{Episode 5: History of the Duke Venomania}

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On a cold night.....

Gakupo had been caught by the forces of the CRYSTAL organization..."LET ME GO!!!" He demanded as he struggled against the grip of the gaurds that were dragging him through a hallway....until they reached two large doors...The doors opened...revealing a large opera like room....there was a tall lady in a cloak that dragged across the floor. Her elbow leaned against the armrests of the throne as rested her head on the back of her palm. Her face was silhouetted due to the cloak on her head

"You must be Kamui Gakupo." The mysterious woman said in a stern tone. "How do you know my name?" Gakupo asked, Stilllll wary of his surroundings....He scanned the room if there was any way to escape this.....The door is heavily gaurded by two gaurds outside....The windows are well locked....and this is way up high....Jumping would lead to death...And, His weapons of defense were confiscated by the gaurds once he was caught.....Think Gakupo....Think....!

"I have been observing you and your friends for a while by now." The woman said.

"What do you want from me.....?" Gakupo asked, His voice wary. "To make a deal...." The woman replied. "A deal....?" Gakupo repeated.... "Why would I make a deal with a person like you...? You're the one in charge of this organization.......And look at all the damage this organzation has done?!?! Do you not realize all the damage you've caused???!?!?!?!?! I would never make a deal with yo-" His sentence was cut off by the woman holding the tip of a dagger near his thoat......The cold steel almost waking contact with his skin.  His breath caught his throat.

"Silence." The hooded woman commanded as she brought the dagger closer to his throat. The cold steel brushing against the fleshy surface.

"I'll let you live, If you choose to join us..." The woman said in a serious tone. "I would rather die in honor than live the life of a lifeless pawn for you to use in your game...." Gakupo answered coldly... The mysterious woman tightened her grip on the dagger. "Then would you be willing to risk everyone and everything you love die along with you...? Your friends....Your home.....All you care about shall burn to ash with a flick of a wrist....." Gakupo's eyes widened at the woman's statement.....He didn't want to believe it.....but it was true.....If he died....he wouldn't be able to save the people he knew and loved from the clutches of this twisted organization.....

"You wouldn't....." Gakupo said....his voice slightly shaky...

"Oh yes.... I would..." The woman said coldly as she turned on the screen behind her as it projected multiple images of the triple baka squad....and the others....with Luka...Kaito...Meiko.....and...Gumi....

Gakupo felt a lump in his throat as he stared at the images projected on the screen.....A sense of dread washed over him as he then came back to his senses, "Fine, I'll join you...." He said...he then kneeled infront of her as the mysterious woman smiled softly as she said, "May this contract be a sign of your contribution to the CRYSTAL organization. You shall be known as the charismatic and manipulative....Duke Venomania"

Duke Venomania(Kamui Gakupo) looked down as he stood next to Zatsune Miku and Banica Conchita....

He didn't want this....but this was for the greater good.....for now......He'll have to plot his next move to ensure they won't find the others.....


this story was written by Page! hope you enjoyed this episode! (I AM SO SORRY GAKUPO I HAD TO DO IT FOR THE LORE, and, while i was writting this book, I was listening to symphony :''))

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