Chapter 16 - Final Chapter

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This chapter is all in Jesy's POV and it's set in the future, about 50 years after Leigh was killed (don't hate me.)

I also think it would be a good idea to listen to These Four Walls or Always Be Together whilst reading this, or maybe even Nightingale.


I pick up the remote and turn off the TV in front of me. I take in a deep breath and place the remote back down. Today is Leigh-Anne's 50th anniversary. 50 years since I lost my whole world, the day everything in my life lost its meaning. 

I bet you're wondering what has happened since? Well, after trying to carry on with our career, Little Mix split up and we lost touch. Jade moved back to South Shields with Sam, her husband, and they had two beautiful twins. As for Perrie, she moved abroad with Zayn to New Zealand after their wedding. They had children and are now expecting their very own grandchildren.

And me? I tried dating after a couple of years but nothing went very far. No one could take my mind off of Leigh, no one could ever compare to her. So I moved back in with my mum for a couple of years until life took another member of my family and again, I was left on my own again. 

I moved into my own apartment and have lived here since then, all by myself. I have just recently turned 78 and even after all of these years, I still miss Leigh like mad. Hopefully I can join her, maybe sooner than expected.

I search around the couch for my walking stick until my hand touches a hard object. I use one of my hands to hold it whilst my other hand helps to push me up and off the couch. I groan as I stand up and my back stiffens. I push it back into place and make my way to my bedroom. This is the bedroom I would of shared with Leigh-Anne, this is the apartment we would of grew old together in. 

I rest my walking stick against the end of bed and slowly walk around to get in. I pull the covers back and move myself in between the mattress and the cover until I feel comfy. I pull the cover back over me and close my eyes, ready to drift into a deep sleep.


When I wake up I noticed I'm not in my room. I'm in another room that feels familiar but I can't put my finger on it. Where am I and why do I know this place? I sit up and notice how easy it is to move. I then stand up on my feet and realise that I am stronger than I was before I went to sleep. Why do I feel younger? 

I notice a mirror in the corner of the room and start to walk towards it. When I stand in front of it I gasp and almost fall backwards, I steady myself on the bed. The reflection in front of me is not me. It's a younger me. It's the 23 year old me.

A million thoughts run through my head. What is going on?! I look around the room again. This is a really weird dream! I start to head for the door when I notice a picture resting on a table. I pick it up and study it closely. The picture inside the frame is of me and Leigh. Then a thought hits me and I drop the frame on the floor and it smashes by my feet.

I know where I am. 

I'm in mine and Leigh-Anne's old bedroom.

In our old apartment. 

That's the bed that we slept in together. That's the mirror we fought over in the mornings. This is the room that held so many precious memories. Why am I here?

I looked down at the smashed picture frame and sighed. The picture in the frame was taken during our holiday to Greece for our 1 year anniversay.

"Hey, that's my favourite picture! You didn't have to smash it." I jumped at the sound of the voice. I looked up in its direction.

"Leigh-Anne?!" She was standing there, she was standing right in front of me! She looked beautiful just like she always did. "What are you doing here? Am I dreaming?!" I felt tears starting to prick at my eyes. 

"That's not the way to greet your girlfriend after not seeing her for over 50 years is it Jessica?" She smirked at me and started to make her way towards me. She stopped a couple of centimetres in front of me and reached up to wipe away the tears that were escaping from my eyes. I brought my hand up and placed in on top of hers. I buried my face in to it and she smiled.

"I've missed you so much." I whispered. She moved her hand away from my eyes and cupped my face. She leaned in and kissed me. I felt the feeling that I had missed for so many years, I felt happiness. She pulled away and rested her forehead on mine. "I've missed you too." 

I pulled her body close to me and held her tight. We stayed like that for a while until she started to speak again. "You need to come with me." She pointed to the door.

"What do you mean? I'm going to wake up soon, can't we just stay like this until I do?" I started to play with her hand. "Wait, you think you're dreaming?" She tilted her head, the way a puppy does, it was adorable. "Leigh, I am dreaming. I'm going to wake up soon and you'll gone. Again." I sat down on the bed and buried my head into my hands. 

"Jesy, I don't know how to tell you this." She sat next to me and rested her hand on my knee. "You're not going to wake up. You're coming with me and we're going to stay together. That is a promise." The words hit me hard. "I'm.... I'm dead?" I ask her, it comes out so quietly I'm surprised she even heard it. "Yes, you are. Why do you think I'm here? You're mum is waiting for us right through that door." I smiled at the thought of seeing my mum again. Maybe today wasn't as bad as it should of been. "And, so is.... Jade." She looks away. 

"Jade? Wait, what do you mean?" She can't be. No. She's at home right now with Sam. She must be, right? "I know you didn't hear about it. Last week, it was peaceful though. And now she's waiting for us. So we should go, together."

She stands up and holds out her hand. I take in a deep breath and stand up as well. I link my hand with hers and we start to move towards the door.

"You ready?" Leigh looks at me as she grasps the door handle. "I just need to do two more things." I say firmly. She looks confused and I kiss her. "That was the first thing." She blushed. "The second thing is to tell you that I love you." She smiles and opens her mouth. "I love you too." 

She twists the door handle and the door opens. Together we walk through it. Finally, I have her back. And there's no way I'm letting her go. Ever.


That's it guys. This fanfic is finished. 

Thank you for all of the reads and votes. I love you all so much - Beth.


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