Chapter 7: Summer's Embrace

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Fires lined the main street of Barker under an evening sky. Each had a spinning roast of a variety of meats - two boar, three elk, three fires topped with three chickens per skewer. Smaller pits of fire were being used to roast potatoes and vegetables. There was a collection of fruit being cleaned by children and piled into a basket. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and a variety of apples. Belford had not seen so much food at once in all his life, let alone the variety. The aroma coming from the meat meshed with the fresh-smelling fruit and the spices being tossed overtop the roasting vegetables. Torches were planted at each corner of every home - some hung from the trees that bordered the village. The world around him was one of a warm orange, and he felt truly calm for the first time since he left home.

He pulled himself from his trance, scanning around him for signs of Evelyn. When she did not appear, he began searching in every group of villagers readying for the night's feast. He did not find her with the women cooking the vegetables, nor did he find her sorting fruit with the children. She was not tending to any spits or singing with the musicians.

A hand tapped him on the shoulder as Horace came into view. "You going to keep showing off with that log on your shoulder?"

Belford stammered; the feeling of the heavy log hoisted within his arm returning to him in full force. "Sorry. I lost myself in...this."

"Summer's embrace is a beautiful thing, Belford. Can't blame you for staring." He motioned his head toward the village. "Come now, these are the final fuel for the night's fire."

"Have you seen Evelyn?" Belford said as he fell in line with Horace toward the main wood pile. The villagers still looked up at him as if he were more than a mere Goliath. He did not know how to react other than a muted smile and a slight nod of his head to anyone he happened to meet eyes with. Still there was no sign of her.

"Is that not her speaking to Forest up at center?" Horace said as they neared the pile of wood that would soon become the first fire of summer for the people of Barker. Belford finally found her standing beside one of his former competitors. He placed his log beside Horace's as they kept their eyes toward her. "See? No worries, big man. Get yourself a drink and have some fun! I have to find my children somewhere in this mess."

Belford gave him a nod but did not look away from Evelyn. She was laughing, and he could feel his heart begin to race as she placed her hand upon Forest's arm. Her laugh rang clearly to him through the bustle of the village as did the bright smile painted on her face. He had never felt the way he did at that moment. It was a strange mixture of anger and confusion, both of which were the fault of neither person he found himself staring at. The way his heart raced along with hers as she spoke to him told him he should probably leave them be. After all, he had found her, and she was safe. Perhaps he could do with one of the drinks that Horace had mentioned.

He wandered through town - the awe-struck faces looking up at him becoming a bit too familiar. All he had done was lift something heavy into the air and the town had decided him to be something of a myth. This included the man handing out ale from a stall attached to two wheels. There were several barrels resting behind him. The cart held dozens of clean flasks waiting to be filled.

"There he is! Matthew smiles upon you, my friend. Could I interest you in a drink?"

"I have never really had ale before," Belford said. "Would you have any suggestions?"

The man laughed loudly into the air, grabbing a flask from his cart and waving his open hand toward the barrels that rested behind him. "I've got all the finest brews in Avalonia! Here to the left we have my raspberry dark. Mainly grain left fermenting with raspberries, nothing too special there unless you love raspberries. Here we have our standard ale, next to it my very own Glassblossom mead."

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