsushi-kun" doubled down Junichiro.

"This is just part of the game" noted Kunikida while adjusting his glasses.

"Thank you guys" said Atsushi "you really made me feel better" he looked at them thankfully.

The three smiled warmly.

"But" he continued "I wanna find Akutagawa, just to make sure he's okay"

Chuuya's eyes lit up. "Then you can give me a lift" he crossed his arms "I want to do the same"

Dazai chuckled. "Classic Chuuya for you" he winked at Atsushi "he is always this opportunistic"

"Hey dumbass, I can hear you" Chuuya barked.

Atsushi smiled. "Okay, but don't you need a child seat Chuuya-san?" he asked innocently.

The three man laughed.

"I will kill you after we find Akutagawa" cried out Chuuya.

Chuuya and Atsushi sat in the BMW, and drove of.
"So Chuuya-san, do you have any idea where Akutagawa could be?" the boy asked.

"Well he has a spot what he frequents" answered Chuuya. "I can navigate you there"

"Alright then, let's hurry" said Atsushi.

"By the way Atsushi-kun, your racing was insane" Chuuya frowned "I hate to admit it but Dazai was right about you"

Atsuhi chuckled. "You really dislike Dazai-san, don't you?"

"Well let's say we have a history" Chuuya sighed. "He probably already told you about it tho, he likes to brag about that."

The boy looked perplexed. "No, he didn't even mentione you"

"Oh" Chuuya was suprised "he might have finally matured"

"He was not like this before?" asked Atsushi

Chuuya chuckled. "He was insufferable" the redhead sighed "when we were in the same team he didn't care about anything but racing, I know this because I was the same. It was probably the environment in the team what made us that way"

Atsushi was suprised. The sweet and caring Dazai was once a ruthless racer.

"But now he's nothing like that" he said.

"Well I'm glad to hear that" said Chuuya "although his humor haven't changed a bit"

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