Chapter 13: Dania

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The week to follow was a peaceful one. During each period of rest for Grifford, Grimbo, and Thunderfoot, Belford and Evelyn studied Vathan's map. They had been fortunate to already be traveling in the right direction, and in some ways they were lucky to be spared a journey at sea. They would no longer have to bargain for a ship to carry their horses and Grifford, and they would not need to risk a catastrophe on the water. Instead, all they needed to do was wander into the land of Thelos and find Vathan's mark. They shared a laugh at this conclusion, but still held the anxiety that remained within them on this prospect.

Rain would return in the next few days. It made Evelyn sad to find Juniper's braids start to unravel as her hair was battered by the rain. She envied Belford's hairless head during the rain. It seemed to only bother him that his shoes would be wet, and even then he was happy for the cooling feeling that the water provided. She had given up hope on finding any place as lovely as Gafferton, but Vathan's map did hold a town close to them on their path. They had taken extreme care to keep the map dry within Belford's pack, so she was not able to see how close or how far away the next town remained. It was only on the third day that her question was answered.

"A wall!" Evelyn shouted, her voice echoing into the morning air and perking Belford and Grifford's head forward. The rain had finally ceased, and her braids had survived with just enough hold from the tightly knotted ribbons at the ends. Their clothes had finally dried, although the ground remained one continuous line of mud and puddles. "Belford!"

"Just at the end of Bernie's rations!" Belford joined in her excitement. He had been just as eager to find a new town to visit. Beneath one of the rations Bernard placed a single gold coin. He checked his pocket so often that it had nearly fallen out by his own impatience to spend it. "Would you care to pay a visit with me?"

"Come on, Grimbo!" She shouted, planting her heels into Grimbo's sides for him to gallop. "I'll race you there, big guy!"

Belford could only reply by willing Thunderfoot forward along with her. Grifford perked his head as the two made distance away from him before launching himself in the air and soaring quickly ahead of them. The plains were slowly dotted with thick Oak trees as they approached the distant wooden gate. By the time they pulled the horses to a halt, the trees were a thick covering around them. Grifford landed just behind them after circling overhead to slow himself. From above the large wooden gate, four men appeared sporting metal armor on their bodies. Their heads were topped with the same material with a faceguard raised to expose their faces. Their complexions were all so similar that it appears that four of the same exact man scowled down at them from their place.

"No entry!" They all shouted in unison. "You will leave or you will be disarmed and thrown beneath city center!"

"We do not wish to bring trouble!" Evelyn shouted back. "We only search for a place to eat, and a place for our horses."

"There will be no entry!" The right-most man said. "Take your horses and your abomination away with you!"

"Abomination?" Belford's face was painted with anger. "I would hope you did not call Grifford an abomination!"

"As you remain before us, I assume you would choose the dungeon?" The man shouted again. "You may tower over us, goliath, but our aim is true enough to pierce that thick skull of yours!"

Belford's anger showed plainly on his face. "I can't imagine a man brave enough to try and force me into a dungeon. Most certainly a dungeon made for a man as small as you!"

"Belford, maybe we should just-"

"Quiet yourselves!" Another voice boomed into the air. Another man, one sporting the metal armor without a helmet to put his thin and stark-white hair on full display. He turned first to the man Belford had confronted, and said, "Holgren, I would advise you to not challenge a goliath to a fight. And to speak in such a way in front of a young woman!" He turned to Belford. "And you! Why do you quarrel with one of my men?"

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