Chapter 38: A World Bathed in White

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Belford woke, his eyes opening to an image of himself reflected on a pool of water. His face was clear again. As clear as it had been when he washed away his unearned marks and chose Evelyn as his life's purpose. He wore a flowing white robe that blew around him in the soft breeze joined by an orchestra of songbirds and insects. The sky was clear above him, and the sun was warm in its embrace. He felt whole again, but not complete. His body was healed, but something was missing from within his chest. He reached to feel for its beat, and his eyes widened as he did not find it.

"Gone, I'm afraid," Maligwa's voice was known to him immediately, and he turned to look upon the goddess again. She wore the same flowing gown as she had when he met her. The same moment he had been asked to return a heart into Evelyn's chest, which he had now failed. He did not wish to look at her. He did not feel worthy enough to even stand before her, let alone breathe in the tranquil air surrounding him. She smiled brightly at him, pulling him into an embrace and pressing his head into her chest. "But you shall never feel worry again in your life, Belford."

"It's true, then," Belford said, allowing her comfort to come upon him as he admitted his ultimate failure. "I have failed. Not only that, but I died in the attempt."

"You stubborn, stubborn boy," Maligwa said with a laugh, pulling away from him and pulling his eyes to meet hers. "You would not accept thanks for anything in all the world, and yet you are owed an entire life in return."

"But I deserve nothing," Belford said, crying as he spoke further. "She is dead, and I have killed her."

"No, you have not," Maligwa's voice was like a cloud embracing his body. The comfort was unimaginable, and her words still confused him. "You have done all that was asked of you. Her heart beats for her own, and the world will know Reclamation again." Maligwa's eyes welled with tears. "And I am so, so proud of you."

The shuffling of footsteps sounded behind her, and three children appeared. A shorter boy with dark skin and a head of perfectly black hair shooting out in all directions from his head, a Thelonian girl with newly-growing horns and a bright smile beneath golden eyes, and a girl with flowing, dreaded locks like the nomads of the sea. They each looked up at him, their faces so full of joy, and somehow Belford came to know their names.

"She has told me much about you," Belford said, falling to one knee to allow for any chance to speak to them normally. He turned to the dark-skinned boy of Baron, and looked at each of them as he named them. "You must be Barlon, you must be Khu'lan, and you must be Jackie."

"She told you about us?" Barlon shouted, jumping with his stubby legs in joy. "She may have ruined the surprise, but I am sure happy you know my name, Mr. Belford."

"We saw you at the end," Khu'lan said, widening her smile, walking up and resting her hand on his knee. "You were so brave!"

"And so strong!" Jackie said, jumping along with her brother and sister as they all moved in to wrap their short arms around him wherever they could. Belford fell into their hugs, joy obvious on his face as he looked back up at Maligwa.

"You have done so wonderfully," Maligwa said. "That is why you have been brought here."

"To watch over her siblings?" Belford asked to the laughter of the children who pulled away from him. "What, was that a funny question?"

"You are going back to Evelyn, silly!" Khu'lan said. "You were brought here so we could meet you! Well, that, and Jackie has a very important question to ask you."

Belford smiled, pushing away his questions and allowing himself to be present with Evelyn's brother and sister. He looked at Jackie, urging her to ask him the question important enough to delay his death. "What is it, Jackie?"

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