The world rejected the cries of the children so the children rejected the laws of the world. It is said that no being is capable of rejecting that which is itself. So the children suffer from the overwhelming corruption of cognitive dissonance and in turn, the world burned creating a vicious circle. The most disruptive thing on the planet is undirected chaos, with no focus the corruption burns the world and its children.
As a child of the world, you must have felt powerless and hated every moment of it. Now at that moment, you cried out to the deity you hold dear, the silence deafening and you turned to yourself cursing your weakness, your very being irrelevant in the face of the hurdles that is the lemon life gives to you. What you must have realized by now is that not all lemons are fit for lemonades yet you have to move on with the hand you've been dealt.
"Do pray tell, why is it that nothing is created fair yet we strive to keep that which is not true?" She asked with a defiant look of defeat on her face.
As a child, you must have noticed that the very tools for survival or greatness were given to you from your inception, and in that regard, every child is created equal, but the state of equality is questioned by the very conditions you find yourself in. It's like a game of Whot all cards dealt to the players are equally great or horrible depending on the card on the deck, you could be dealt a winning hand but you will never get to play it, hence you lose horribly. If you approach life that way, you should have an exciting existence.
"I never thought about it that way. Still, though I don't see how that should make anyone feel good" Upon hearing her say this, it waved at her to come look into the pond. The pond lit up in a bright soft green glow, revealing what she thought was a pond to be a pool, the entire area was now cast in enough light for her to take in the surreal ambiance of where they stood. It was like an abandoned modern-day penthouse covered in greens and still, she could barely make out what It was. Her vision blurred the more she tried to focus on the elusive being.
Look at this, a tale of two girls dealt the same cards, the cards of attraction but the playing deck is horrible. They are both in a place where years of war have left the land barren and lawless, the order of the day is decided by the strongest bandit tribes. They were captured months apart to be used for the pleasure of ill folks the first one, had always held herself as a standard for purity and her defiance made these folks want to humiliate her with their depravity with each passing day. The second with a questionable moral compass played her card of attraction wowing the folks and gaining favor with the high-ranking men and women in the depraved cult and her life was relatively better than her peers.
"That's dark but then again how do you make those images show? They look so real"
What you've witnessed is indeed real, child. Most would revolt at the sight of the injustice shown but you mentally disassociate yourself from what you've seen because you are also morally grey. Morality in itself is a construct created by intelligent conscious beings to help keep their sanity intact and the chaos away. The only things that are morally true are the simple binding rules that state that you should do unto others as you want to be done to you. Good and evil are defined by each individual but that creates chaos in a gathering of people so a generally accepted standard must be set. Then again that leaves out the quirky ones.
Girl 3 is a masochist and looks forward to the seemingly unbearable cruelty these ill folks tend to serve with each passing day. Guy 1 is only against the acts of his folks because he is scared of being a victim one day, so he treats everyone with as much respect as he can muster while protecting his status with his folks' men. As you can see you are only as good as you deem fit. One of these two is in heaven and the other?
"Can't you do something to help?" She asked out of curiosity not concern.
Your curious mind led you here, so I would humor you. In a time of prosperity, children bask in their achievements and downplay the importance of anything around them, but as their greed expands their horizons, with each individual horizon crashing into the next, chaos of their making plunges them into despair and that which is much powerful than they are is sought. When you don't answer you're hated and when you do, you are quickly forgotten. To answer your question, yes I can.
Why don't I? Well because, how can you be truly free if you don't take every matter into your hands? Is it true freedom if I only create your agreed-upon good situations? Will I have to change girl 3 so the rest should be happy, should I have to change the hearts of the ill folks or give them good situations so they can harbor their desires and air them out in another way which you will disapprove? What would you do if you were me for a day?
Watcher: The Existential Crisis
Short StoryRight on the edge of the ledge, all that's left is a step. Do you take it? After all the truth is not that we want reality to end we just want our current reality to. Who are we? I am we, I guess you are too.