Chapter Seven: Misunderstood

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Silence echoed through the room after that question left my lips--which made me regret it instantly. Why was I so upfront? I could've just phrased it differently, right? Plus, we're supposed to hate each other...well, I mean, we do hate each other. But...something feels different about this moment. I can't place a finger on it, however.

He looked at me for a moment, like he was analyzing my expression and body language very carefully before he spoke. Though his voice sounded more nonchalant than I thought it would, like my question didn't get under his skin whatsoever. "Huh? Of course I'm fine! I was just thinking. Geez, did you really think I wasn't okay?"

My words were stuck in my throat as I tried thinking about a logical explanation for why I asked something like that. Though, my brain came up with nothing, which made me stare at him like a total idiot until my voice finally started working again. "Well...nobody paces back and forth and then is late to Caine's adventure and then has the other person who walks in on you suddenly think you were okay after witnessing that. What were you thinking about?"

Jax shrugged, trying to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal, though there was something in his eyes that made me question his next words. His eyes seemed more nervous, though his voice spoke the exact opposite of nervousness. "Nothing much. Don't get so sentimental on me, it's weird. Trust me, or not, you overthink everything, don't you?"

A sigh escapes my lips, making my eyes roll. God, he can be so annoying. I don't know why I checked up on him in the first place if he was going to be like that. Though there is something I know for a FACT he is not telling me. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Sorry for showing some ounce of concern." Sarcasm laced my tone as my eyes narrowed at him, noticing every tiny detail about him. Like how his hands are shaking slightly, or how he's tapping his foot to show feigned impatience. I see how he's playing this--and trust me, it could easily trick most people. But he underestimated me BIG TIME.

Jax's eyes rolled at my words. "Mhm. Whatever. Let's just go before Caine gives us a hard time."

My eyes narrowed at the rabbit more, but before I said anything, Jax infuriatingly grabbed my hand and dragged me out of his room with him. He seemed more annoyed than anything, which was weird, since he was never THIS annoyed with me. Sure, he seemed agitated, but never straight-up annoyed. After dragging me away from his room, he let go of my hand, which I honestly didn't care about.

Eventually we made it to the main area, everybody's eyes were locked on us once we walked in, but before I was able to say anything, Caine started speaking.

"Wonderful! You brought Jax right on time, I was just about to start explaining our adventure!"

"Can it be an adventure that I don't have to be a part of?" Zooble wondered with a sour expression etched on their face.

"Hahahaha!!" Caine started laughing. "Very funny Zooble! Anyway--"

"No, NOT 'anyway,'" Zooble hissed, their left eye twitches as they finally seemed to have enough of Caine's bullshit. "You never seem to take our thoughts into consideration! You always go on and on about your adventures, never if we WANT to go on one. Like, I'm sorry, but nobody gives a *beep* about your adventures. If I don't want to go on one, then I should be allowed to do my own thing. Don't make my life more hell than it already is."

Caine's mouth--or face--was wide open in shock as Zooble stormed off. Concern was etched onto my facial features as I saw them run off with their arms crossed, looking completely fed up and hurt.

"Zooble--" Ragatha tried calling out to them, but it was no use. They were gone.

A sigh escapes my mouth as my eyes danced between the other members in this digital hell and I realized I might be the only one that wanted to help them. Like the others were already used to their outbursts or not going on these adventures whatsoever.

"I'll go get them," I sighed and before they were able to stop me, I ran off to where I saw Zooble walk away to. Sure, I didn't know where they went off to, but it shouldn't be that hard to find them when they started walking away a minute ago.

After searching around for a couple minutes, I saw them sitting down on one of the benches within the tent, staring down at their hands while lost in thought about something--which I couple easily assume what that "something" probably was.

"Hey," I spoke which made Zooble jump a bit. But once their head turned towards me and saw me, their eyes softened a bit.

"Oh, hey Y/N," Zooble sighed. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be doing Caine's adventure or some sh*beep*?"

My head shook as I sat down next to them, a soft and reassuring smile was shown on my face. "I am...or was. I don't really know what's going on now that I've left the main area, but I just wanted to see if you're doing okay. I don't get that much time to spend with you and,'re a friend. I'm not just going to leave you without checking in on you first. Are you okay? Wait--no--that's a stupid question. What I mean: is there anything you would like to talk about?"

Zooble stays silent for a moment while averting eye contact before a sigh is heard from them. " you promise to not laugh and to actually...listen?"

I nodded. "Of course."

They glanced at me for a moment before clearing their throat and speaking. "I just...hate myself. My body--I mean. Like, look at these arms and legs. They're completely mismatched and useless. Sure, Caine gave me a box full of different parts, but no matter what parts I try and take off, nothing feels right. I try telling Caine about these problems, but all he *beep*ing cares about is his adventures, not about how we feel...which is why I snapped at him in the first place. It's all bull*beep*."

After they finished talking, my eyebrows furrowed in concern. "Zooble...that's awful. I'm so sorry that you feel this way, and I wish I can help in some way. All I can say is that you're beautiful no matter what--inside and out. I don't understand your body problems fully, and maybe I'll never know, but one thing I can tell you is that I see you as somebody who is beautiful in your own way. Don't let your inner thoughts tell you otherwise, okay? Don't let Caine make you feel bad, and don't let anybody get under your skin." My hand touched their shoulder as a soft smile made its way on my face. "You're amazing and beautiful just the way you are, Zooble."

They seemed taken aback by my sudden words of kindness, like it struck some sort of cord within them. "You...really mean that?"

"Of course I do. I wouldn't have said that if I didn't."

A sigh escapes from their face, their eyes darting to the ground for a tiny bit before making eye contact with me once more. "Thank you...nobody has said that to me before...not even Ragatha."

A light smile forms on my lips. "It's no problem. Do you want to sit this adventure out, or are you willing to give it a chance?"

Zooble looks to the side for a few moments. "I'll give it a chance."

I took their hand as we both stood up from the bench we were originally sitting on as we went back to the main area. Surprisingly, the adventure hasn't started yet as Caine seemed more distressed while everybody was talking among themselves...until we made it back into the room and everybody looked at us with a mixture of shock and bewilderment.

"Zooble! You've returned!" Caine gasped, looking just as shocked as everybody else.

Zooble did a slight nod. "Yeah. Y/N convinced me to give this adventure a chance. But if any bull*beep* happens, I swear to God..."

Caine put his hands in front of him in defense. "Nothing bad will happen, don't you worry!"

Everybody seemed to stare at me though, like they were shocked I was able to convince Zooble whatsoever. While I just shrugged. All they needed was a shoulder to cry on; and I was the perfect candidate.


Wow, this chapter was honestly pretty fun to write! It was more focused on Zooble than Jax, but dw! There will be more Jax action eventually. I just wanted Zooble to have a true friend, since I felt bad for them in the actual show since they always seemed to separate themself from the rest of the group. So yeah! The next chapter will be the start of Caine's adventure (that will be peaceful for once). I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a wonderful rest of your day! <3

-Sincerely, CB

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12 ⏰

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