Chapter 1

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Giovonni In The Side Bar Window.


The cool breeze hit my back as I walked onto my front porch. I pull up my baby blue and white holter-top short jumpsuit. I looked down at my all white classic vans, accompanied by baby blue laces. I swooped my bang to the side, and tighten my high pony tail. Crossing my hands over my chest, I stood out on the porch observing my surroundings. It was a beautiful summer morning. I didn't mind waiting, it was a beautiful atmosphere outside. Something triggered inside of me, to just enjoy the moment without even knowing what the moment was, so that was what I did. The neighborhood that I lived in wasn't quiet. Kids playing outside and birds chirping, then that couple a couple a couple of doors down fighting. I wouldn't say I lived in the best neighborhood but it was better then most. It was the suburbs mixed with a hint of the hood. High classed black folk living in the suburbs, but keeping their hood with them. At least that was how I saw it. I liked it though, something I was used to.

"Finally." I muttered under my breathe as his car speed up the curb. I walked to the top of the stairs. He pulled up in a all black Porsche with tinted windows. Music blasted from his car and suddenly it went to a stop when he turned off the car. He got out the car and slammed the door behind him making his way over to the stairs. He had on his shades, snapback and gold chains as usual. His t-shirt fit tight on his scrawny figure with his cargo shorts and polo shoes. He jogged up the stairs and wrapped his arms around me. We waddled in a tight hug for what seemed forever.

"I missed you." He said still holding onto me tight.

"I missed you too." I said letting out a sigh, breaking the hug . "Let's go inside." I said turning around walking into the house with him followed behind me. We got into the house as he closed the door behind him. I sat down on my couch Indian style as I watched him observe my house. He looked around, shaking his head. He adjusted his snapback to the side.

"I see you doing good for yourself Gio." He said still looking around. "Last time I was here, you ain't have shit but a table and some covers." He said looking at me. I bit down on my bottom lip and slanted my eyes at him. He shook his head and sat down on the love seat that was next to the couch.

"I see you doing good too." I said looking out the window at his Porsche that was sitting in front of my house. He smiled.

"Yeah, you already know..." He said trailing off, pulling his sunglasses up and sitting them on the top of his head. He started looking out the window at the Porsche as well. I sent my focus back on him as he was still looking at his car. I observed his features, he still looked the same. Same light brown eyes, same lean figure. Ain't much change, not even the shit he was rocking. He has been the same for a while now, since I can remember at least. It's been months, I was just happy to see him.

"What you looking at?" He asked breaking me from my daydream daze. I wiped my hands over my face and shook my head.

"Nothing... Just happy to see you." I said placing my elbow on my thigh and setting my cheek in my palm. He smiled at me and I smiled back. He then looked at me, trying to figure me out, trying to see if anything was wrong I guess. "You still hustling?" I asked him, just so he wouldn't try to bring anything up.

"Don't even ask because you already know the answer." He said sternly.

"I wasn't, you know I'm done with that shit." I said with truth in my voice.

"Yeah, a little here and there." He said but I knew he was lying. He did that shit faithfully, he was probably just trying to give me hope but he should know that I knew him like the back of my hand. I just shook my head.

"How are you?" He asked leaning back in the loveseat, asking the question I was dreading to hear. I shrugged my shoulders, biting my bottom lip like I usually did when I wasn't sure about something. "Like really, how are you?" He said with concern in his voice. I let out a deep sigh, not wanting to talk about myself.

"I'm fine Mikey..." I muttered. He just looked at me, his face had so much concern and worry in it. I could tell that he didn't believe me but I forgot that he knew me like the back of his hand as well. We knew each other so well, I didn't know why we continued to lie to each other. It was pointless.

"You ain't gotta be like that Giovonni." He said breaking the awkward silence. I rolled my eyes and just looked off to the side, trying not to get even more aggravated.

"You already know I hate talking about shit like that ..." I said avoiding any contact with him, other then speaking.

"Listen Gio, you can't keep doing shit like that. That's why you sitting in this fucking house ... all alone, you like that shit?" He said slightly raising his voice. I quickly looked at him, my eyes narrow, nostrils slightly flared. My facial expressed flashed anger.

"Yeah, I like that shit." I said, emphasizing what he had just said. "I fucking like being alone, I don't need anyone but you Mikey. You already know this shit. I'm fine where I'm at so don't fucking worry about it." I spat at him.

