Chapter 15

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"Why are you staring at him like that ? " Gear questioned Mac who had been staring at Night for the past half an hour.  "Do I know him? " Mac asked.
"Of course you do silly.  How can you forget your favourite Nong. "
" Favourite Nong " Mac raised his eyebrows.
Analyzing the tension Day interrupted, " He had an accident and lost his memories. "
" Accident? What accident? Night didn't tell me about any accidents? "
A soft voice emerged beside Gear , " Phi Mac you had an accident ?"
Mac being visibly confused nodded . As he was about to ask further questions Nan interrupted.
" Oh we didn't want to worry you for no reason. It was a mild accident. "
" Mild accident doesn't cause memory loss. Also how do you know Mac ? " A girl's bold voice rang throughout the hall.
" Bella ," Mac exclaimed.
A girl with siren brown eyes , long black hair with red extensions, and I don't give a fuck aura came to the room . She was walking as if the entrance was red carpet and she was it's glamour.
" Who are you ? How did you get in ? "
" It's a shame that Nan doesn't recognise his sister in law. "
" What absurd you're uttering lady , everyone present in this room knows Mac is a single child. " Day retreated.
"And everyone also knows that I am Mac's adopted sister gentleman. 
But I am surprised that you aren't aware of that.  Oh maybe you're not that much important to be aware of . Am I right ? "
" Bullshit! Who invited you ? " Nan screamed.
" I did.  " Itt entered with a wine glass in his hand. 
" Itt who gave you the permission to invite her? You didn't ask for my consent huh? Being very brave. Are you trying to rebel ? " And with that Day lost his sanity screaming like a maniac while Itt was facing downwards.
"Enough," Mac shouted.
" Bella you didn't tell me you're going to visit me.  So it was a shock for us . And Day why are you screaming at Itt.  He just invited a friend over who happens to be my sister. "
" But he didn't ask for my permission. "
" Why does he need your permission? " Bella scoffed
"Because he is my fucking boyfriend. I own him and don't you dare to interfere between us bitch. " With that scream, Day dragged Itt out of the room. 
Silence engulfed the room. 
"I didn't know that Day's boyfriend was this much mannerless. " Bella laughed
" Mind your tongue " Nan gritted his teeth. 

Mac dragged Nan out of the hall to the staircase drawing everyone's attention towards him.  He was feeling everything. Anger , confusion but mostly shock .
"WHY ARE YOU DRAGGING ME ? " Nan shouted. 
"So you think that we are embarrassing. You think I embarrass you.  I am not worthy of you " Nan shouted choking Mac .


"You can  have him now but once he remembers everything it'll be over for all of us.  " Day scoffed.
"What do you mean ? Is he gonna leave me ?" Nan asked
"No he'll worship you.  Of course he's gonna leave you . Did falling in love make you dumb ? " Day joked.
" No " Nan panicked
"I love him with all my heart Day.  You know right.  I can't afford to lose him.  He completes me.  He is the best thing of my life. No I can't let him leave me.  I have changed right.  " Nan panicked worriedly hoping the other party will give him a positive answer. A answer he wants to hear.
Day sighed and said ," Look Mac I agree that you have changed. Changed to a better person but Mac . He will never forgive you or us if he remembers the past.  He looks like someone who held grudges.  He didn't even forgive me when Itt clearly did. "
"Then what I am gonna do. Should I replace his medicine? Should I bribe the doctor to delay his recovery?"
" First of all if you do this and Mac finds out it won't end well and second of all why would the doctor even listen to you.  Remember he was also your psychiatrist. That bastard is dedicated to his job.  "
" Then what should I do ? "
" Be rough."
" Yeah be rough and tough.  Go to your previous self . " Day went closer to Nan and slowly said, " Since he has lost his memory you are treating him like a prince. Don't be so perfect. Make him fall in love with your bad self. That how I trapped Itt.  If I were to be lovey dovey I would have lose him.  "
" But Mac doesn't like-"
" Do you want him to go to Eua ? "

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