Chapter 22: Rift

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Evelyn refreshed Belford's memory of the dance she showed him the first night in his village. She felt awful for how much the road had continued to slim him down, but he was far more sure-footed. Philip showed off all he had learned from the ministry, though the most interesting were those shown to him by Natalia. The shadow stone within Evelyn's pocket held a faint glow of the rebirth it had collected. She was able to illuminate her eyes for the entire evening, and keep Belford away from the ale. For the first time in weeks, she felt whole.

By morning, Mu'las and Yh'arlan had prepared breakfast for the village. They had called it a village, but Evelyn and Belford both thought it was more of a forced-community of exiles. One that remained in place because of the same woman who stole her very heart. Philip asked enough questions to fill out notes on a dozen sheets of parchment. Mu'las was more than happy to answer all of them. The teachings of Vathas, the first reclamation that cured the world of men and gifted them the age they live in. He was as happy as he had seen him looking at Natalia, and Evelyn's spirits were lifted so much higher than she ever could have imagined.

The door to the longhall crashed open, and Grant entered with three of his men. He bowed his head toward Mu'las and Yh'arlan. The children ran quickly to him, holding their hands against his belly and begging to be lifted. He took one into each arm and wished them a good morning, and their eyes brightened up Evelyn's day as the looming expedition had finally come to them. She stood with Belford and Philip, watching as Grifford finished the scraps of food that had been gathered for him, and readied for their first steps into Thelos.

"Mu'las, are we ready for preparation?" Grant said toward Mu'las who just completed her packing of dry foods and supplies for the expedition. "And our newcomers, are you ready for departure?"

Belford nodded in answer, and Grifford huffed twice in agreement. "As ready as I can be. Evelyn?"

"How long until we leave?" Evelyn asked.

"We need all of our carts and supplies readied in four hours, and we shall lower the bridge as the moons rise in the East." Grant nodded. "Haradin has asked that you speak immediately."

"Four weeks of tack and jerky. Firestarters and literature for the camp." Mu'las said. "Yh'arlan will be meeting us at departure following her shift."

"Good." Grant turned to Evelyn, stepping into the room and halting just before her to speak. "Haradin grants you this passage with stipulation. Your companions are to be useful to us as we lead on."

Evelyn scowled. "Whatever must be done. What has he asked of me?"

"You shall join me now to the castle. I would ask that you come alone, but the goliath will surely not allow that, will you?" Grant looked up at Belford.

"You are correct," Belford said. "Must she see the duke now?"

"Speaking of him," Philip said. "I have some qualms to discuss about the working conditions of these people. We will do well to remind him that persecution in any manner based on faith is a crime against creation as a whole."

"You will have plenty of time to speak your worries across the rift, minister," Grant said. "Mu'las, see that you and Yh'arlan are not late to departure. You thr-four." He turned quickly to the narrowed eyes of Grifford. "Your four shall follow. We've gathered your horses out front."

Belford stepped close to him, lowering his head to speak before they made for the door. "I must ask you, colonel. Does your duke intend harm to her?"

Grant paused, turning to each of them and returning to the intense expression Belford shot out at him. "Keep close to me, and in this passage follow my every order. We will speak further, but I will promise her safety on my life."

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