Chapter Eleven

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We were both instantly sucked into the universe of Serenity. We huddled under my giant blanket, eyes wide, bellies full, imaginations ready.

I'd seen the movie, and I knew what to expect. It was still hard to watch some of your favorite characters get killed off. After the first one, I was proud. No tears were shed. I continued to watch, feeling very confident. I was ready. I wouldn't cry!

Then the scene came.

"Like a leaf on the wind, watch how I--"

When the wooden spike burst through the glass, I gasped. I heard Dan make a slight, strangled noise beside me. I couldn't stem the flow at that point. Tears trickled slowly and silently down my cheeks.

I watched the next five minutes without really seeing. I felt like someone was watching me. I glanced over. Dan's eyes were trained on my face. He saw me look, and smiled bravely. His own eyes were glistening.

I swallowed hard, releasing a tiny sob. Dan pulled an arm out of the blanket and put it around me. I sobbed into his shirt, shaking. If this movie was any worse, I'd hate it! But it's too perfect....

I finally managed to dry my tears, and watched the epic final battle with enthusiasm. I laughed at the funny lines, gasped at the dramatic or startling moments, and awwww'd at the romantic or sweet scenes.

Then the funeral came. The tears splashed onto the blanket again. I heard a tiny little gasping sob, and saw Dan with his head in his hands, his eyes peeking between a gap in his fingers. I had to restrain a giggle.

The movie ended, and the credits rolled.

I turned to Dan. He turned to me, his eyes red and his cheeks wet.

"That was horrible!" He croaked. "What kind of sick mind does Joss Whedon have?"

I laughed. "It's still hard to watch, after all this time."

"How many times have you seen that monstrosity?" He asked me.

"This was my fifth time," I mumbled shyly.

"Bloody hell!" Exclaimed Dan, getting to his feet. "I need some ice cream or something!"

"Why?" I giggled.

"That was miserable!" He wailed. "I need to get cheered up."

He turned and our eyes locked. I heard a tiny voice in the back of my head whisper, I could cheer you up.

Shut up! I told it.

"Lucky for you, we practically always have ice cream," I told him, getting up. I opened the freezer in the kitchen. "How does Carmel cluster crunch sound?"

"Great!" He cried, exasperated.

I opened the jug of ice cream, grabbed two spoons, and sat down on the couch. We dug into the ice cream with vigor.

Within ten minutes, it was completely gone.

"That hit the spot," Dan sighed, slumping down on the couch.

"Yeah," I agreed, also slumping down.

Just then, Dan sat bolt upright. "You're bad for me, Lillette Baker!"

"Excuse me?" I giggled.

"Phil and I were doing great with exercise and trying to get in shape!" Dan laughed. "But then you come along," he waved his spoon at me teasingly. "and feed me entire tubs of ice cream!"

"We'll just have to go for a run together some time," I told him, laughing.

"Sounds great!" Dan cried with unnecessary enthusiasm, dramatically flopping back onto the couch.

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