Chapter 6

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A/N I'm back at school so updates will be slow, but I'll try my best. Hope you're all enjoying this story so far. Please comment because the feedback I get really helps me. Thank you.

*** Leigh-Anne's P.O.V ***

I was outside the hospital waiting for Jesy. She was signing some forms inside, the doctor said she'll have a few bruises and has prescribed her some pain killers. Sounds okay, I just hope we don't come back here anytime soon.

I was leaning against the wall thinking about finding Jesy lying there, on her own, in the cold. A shiver ran down my spine. But there was also another thing on my mind. When I helped her up, she was about to kiss me. But the crazy thing was, I didn't pull back. I leant in and was about to kiss her. I was about to kiss Jesy Nelson. But I pulled back just before we touched. I mean I don't love Jesy in that way, right? She's like a sister to me and that's it. No more. Just friends.

Who am I kidding? Maybe I do have feelings for Jesy but I don't exactly know, I mean she'd never like me back anyway. She most probably only leant in because she didn't want to hurt my feelings.

I looked up and saw she was heading towards me. "Hey you ok?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm just really tired. Can we go home now please?" She did looked exhausted. "Yeah sure." We walked towards the car with a silence surrounding us. 

*** Jesy's P.O.V ***

Everything feels awkward now. Every moment since the attempted kiss has been silent or just strange. I just want to go to bed and sleep. 

*1 hour later*

I was sitting on the end of my bed. Just staring at the floor. I couldn't be bothered moving or getting changed. I started to think about today, because of today I think mine and Leigh's friendship has been damaged. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and land of the carpet. What if she hates me? She might move out and leave me on my own. Now tears continuously fell from my eyes. It was like the floodgates had opened.

I heard the door open and looked up. "Jesy why are you crying?" Leigh rushed over and wrapped her arms around me. "Please d..d..don't leave me." I cried into her shoulder. "Why would I leave you? You're my best friend. If I ever left you I would never forgive myself. You are of the most incredible, amazing and beautiful girls I've ever met. So don't put yourself down Jesy. I love you." I looked up into her eyes, she was beautiful. Wait, I felt myself move closer to her. But she was moving closer to me.

Our faces moved closer and closer together. Then my lips found hers and we made a connection. Our lips moved in sync and I felt myself smile into the kiss. She pulled away, crap. I was expecting her to run off or shout at me for kissing her, but she didn't. She simply smiled at me and blushed. "You don't know how long I've wanted to do that for Pinnock!" I laughed. She winked at me and quickly pecked my lips.

"I love you Leigh." I pulled her into a hug. She rested her chin into the crook of my neck. "I love you too Jesy."


THANK YOU FOR READING!! Yay they finally kissed! <3 @love4lmix

Oh yeah please don't send me hate, this is just a made up story. I'm not at all trying to turn this into a real life thing. Just imagination :)

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