Chapter 6

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I'm the type of person who really does not give a fuck about what you say or think about me. You can talk all the shit you want, you can think all the shit you think but at the end of the day you don't know anything about me. You don't know squat. Nothing at all. Even if you were to judge me, you wouldn't have the right to. Everyone has flaws. So until a motherfucker who is perfect comes to me, trying to 'tell me about myself' then I will give a fuck. Until now, I could care less because nobody's opinion matters. Although there is a few exceptions of other people and those include Mikey and my parents. Those opinions matters the most because I care about them and what they think in general. Although my parents and I don't have the best relationship.

I once had friends and a boyfriend who's opinions I put on a pedal stool. I put their opinions so high up that it turned me into the person I am now. Bitter. I know that once you went through things in the past it was supposed to make you better not bitter, but I really felt like I had no control over that. The more I thought about the things I went through, more pain would flood through. I couldn't help my thoughts. It was just non-stop over thinking at it's max. It was all because I let theses people's opinions that didn't give a flying fuck about me matter. So it was a learning experience, to never get too comfortable with people and never let them get too comfortable.

I rolled the joint up, letting the bud falling out drop into the folded dollar that sat on my lap. It was my typical quiet days that I usually had all to myself and actually really enjoyed. I got so used to being by myself that it didn't bother me and I started to enjoy every moment. It was when I knew I could do anything and feel any type of way and someone wouldn't add their two cents in. I loved those moments where you could be by yourself and just be you. No one there to judge you, comment on your every move. I could just get comfortable in my own space like it was supposed to be.

I licked the joint closed and placed it on the coffee table lined up with the two other joints that I rolled before this one. I looked at the big bag of twisted Cheetos that lay on the table along with my Raspberry Arizona that accompanied it and I was set to go for the day. I looked at my G-Shock that read 2pm. I grabbed the controller to my XBOX and turned on a movie on Netflix. I put on Due Date, comedy movie.

I picked up the joint as I laughed at the pure comedy that displayed on my TV. I was about to spark the joint but the doorbell rang. Who could it possibly be? The only person that ever came to visit me was Mikey and even if it was him, he would have came right in since he had the key. If I did bring someone to my house, it was a nigga that was just down to fuck to be honest. Even that, I brought them late at night and I made their ass go home right after so that they really didn't remember where I stayed. I just really wanted to know who was at my door because I wasn't in the mood for shit to fuck up my day.

Placing the joint back on the table, I got up and walked to my front door. I looked at the monitor that sat right besides the door, displaying the two people that were standing on my porch. The two people being Asia and Cierra. I noticed them talking to each other so I flipped in the audio switch so that I could hear them talking.

"I don't think she's home, let' just go." Cierra said quickly turning around but Asia snatched her back.

"Chill Ci, she's here. Ty told me she was here. We'll just wait for her to open the door." Asia said pressing the doorbell again. Cierra let out an aggravated sigh.

"She doesn't like us Asia, she's not going to want us around. She'll probably just scare us away anyways." Cierra said trying to peruse Asia to change her mind. Asia gave her a dull look.

"Ugh fi–" Asia started but I flipped off the audio switch and swung open the door and leaned against the door frame, looking at the both of them. They looked at me with hesitant eyes and I looked between the both of them. They looked slightly scared but they held their ground, I give them that much.

"What ya'll want?" I said smirking a little bit. Asia put on a small smile while Cierra just stood in the background, like always.

"We – We wanted to to know if you would like to chill or something?" Asia said in an excited tone. I looked over at Cierra who put on a fake smile. I just laughed to myself. I walked back into the house, leaving them standing on the porch. I sat down on the couch and continued watching my movie. They just stood on the porch, not even bothering to come in. I didn't leave the front door open for no reason.

