Chapter 27: Fate

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Evelyn's heart was heavy as the energy left her. Her eyes dimmed as Grant and Philip caught their breaths. Their attempt to remain unheard was immediately a failure as Grifford cried out as Belford's body went out of view. Everyone in the tents funneled into the clearing. Grant's men ran to him, questioning what had happened and what had wounded his arms and his face. Evelyn did not understand at first, not until Philip reached out for her hands and pulled them close.

"Evelyn?" Philip drew his face close to hers, finding the violet within her eyes and calming his expression. "Evelyn, do you know where you are?"

"Belford," Evelyn said, turning in all directions to find any sight of him. How could she miss a goliath among normal men? Grifford's call was piercing to everyone's ears as he cried and cried into the air. "Grifford, what is wrong? Where is Belford?"

"Gone," Grant said, his face falling to sorrow as he turned back to the barrier. "Overcome by malice."

"We must go back for him!" She forced herself forward, held back only by the strong embrace of Grand Philip. "You would let him die alone?"

"He is gone," Grant said. "Any who are caught by that malice simply cannot survive it."

"He can't be dead," Evelyn said. "So long as I live, that means that he is alive with me." She felt for her heartbeat, waiting for it to pulse beneath her hand. When she could feel it again, every beat glowed from her chest in the same violet she held within her core. "What in all creation?"

"Reclamation!" Mu'las shouted as she and Kharlan emerged from their place. "The child has found Reclamation!"

"But," Evelyn said, looking up at the path. "Belford must be at my side."

A crash sounded from another direction. Duke Haradin emerged from his cart with anger in every troubled breath he shot out as he stomped toward them. His walking staff clicked loudly with each step, and his second chin shook violently. Confusion mixed with the anger as he saw all who gathered before the barrier. The Thelonians had joy emanating from their faces, and Evelyn's heart was pulsing with violet light.

"What is the meaning of this?" Haradin spit with every word. "Colonel, I demand you explain yourself at once!"

"The griffon ran off into the barrier," Grant said. "Belford ran to save him, and these two followed. Third light came upon us, and he saved all but himself in the effort."

"The goliath?" Haradin questioned. "A pity. He was quite useful."

"I will not continue without him!" Evelyn evened the ground between them, jamming her finger into his chest. "You will not have me any further if he is not found."

Haradin let out a laugh, pausing to see the sincerity in her face, and continuing as he nearly fell to the ground. His face bounced with every breath, spit covering his face and his shirt as he lost himself. "Oh, my beautiful girl. You think yourself far-too in control of this."

"You spoke so highly of me earlier," Evelyn said.

"Your sacrifice is a noble one," Haradin said. "But you honestly believe that we could let you go back now?" The Westworm crashed behind him, shifting to the total-red of first light beyond the barrier. "No, no, my love. Starting now, you are officially my companion. You will ride in the most opulent seat available in this caravan in my cart, and you will enjoy every minute until your fate comes upon you."

"That is hardly agreeable," Philip said. "By Avalonia's will, we-"

"Avalonia is dead in this place!" Haradin's face contorted as he continued to spit in all directions around him. "Her and the other creators are dead and gone! Do you not understand this? I am all that remains to lead us forward, and it is by her will that we move forward."

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