Chapter Fifteen

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"Hello, everybody!"

Jenny and I stood behind two microphones, headphones on, facing a camera. We were about to start our first Radio Live Show. Our manager, a somewhat geeky guy named Jeremy who was in his late twenties, was standing off to the side, grinning. The disc jockey who had control of Radio 1 during the majority of the day, Gabriel Kaloe, smiled into the camera.

"Welcome to BBC Radio 1, produced by James Carlyle. I am Gabey-K, and here behind me are the much-anticipated Lillette Baker and Jenny Mason. That's right, the famous YouTuber and her writer flatmate have finally arrived for their first ever Radio 1 Live Show! So I'll hand over the desk to them, and please enjoy the Lil and Jen Show. Gabey-K signing off for now, see you tomorrow morning, England. Toodlepip." Gabe did a strange hand-gun salute, then slid out of shot. He grabbed his backpack, waved goodbye to all of us, and left the recording studio.

"Wow!" I exclaimed, grinning. "Well, welcome to the Lil and Jen Show guys, and thanks for tuning in. I know we're no Dan and Phil, but I hope you enjoy listening to our silly little ramblings."

"Yaaaay!" Jenny cried. She leaned over the control board and inserted a CD into a slot. "Now, please enjoy this next track. It's by Fall Out Boy-- yep, I'm sure you know them-- and it's called Young Volcanoes. Enjoy!" She hit play and turned to me, taking her headphones off.

"It's going so well!" I squealed, also taking my headphones off.

"I know!" She replied, wrapping me in a spine-breaking hug. "I still can hardly believe it's real!"

Jeremy was sitting behind the control panel. He checked his watch. "Alright, girls, today from Internet Takeover we have a couple blokes coming in early." He saw the panicked look on my face and continued, "I made them promise to pick up enough Chinese on the way to feed five people. Besides, they're nice enough. So, alright if they watch the ending of the show?"

"O-of course!" I stammered.

He grinned. "Great. Well, the songs wrapping up, so get ready."

We both obediently put our headphones back on and stood in front of the microphones. Jeremy gave us a big thumbs up when the song ended.

"Hey, and welcome back to the real world, guys!" I greeted them. "Great track, eh?"

"A personal favorite of ours," Jenny added happily.

"That's right!" I agreed. "Remember when we first found out we got the gig with Radio 1?"

"Oh, yeah!" Chuckled Jenny. "I could hardly believe it! We got a little bit too excited."

"Yeah," I giggled. "We danced around in our pants for two hours to that song, among others. Made a bit of fools of ourselves to the downstairs neighbor, didn't we?"

Jenny snorted. "Oh, yeah, he won't be coming back up anytime soo-- pants!" She suddenly shrieked, turning to me. Jeremy flinched in the booth as feedback ripped across the sound waves.

"Excuse me?" I asked, hands clamped over the headphones on my ears.

"You said pants!" Jenny exclaimed.

"Uh, that I did..." I said slowly. "Jen, are you okay?"

Jenny did a sort of little dance on the spot, then turned and addressed the microphone and the camera, speaking directly to the audience. "As some of you probably know, Lil moved here, to London, from LA last year. A couple of friends and I have been trying to get rid of her horrible American accent for over a year now, and have made little progress. But she just called underwear pants. In America, they call pants underwear. She called something American a British word!"

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