Chapter 15

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I headed towards my car, swinging my keys on my finger. I can't wait until me and Jesy get home, just us, no one else. I smiled at the thought of our relationship, I'm still not over the fact that I get to call her my girlfriend. I want this relationship to last, longer than my last one anyway. 

"Hey Leigh! Wait up!" I stopped walking and froze. Was that him? No, it can't be. I slowly turned on my heel and looked behind me. It was. 

"Tyler, please. Just leave me alone!" For some strange reason, I didn't feel scared. I felt quite confindent and strong. Even feeling this way, I turned back around and started to walk away. "No, Leigh, listen to me. I'm not here to argue." He gently spun me around to face him. "I've been released on bail and I just needed to talk to you. I firstly want to apologise. I know I hurt you and I know what I did is unforgiveable but I can't bare the thought of you living life hating my guts. You never have to speak to me again, you can delete my number if you want. But, please! Please say you don't completely hate me?" His eyes were full of regret.

I know what he did was completely evil and I know Jesy wouldn't want me to forgive him but I had to. Besides, maybe he would lay off of us. "I don't hate you Tyler. Well, not completely." I tried to show him a forced smile. He, on the other hand, had a huge grin on his face. "Thank you." He then turned and walked away, his hands shoved into his coat pockets. 

I faced the other and walked over to my car. I unlocked it and placed my hand on the door. Then, I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head.


Where the heck was Leigh-Anne?! She was supposed to be home hours ago! I tried phoning her one last time. It went straight through to her aswer machine again. "For God sake Leigh!" I shouted and clenched my fist. I chucked my phone onto the couch and sat down next to it, placing my head in my hands. 

After a couple of minutes my phone screen lit up and I heard my ringtone. 

TYLER?! Why was he phoning me?!

I picked it up and pressed decline. Did he really think i was going to speak to him? It rang again and I sighed loudly in frustration. This time, I pressed accept. 

"What do you want?" I spat down the phone. 
"It's about Leigh." He spoke, his voice had no emotion in it.
"What have you done?!" I demanded.
"Nothing! Some girl has just attacked her! You need to get down here as soon as possible, I'll try and stop her but I'll need your help looking after Leigh. Bring the girls. We're near the new bar down the road." He rushed his words but I picked up on them. My heart stopped. Zoe!
"I'll be right there! Protect her Tyler! Please don't let her get hurt!" I shouted and hung up. 

I quickly sent a text to Jade.

Jade, Leigh's in trouble! Make sure you and Perrie are ready in 10! I'm on my way! x

I instantly got a reply.

We'll be ready! Hurry up! x

I ran out into the car and fumbled trying to put my key in the ignition. Leigh was hurt! She was helpless! If Zoe has hurt her I will kill her!

I pushed down on the pedal and quickly drove to Jade and Perrie's apartment. I pulled up outside and beeped the horn continuously causing passers by to stare and look annoyed. I flipped one of them the middle finger. My girlfriend is hurt, I'm angry and if you piss me off, I will run you over! 

Perrie and Jade sprinted down the stairs, Jade trying to put a show on whilst locking her door. Perrie jumped into the seat next to me, her face was a mix of confusion and nerves. Jade quickly slid into the back and put on her seatbelt. 

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