Chapter 7

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A/N Sorry for the slow updates, school, school, school. I think I'll update every Sunday.

*** Leigh-Anne's P.O.V ***

I was woken up by the sunlight streaming through the blinds. Looks like it's gonna be a nice day, sunny and warm. I sat up and stretched my arms, what should I do today? I put on my slippers and yawned. I stood up and shuffled to the door. "Where are you going beautiful?" I turned around and saw Jesy lying in the space next to where I'd woken up from. "Did you sleep there?" I was trying to act confused.

"Yeah, we slept here. Nothing happened though. Just sleep." She smiled at me. "Erm is it weird that I don't remember anything? I mean I remember hearing you cry, but that was it." I was doing well. "So don't remember anything? Like we kissed? Leigh, WE KISSED!" She shouted. "We what? Kissed? Jesy stop lying. I'm straight. I know what Tyler did was wrong, but I can't love you like that. I'm sorry." She started to cry. I was lying. I remember kissing her, it's just, I thought about what happened last night. It was wrong. Management could ruin our career if they find out. I love Jesy, but I can't risk my career, and the fans might leave.

"Stuff your flippin' apology Leigh! Last night was special to me, and you've gone and ruined it!" She got up and ran straight past me. Shit. "Jesy wait." I ran after her but she was already in her car. 'I love you.' I wish I could tell her.

*** Jesy's P.O.V ***

How could she do this to me? She told me that she loved me. And now she's gone and destroyed my happiness. I was on my way to see Perrie, she could help me hopefully.

I knocked in the door. Come on Perrie. Come on. The door opened and Jade appeared. "Oh hey Jade. Is Perrie home?" She frowned. "No she's staying at Zayns for the night." I sighed. "Do you know when she'll be back?" "Later on tonight. But do you want to come in anyway? Talk to me instead?" I nodded, I don't want to go back and see Leigh-Anne. She opened the door wider, letting me in.

"Here have a seat." She gestured to a space on the couch next to her. "Thanks." "So what's the problem?" Jade looked at me, but it seemed like she was looking right into me. "Erm well basically, when I was last here, you were in the kitchen so I told Perrie something really important." I was about to tell Jade. "Jade, I'm gay." I closed my eyes. "Jesy! That's amazing!" Jade stood up. "What? How? Why are you so excited?" I was happy that she was happy, but what was so exciting? "Jesy, listen to me. I'm gay too! Well actually Bi-sexual."

She grabbed my hands and pulled me into a hug. "What?" I was really surprised. "I've been bi for the past two years Jess!" I smiled at her. "But Jesy why are you so sad? Being gay isn't a bad thing, it's just a part of your personality." She had calmed down now and was sitting again. "Because I fancy Leigh-Anne." When I told her, her face dropped. "Me and Leigh kissed last night and everything was great, but this morning she doesn't remember anything. She literally told me that she didn't love me and that she was straight." I sighed and leaned back into the couch.

*** Jade's P.O.V ***

How the hell could Leigh-Anne not love Jesy? I mean come on she's perfect. But Jesy likes Leigh, not me. My heart has just broke. I've been gay for two years. I've fancied Jesy for two years. As soon as I saw her I felt my heart melt, she was gorgeous.

"Jade?" Hellooooooo?" Jesy was waving her hand in front of my face. "Oh sorry, I kind off went off a bit then sorry." I gave her a weak smile. "Jade what's wrong?" Jesy looked at me. "Nothing." I lied. "Poopey tell me or else." "Or else what?" I shouldn't of asked. She pushed me on my back and started to tickle me. "Jesy s..s..stop!" I couldn't breathe. "JESY!" She just tickled me more. I pushed her off the couch but she pulled me down with her.

I was on top of her, faces inches apart. I could feel her breath on my neck. I looked into her eyes, and she looked back into mine. This felt so wrong, but it felt so right at the same time. I rolled off her and sat up. "Jade, can I sleep here tonight? I can't face Leigh." She stared at me. "Yeah sure, do you want to sleep in Perries bed?" She shook her head. "No can I sleep with you?" My heart skipped a beat. "Yeah sure." She smiled at me. I scooted over to where she was lying and lay next to her. I rested my head on her chest and smiled.

"Thank you Jade, for everything." I turned my head and looked at her. "No problem Jess." She looked down at me and chuckled. "What's so funny?" I asked. "You look cute lying there." I felt my cheeks burn. "Haha you're blushing!" Jesy started to poke my cheeks. "Stop it." We both started to laugh.

This moment was perfect.


Thank you for reading, I really like this chapter. Jadesy or Lesy? Who do you like more.

@Love4LMix <3

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