Chapter 9

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A/N It's my watt pad Birthday! 30/04/12 - 30/04/13 :D

*** Leigh-Anne's P.O.V ***

How could she do that to me? And with Jade as well! I was going to tell her, tell her that I loved her and that management could stuff the contract. But this is what I find. Jesy and Jade kissing right in front of me.

I ran out of the house and onto the pavement. My mascara was running and my vision was becoming blurry from the tears. I leant against a lamppost and sighed. Where was Jesy now? Did she stay with Jade or is she coming to find me?

*** Jesy's P.O.V ***

I love Jade.

But only as a friend. I love Leigh more than that. I ran out of the room and down the stairs. I nearly missed a few of them. I ran to the front door and looked out. She was leaning against a lamppost with mascara stains on her cheeks. "Leigh?" I cautiously walked towards her. "What do you want?" She looked at me and then turned away. "To see you. I actually don't know why you're bothered about me kissing Jade. You don't love me. You made that pretty clear to me the other day. And if I'm not yours, I can do what I want." I looked at my feet and started to kick a stone.

Leigh looked at me, right in the eyes. "The other day I lied. I pretended not to love because I was scared. Scared about what the fans would think, scared about what the press would say and scared about our career. But most of all I was scared of hurting you. If the relationship didn't work out we'd both end up getting hurt and Jesy, I didn't want that to happen. You mean everything to me. I love you Jesy, I really love you! I love you so much it hurts me. I was coming over to apologise and tell you this, but what I saw," she looked away. "It killed me."

I was now crying. Leigh-Anne loved me. LEIGH-ANNE PINNOCK loves me! "Leigh I love you more than anything in this whole entire world. You mean everything to me. That's why I came down to see you and chose you. I love Jade but she's more of a sister. You Leigh-Anne, are who I love." She walked towards me so I opened my arms ready to embrace her in a hug. But she stopped and pushed down my arms, and then she pulled my waist towards her and kissed me. Her lips were soft against mine, it just felt right. I slid my tongue over her lips, asking for entrance. She pulled away. "Don't push your luck Nelson." She winked at me. I smiled at her and blushed. Wait Jade. "Leigh, we need to go and see Jade. Check if she's okay." Leigh-Anne hesitated but nodded.

We went up the stairs and followed the sound of crying. I signalled for Leigh to wait at the banister so I could talk alone. "Jade?" I asked, knocking on the door. "Go away." I heard her whimper. "No Jade, we need to talk. This is serious." I waited for a moment. The door then unlocked and opened. I stepped inside and found Jade curled up into a ball on Perrie's bed. "Jade, I know you're upset but listen to me. Me and Leigh, we're together now. But please don't let this change anything between us. You're still my Poopey and you always will be." I stroked her hair. She looked up at me. "But I love you Jesy. You're my everything." Her bottom lip quivered. "I love you too Jade, but I love Leigh-Anne as well. Please don't let this put you down." I lifted her up onto my knee.

She sighed but tried to crack a smile. "I won't, maybe it was just a phase anyway." She rested her head on my shoulder. "You'll find someone better Jade, trust me. But if they ever hurt you, I'll hurt them twice as hard." I Spoke in a Texan accent. She laughed and gave me a hug. "I love you Jade." "I love you too Jesy." Leigh walked in and joined us. "Jade thank you for understanding." She stroked Jade's cheek. "No you two are perfect for eachother. Lesy, it has a ring to it." We all laughed.

"Well you two love birds best be heading home, Perrie will be on her way now." We said our goodbyes and left.

Me and Leigh left, hand in hand.


2 chapters in 1 week, you lucky people ;)


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