Chapter Thirty

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"Merry Christmas, lovebirds!"

"Huh?" I snapped awake. Jenny and Phil loomed over me. Dan was still asleep, his peaceful, resting face inches from my own.

With a strangled shout, I flailed around and fell from the bed in a mass of sheets and wild appendages. Not again... I thought.

Jenny and Phil pulled a cracker. The loud CRACK finally woke Dan. He sat up, blinking, his mouth hanging open. "Wha--" he mumbled.

"Merrrrrrrry Christmas!" Sang Jenny. She pulled out the little slip of paper with a joke on it while Phil donned a yellow crown. "What do you call a monkey with two bananas in its ears?"

Dan, who was now considerably more awake, leaned forward, resting his chin on his hand. "I dunno, Jenny, what?"

"Anything you want, he can't hear you!" Jenny snorted.

"Oooh God!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands over my face.

"That physically hurt," Dan groaned, squeezing the bridge of his nose.

Phil giggled.

"What did we get?" Asked Jenny, taking the bigger half of the cracker from her boyfriend. She pulled out a small can that said Tiddlywinks! on the side.

"Oh my god, Tiddlywinks!" Phil cried.

"Nostalgiaaaa!" I moaned.

Dan glanced at me. "Lillette... did those Tiddlywinks just give you an orgasm?"

I turned bright red, grabbed a pillow that had fallen down beside me, and threw it at him. Dan giggled, and returned full force. Soon, the four of us were in a full-fledged pillow war.

Finally, Phil gave in. Jenny soon followed. They both left, telling us to hurry up and get ready so that we could open presents.

As soon as they were in the hall, I slipped out of bed and went to get my Christmas outfit. "What time is it?" I asked Dan.

"Six thirty a.m.," he replied.

"I swear," I growled, exhaling loudly through my nostrils. "One of these days I'm going to murder my flatmate."


Ten minutes later, the four of us were sitting on the couch, sipping hot chocolate while Attack on Titan played in the background.

My "Christmas Outfit" was one of my favorite outfits I owned. It was a red top with white fringe on the seams and black buttons down the middle. Then it had red leggings, also laced with white fluff. Finally, knee-high black songs pulled over the leggings, looking like boots. I also donned a Santa hat.

Phil still wore the yellow crown, but now Jenny had an orange one and Dan proudly displayed a bright purple one atop his fringe.

"Ready to open presents?" Jenny asked.

"Ready!" Dan and Phil cheered.

Jenny turned to me. "Would you like to be the first present-bearer?"

We had a Christmas tradition. We would take turns, going around and getting each person one present from under the tree, the returning and all opening it up the together. Then the next person would do the same thing, and the next and the next, until the presents were all gone.

"I would love to," I grinned, answering Jenny's question.

Then I walked over to the tree. I picked up a present for Dan from his mum, one for Phil from his brother, one for Jenny from her grandpa, and one for me from Penny.

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