Chapter 5

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*** Jesy's P.O.V ***

I felt pain everywhere, every part of my body ached. I was sat up against a car, back against the tyre and my legs out in front of me. I moaned and tried to find my phone, where the heck was it? I felt in my pockets until I eventually felt it. After what just happened I was surprised I could actually move.

I went into my contacts. Mum, Dad, Tulisa, Management, Jordan, Sam, Pez, Jade, Leigh. Ahh there we go. I hit call and waited for a while.

"Jesy thank God you're okay. Where the hell have you been all night? I've been worried sick!" Through the pain I smiled, she worried about me? The thought made a blush creep up onto my cheeks. "Erm I'll explain later, could you just pick me up?" I didn't exactly know how to tell her where I was. "Okay Jess, but where  are you?" I sighed. "Just drive to Tylers road. I'm erm... opposite his house." What? I couldn't exactly say 'Hey Leigh I'm injured and stuck next to a car because I cant move.' "Jesy why are you there?" Leigh asked quickly. "Just pick me up? Please?" I whispered. "Fine I'm on my way, stay there." Well it's not like I could exactly go anywhere.

*** Leigh-Anne's P.O.V ***

* 15 minutes later *

I drove into Tylers road. What the hell was she doing here? She said she was opposite his house, so in a neighbours house? I'm slightly confused. I parked a few houses away from Tylers, I didn't want him to see me.

I walked up the road, ducking behind cars and hiding behind trees. I know I'm being stupid, but the thought of him makes me sick. I carried on walking, looking into each of the houses. I didn't want to knock so I decided to ring Jesy instead.

Listen boy you can never play miss got my mind twisted
Whenever I don't answer you be leavin' messages
You don't do me right cos' you got way to many kicks
You get the wrong number "BRRR" it's unlisted
I'mma change my digits, I'mma keep you distant

That was Jesys ringtone, where was it coming from. I followed the sound. It was coming from the other side of a parked car. I walked around it, "Jesy! What the hell are you doing here? You've been here all this time?" She looked up at me and gave me a weak smile. We've got to get you to the hospital. She tried to get up and winced. I held her waist and got her onto her feet. "Thanks." She tried to walk but her knees buckled and she fell into my arms.

*** Jesy's P.O.V ***

I fell into Leighs arms. She held me tight, and squeezed my arms. She looked down at my face and into my eyes. Wow this was perfect, I stared back. Our faces started to move closer but she pulled back. "I'm sorry." She mumbled. "It's er okay." I lied, that moment was perfect. She started to walk so I did the same, but limped instead. She helped me into the car and I strapped myself in.

The journey to the hospital was awkward, so I turned on the radio.

Always be together started to play so I began to sing. "We are friends for life. Hold that deep inside, let this be a drive to survive. And just stand high and tall make sure you give your all, and if you ever fall know that im right here." I carried on singing until it finished.

"That was beautiful." Leigh smiled at me. I started to blush. "Thank you."

We parked the car and headed inside, yay the hospital again.


Thanks for reading :) @Love4LMix

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