Chapter 5

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"Damn, this place is nice." I said stepping inside of the apartment complex, hand in hand with Cierra. The boys and Asia were already inside, picking out rooms that they wanted. Everyone was excited about the move to Miami, not that I wasn't but it was just that I knew I would see her all the time. I knew King was going to have her around. I didn't know why I was so bothered by her but I was. All I knew that I was going to make the best out of the situation.

cierra let go of my hand stepping further inside of the apartment complex, amazed by what she was surrounded with. She wasn't really use to shit like this so it was good to show her the other side of life, actually something that was better than were she came from. Cierra's eyes widen as she gazed around the modern apartment complex. Glass tables, soft leather furniture, bar setting kitchen and a big beautiful long glass table that rested in the dinning room with a giant chandler hanging right above it. There was 5 rooms upstairs for each one of us, Asia and mikey sharing a room of course with an extra space that could be used as a guest room and a office space where we could have our regular meetings. It was better than our space back in Boston, we definitely upgraded.

I walked up behind Cierra who was looking at the chandler in the dining room. I placed my hands on her small hips, placing my head in the crook of her neck. "Nice. Isn't it?" I said grazing my lips against her neck. I notice her smile and take my hands and place them around her whole body, as she hugged my hands that were around her.

"Love it, this is amazing Jay." She said closing her eyes and keeping the smile plastered on her face. I trailed kisses starting from her ear down to her neck, reaching her collar bone. I opened my eyes as I heard foot steps come up from behind me. I let go of Cierra and we both turned around to see who it was. Giovonni was looking up at the candler as she took off her aviator shades. She put on a fish face as she nodded, I guess in approval.

"Damn, he wasn't fucking around I see." She said to her self. She looked at Kae and I, as I mean mugged her. She raised an eyebrow to me, and laughed to herself. "Where's Mik– I mean King?" She asked, looking between Cierra and I. I just continued to look at her, mostly in disgust. Kae looked at me and then back at Giovonni.

"He's upstairs." Cierra said, smiling at Giovonni.

"Thanks." Giovonni said, turning around and going up the stairs. I couldn't help but look at her ass in those 3inch shorts. I felt a nudge as I looked down at Cierra who was glaring at me.

"I thought you hated her." She said to me with much attitude.

"I do." I mumbled. She straddled my waist from behind and I looked back at her while she looked up at me.

"Why you let her get to you so much? You don't even know her." She said. The way she asked the quesion, I knew she really wanted an answer. The one answer that she wasn't going to get and one that I didn't know the answer to. I had my reasons behind disliking her but like Mikey said, I didn't even know her like that. Just like Cierra just said, I didn't know her. Did that mean I was giving her a chance, not really.

I unwrapped her arms from around me and started to head upstairs. She followed behind me noticing that I completely ignore her question. She brushed it off and I was glad that she did. It wasn't the time to talk about that shit and to be honest I rather keep it to myself from now on.

We made it to the top floor and it was almost as big as the bottom floor. Everyone seemed to have picked their rooms because as I walked along the hallway where the rooms were, everyone was in the bedroom that they picked. Trell stayed in the first room that started the hallway and Mijo a little further down across the hall. King and Asia was stationed the next door down on the same side as Mijo and that left two more doors on each side with the meeting room at the end of the hall.

"Babe, look there is a game room and a fitness area." Cerria said walking towards an different area of the house. "I'm going to go check it out, pick a room for us." She said rushing off to look at the rest of the different rooms in the house. I sighed at her excitement, I should have known.

Both of the doors to the unclaimed bedrooms were open and I peeked into the one that was on the side that Trell was staying on. It was plain but nice. Big king sized bed with red sheets, big flat screen TV and the walls were a cream color. I then walked out that room and went into the other so that I could weigh out my options. The bed was king sized and included a big flat screen as well and the walls were spray painted in graffiti, I knew King was probably saving this room for me. I made my decision.

I walked over to the closet to see how much space was in there and she was standing there, admiring the graffiti. I cleared my throat so that she knew I was standing behind her. She quickly turned around and noticed me standing there. She looked up at me as my face grew hard. She smiled a bit, more like smirked at me.

"So I'm guessing you're picking this room?" She said looking around the spacious closet and then back at me. I just stood there and looked at her, not saying anything and not wanting to say anything. I just wanted to make it awkward so she could get the fuck out my new room. She chuckled to herself and walked around me. "Welcome to Miami." She said dryly as she left my room.


It was so obvious that, that nigga had some type of problem with me and I really didn't give a fuck. He was just some high yella nigga thinking he's big. That pretty boy shit was cute on him but I could sense that he was bitch made. Mikey made that nigga so before he start judging niggas, he should step back and look at himself. I chuckled to myself once again as I left his room and I heard him mumble some shit. I noticed his girl walked down the hallway looking for him. She looked at me and smile plastered across her face, a fake one at that.

"Have you seen Jay–" I cut her off.