"Whatever man." He said laughing to himself. "They starting to catch on though." He said changing the topic to something completely different. I looked at him, waiting for him to continue. "I think you need to chill for a couple of months. Lay low or something." He continued.

"I can't." I said simply.

"Oh but you can. You need to Gio, niggas is starting to catch on. I don't want to have to step into your bullshit. It's bad enough I'm feeding into it." He said leaning up.

"You won't have to Mikey! And even if you did, you fucking owe me, remember that shit." I said looking him dead in his eyes. He just sat there looking at me, he knew I was right.

"And what about Ma and Pops?" He asked, changing the subject once again.

"What about them?" I said looking down at my manicured nails.

"You gotta talk to them eventually." He said. I laughed to myself.

"I really don't have to do anything." I said to him but still focusing on the chipped fingernail that I had.

"It would be good if you did though." He said, still trying to convince.

"If they cared, they would try to contact me too." I said getting heated up all over again. He might as well give up now because it wasn't happening.

"They feel like they can't talk to you because of this fucking attitude, this mentality that you put on." He said with annoyance in his voice.

"This is me, I ain't trying to be something or someone I'm not. You know that. You know the only time I do that shit." I said pointing out the fact. He really thought that I was putting on some type of act. He has always thought that. Why couldn't he just see that this was me. This was who I really was. When you been through shit, you change. He still failed to realize that.

"They are worried about you Gio." He said with exhaust in his voice.

"Yeah fuck them. You just making up bullshit now. You know I know better then that." I said pulling the blunt from my behind my ears and lighting it. I inhaled that shit, keeping it deep in my lungs. "You know they don't give a fuck. After all these years Mikey, come on now, I know better." I said and then blowing the smoke up in the air. I took one more hit before passing the blunt off to him.

"It's not bullshit Giovonni." He said in a tiring voice, basically giving up on the subject. He just closed his eyes while he hit the blunt.

"What makes you think they care Mikey? Ain't shit changed from 5 years back when they kicked me out until now." I said.

"They ain't kick you out Gio, you left." He said.

"They basically did. You saw the way they treated me, the way they acted towards me. You saw that shit." I said with pain flowing throughout my words.

"Just forget I even brought it up." He said seeing my pain being brought back. He passed me back the blunt and got up. "I'll be in town for the week, business and shit.

"I'll see you though, right?" I asked, praying that he would say yes.

"All week. Come out with me tonight." He said. I thought about what I had to do tonight and I had some business to handle myself. He walked over to the door but paused waiting for my answer.

"I'll come after I do this meet up." I said quickly. He looked to the side, getting heated up with the thought of what I just mentioned.

"You ain't going to be doing this shit all the time." He said, more like demanded. I put the blunt in the ashtray and walked over to the door where he was standing.

"I won't. Just until I have a enough." I reassured him to ease his nerves a little bit. He looked at me steady but uneasy at the same time.

"Be careful and you better be ready by 11. No exceptions." He said.

"I will Mikey." I said getting annoyed opening the door for him. He kissed me on the forehead and pulled me into tight hug.

"Love you baby sis." He said letting go of the hug and jogging down the stairs to his car.

"Love you too." I said leaning against the door frame watching him get into his car. The music blasted through his car as he turned it on. He honked the horn twice as he sped off down the street. I threw up the peace sign as I watched until his car was no longer visible in the distance. I sighed at the thought that I had to do this shit today. I walked back into the house, walking into my bedroom, I threw myself on the bed. I pulled out my phone and dialed the number.

"I thought you forgot about me." He said on the other line. I rolled my eyes, just hearing his voice annoyed me.

"I could never forget about you baby." I said putting on an act for this nigga. I heard him chuckle.

"You miss me huh?" He said, trying to be seductive.

"Of course I missed you Daddy, why else would I call." I said trying to hold back my annoyance, can't fuck up my character.

"I'll come and get you in an hour. Be ready for me baby." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah." I said and hung up. I didn't like doing this shit but I wanted to survive and this was the easiest way to do it. I had to lay low and just roll with the flow without motherfuckers in my business. If only these niggas knew it was only a game.

I sat up and looked at my closet. It was that time to be someone that I wasn't. "Only until you get enough Giovonni, only until you get enough." I said to myself and getting ready for this shit.

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