Episode 3: New Encounters Of the Horizon

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[Luka's journal]

For the past 2 months, We've been researching and finding information about this uprising organization and their intentions. We have become aware of their tactics and make sure not to run into trouble or let anything get in the way of leading us to the truth. Recently, Meiko has been reviewing the info we have stored in the major RAM, Making sure not to miss any important details so that the equipment can be upgraded to handle stronger foes that we might encounter in the future.

I was walking through some ruins to check the damage that had been caused during an attack not too long ago. All I found were some mere gears and scrolls, along with a strange....small....glowing black hole of some sorts.....It emitted a blue aura....It seemed to be some kind of....ancient power source.......

I heard the sound of sword clashing and attacks.....Something seemed close by.....The sound came from the ruined arena not too far away. I checked to see what was causing all the commotion to find a young girl who seemed about 16-17 years old....Maybe a bit older...possibly...? She had white hair and red eyes...She was fighting a large robot that was larger in size.....She seemed to have been fighting for a long time.....I stepped in to help and finished off the robot...But the young girl hadn't fully trusted me. One had explained that one wouldn't hurt her....She lowered her dagger and then, before I knew it... She had passed out.

I brought her back to base, knowing that she needed medical attention, And quick. I rushed her to the infirmary of the base as I treated her wounds. Gekiyaku helped me treat the young girl's wounds.

I explained what had happened to the others and how I found the young girl.

Once she had woke up, Gumi asked her if she was okay or was feeling any discomfort of any kind.

She just stared at Gumi and the others. Her eyes darted around each of us until her eyes found their way to me. Her expression softened... She smiled and just said...."Thank you for saving me......" "It was no problem, All in a days work" I replied with a soft smile on my face....

"What's your name..?" Rin asked curiously. "Yowane. Yowane Haku.." Yowane said..."Yowane Haku." Kaito repeated, He seemed to trying to remember something.....He soon shrugged it off though as Len grinned, "Welcome to the Voca H.Q, Yowane!" He said as he extended his hand to shake. Yowane reluctantly shook hands with Len...seems like they're already getting along...Guess she'll be a great addition to the team!

I will be ending this journal chapter...

signed by: ☆Megurine Luka☆

(WHEEEW THAT TOOK LONG. srry for the wait again. My brain is not braining I swear. I couldn't put any artwork cuz this was rushed🥲🥲 hope u like it :))

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