"Last room on the right and tell him I said he's welcome for the graffiti walls, I worked hard on them." I said to her sarcastically. Her fake smile slowly faded turning into a nervous one.

"I'm really so–" She started once again but I jogged down the hall and down the stairs before she could finish what she was going to say. She didn't need to apologize for her nigga, I wasn't about to have it. Everyone was all around the new apartment just looking around. This place was nice as fuck. Game room, gym, movie room and they had an inside basketball court for everyone in the apartment complex to share. I wish I was making as much as Mikey and his niggas, one day and my goal would be made.

I walked into the kitchen and Asia was in there gathering some things so that she could make some food. She looked like she was making lunch for everyone in the house. I really hope that Mikey didn't have this bitch trained, especially if she was suppose to mean a lot to him. I sat down at the bar and just watched her quickly snatch things out the cabinet and things out the fridge. She quickly turned around with a hand full of ingredients and food and immediately getting startled by my presence, quickly plopping all the stuff on the bar counter top. She held her hand up to her chest, sighing in shock. I raised one eyebrow up to her.

"I—I didn't see you there." She said catching her breathe and organizing the ingredients and food neatly. I just continued to look at her. I was good at reading people and I could tell that Asia was afraid of me.

"My bad." I simply said looking around at the beautiful kitchen area. She gave me a smile nervous smile. "So .... what ya making?" I said engaging in a conversation, which I normally didn't do. I wouldn't speak to someone unless they spoke to me first but since she meant a lot to Mikey, I wanted to get to know this girl. She looked at me strangely and swallowed some spit that was forming in her throat.

"Just burgers, we're about to go outside and grill. You can help Cierra and I." She said eagerly, wishing and hoping that I would say yes.

"Maybe next time." I said shooting down her hopes, I just wasn't in the mood to cook shit and to be honest, I didn't know how to cook. I looked at Asia's face which was filled with disappointment. She pressed her lips together and gathering all the food and ingredients. I started to feel bad. Come on Giovonni, try to be a littler nice. My conscious said to me. I grabbed the hamburger meat and that chips from the counter and Asia looked up at me confused. "I actually don't mind, I'll help set up but I ain't cooking shit." I said walking towards the large balcony where the grill was.

"Oh, you don't have to cook. Cierra and I have that. Thanks so much for helping, it really means a lot. I just wanna get to know you and –" I quickly turned around cutting off her talking, which was at a rapid annoying pace. She almost bumped into me and was startled by my change in direction.

"Listen, I don't usually do this so don't make me change my mind." I gritted out at her before I heard someone cough. I looked over Asia's shoulder at Mikey who was standing there putting on his shades. Asia looked back at him and gave him yet another nervous smile.

"Ya'll good?" Mikey asked us, more like asked Asia.

"Yeah babe, bout to start the grill. Tell Cierra me and Gio ..." I glared at her before she could finish. "Me and Giovonni need her." Asia said looking slightly terrified at me. Mikey grilled me.

"Alright baby." He said to Asia. "Gio, come here." He said to me. I rolled my eyes and gently brushed pass Asia." She turned around and looked between Mikey and me. "She'll be out there in a minute." He said to Asia, basically telling her to leave us in private. She sighed as she turned around and walked out on the balcony, closing the sliding glass doors behind her. "So niggas can't be a little nicer?" He spat at me lowly.

"I'm trying Mikey, damn. You ain't see I was trying to help shawty with the grill and shit." I spat back at him. He sucked his teeth looking away.

"She's just trying to be ya friend!" Mike said to me.

"Friend? Fuck I need friends for?" I said looking away as I shook my head.

"Look, get off ya bitter ass and try to give people a chance." He said to me. I was taken back. I pushed the hamburger meat and the chips into his hands and started to make it to the door.

"I'm taking my bitter ass home." I said as I pulled out my car keys, slamming the door behind me.


She was never going to change and I knew that for a fact. She was so caught up in her past that she let it effect how she acted and lived now. She was so heartless and bitter and it wasn't like she didn't have a reason to be because she did. She went through so much shit and it broke her down but the way she acted, she used it as a self-defense mechanism. She blocked shit out with her actions, her attitude. I wanted her to change, she couldn't be like this forever. So bitter, rude, cold, and only about herself. It would only get you so far but she would lose out on so much. She would lose people that could possibly care about her, and she could most importantly lose love.

I walked over the balcony and sat down the shit that Gio stuffed into my hands on the small rounded table that sat there. Asia was starting the grill and I crept up behind her, wrapping my arms around her. She was my ride or die, someone that I knew who would hold me down no matter what. "Sorry about that." I mumbled into her ear while lightly nibbling on her ear lobe. I felt her smile against my cheek.

"It's fine." She sighed. She wanted to get to know Giovonni so bad because she knew how important she was to me, both of them were so important. I would do anything for them to just get along, if only Gio would budge. "I know she's been through so much stuff in the past, I understand. Just give her some time." Asia said to me. I nodded.

Maybe time was all she needed.

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