Chapter 8: The Southern Road

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They stood in the street surrounding the now lifeless bodies of the fallen men. Whatever had created the shroud around them, or the smoke that seemingly imbued then with strength beyond their physical capability was gone. Belford turned to find Evelyn giving Grifford some well-earned affection. He joined her, running his fingers through the feathers of Grifford's head. He purred between them, happily squawking into the air as Belford embraced him.

"I missed you, buddy. I promise you will never be far from me again." Belford lifted his head to meet Evelyn's eyes. "Evelyn, I-"

"We are both to blame for this, Belford." Her eyes began to dim as they returned to their normal state. "And you are to keep away from ale for a while. I took Grifford's call without a single reaction from you."

"You got it to work?" Belford accepted the leather neck piece that he had attached Grifford's call to. "How did you get him to answer?"

"If you had shared the ale I may have told you." Evelyn scrunched her face at him before turning to reward Grifford with affection.

Horace laughed beside them, joined by Forest and Thormun, and said, "Barker's brews proving their reputation once again. Even took hold of a Goliath!" He paused - a scowl formed on his face, and he shot his eyes between Belford and Evelyn. "Would you happen to have an explanation of...this?"

"None would be good enough to justify the danger we put you and your village in," Evelyn said. "But one that I would give you and your village as a respect to that danger."

"Something to do with the pretty light coming from your eyes?" Thormun asked.

Evelyn nodded. "Something like that. Most of that remains a mystery to me, at least what you saw today."

"Will you stay for the feast?" Forest asked Evelyn. "Lots of food to go to waste, and you haven't tried our potatoes or anything."

She smiled. "So long as Belford is able to walk straight enough to gather our horses, we must be leaving as soon as we can." She turned to look at Belford whose face was a portrait of disappointment at the prospect of missing the feast. "But I suppose we could stay to eat."

Belford stood to his feet, shaking his head and allowing himself to smile. "I am alright. Horace. Especially once I get some food in my stomach." He paused for a moment, turning to Horace. "I owe you my life, all of you."

Horace looked up at him, patting his shoulder, and said, "I can assure you that I will hold you to it, big man. Come. Let's gather the others and welcome Summer's Embrace for good."

Forest and Thormun ran through the West end of the village to gather everyone who had found a place to hide. With the threat gone, they all formed their previous crowd before the bonfire that still roared into the air. The night sky flew over them now. The twin moons were mirrored crescents in their place. Merda and Maresh rejoined Belford before the fire, now standing with Evelyn and Grifford.

Belford was confused to find the same eager and excited faces that had waited for Summer's embrace. The fear that sent them away was gone as sure as the three men were lying dead by the fire. Merda smiled as brightly as before, holding Maresh's hand up to celebrate her victory. Their cheers had become louder as she called for Belford to raise a hand for their ancestor Matthew. The fallen Thelonians before them were further proof of his blessing.

As the village welcomed Summer's Embrace, the crowd had dispersed in returning to the preparation of the night's feast. Fortunately, all of the food had already been carried away before the Thelonians arrived. The meats were cut and sorted based on the animal they came from. Roasted vegetables and potatoes were laid out for any to fill their plate, and the brewer had returned to serve his ale, though Belford forced himself to stay away.

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