"Ya'll gon' come in or what?" I said looking at them strangely. I was doing this for Mikey. I couldn't deal with him constantly telling me off because of this shit and plus Asia was so persistent on getting to know me. It was starting to get annoying so fuck it, let me just fall through with it. It wasn't that I had anything against any one of them, I just didn't want people to get to comfortable with me because when people try to get too comfortable they start to fuck with you simply because they think that they can. That was actually what I was trying to avoid, a nigga getting to comfortable with me. I wasn't about to be cool with someone so that they could change on me. I been there and done that.

They came in and closed the door behind them, sitting down on the two loveseats that rested on each side of the sofa since I was taking up all the sofa by laying on it. I just continued to watch TV while they looked at each other. It was awkward, so let's ease this shit up a bit. I picked up the joint and they both looked at me. I pulled out my lighter and put the J in-between my lips.

"Y'all smoke?" I asked lighting the joint. They both didn't say anything so I was taking that as a no. I shook my head and just took a hit. I ghosted the smoke as the smoke quickly hit my lungs, holding it in for about 5 seconds and releasing it. I took another quick hit and passed it off to Asia. "Here." I said, kind of forcing her to take it. She took it from me and smoked it like a pro, I guess she did smoke. She took her hits, passing it off to Cierra and she did the same thing. "So ya'll do smoke?" I asked as Cierra passed me back the joint.

"It's not that often but when we can, we do." Asia simply put it. I nodded. I guess Mikey didn't like her smoking. I didn't see it a problem when we was smoking with other chicks but she is the special one. As for Cierra, I really didn't know her story. She was probably in the same situation. We finished the joint as it went into rotation. We sat back and just watched the movie, not really interacting with them but they were interacting with each other. I just watched the movie, mainly trying to act like they weren't here.

"Miami is really nice, how long have you been here?" Asia said to me. I knew she was trying to include me into the conversation.

"I moved here when I was 17 so I only been here for a year." I said. I was young, only 18 years old. I couldn't deal with my parents anymore and I got caught up in a lot of shit that I needed to get far away from. It wasn't like I was running away but technically I was. I felt like it was the best choice. My parent never really wanted me around to begin with. Mikey was their golden child even though he did worst shit than me. I was just blunt. A little too blunt they claimed.

"Oh so you're not that young. I'm 19." Asia said with her chinky eyes. Mikey was 20 so he wasn't older than her at all.

"Same." Cierra smiled with the same chinky eyes. I was assuming Chris was the same age as Mikey, if not younger.

"That's what's up." I said picking up a blunt this time. It was packed with really good exotic so I knew it would be really strong. If I wanted to actually get to know these bitches and be friendly, I would need something to lift me and this would be the perfect thing. I wouldn't say I was a pot-head but I did love me some bud. I sparked the blunt and I started the rotation. I took two big hits and passed it to Asia looking at her. She took it in and started to cough immediately.

"Shit ... this is strong." She coughed. I shrugged.

"The more you cough, the higher you get." I simply put it.

"You right." She said as she french inhaled it and passed it to Cierra. We smoke the rest of the blunt and by the end of it all, we were all higher than a kite. I laid back on the sofa, kicking my feet up on the coffee table while I grabbed the bag of chips opening them. My eyes were low as fuck and everything felt heavy but light at the same time. I was floating. It was good vibes to me. I looked over at Cierra who was just looking at the television in a confused state. I then slowly looked at Asia who was just sitting Indian style in the love seat, thinking in thought. I just looked back at the TV chuckling to myself. Mikey better not be pissed at me. Shit, I was just trying bond with my new friends".


The girl on my lap planted kisses all over my neck. Mikey sat horizontal from me, with a shawty on his lap as well doing the same thing. Trell and Mijo were out setting up some things. It was just a regular day at the crib just doing the shit that we usually did. We obviously both had girls and we knew that this was wrong but we just couldn't break our habits, not right away. I mean I really did like Cierra but I felt like I was forcing myself to try and love her. She was cool as shit and I mean, and fun to be around but I just knew she wasn't the one and I shouldn't be forcing myself into this. I was in denial with myself for a while, trying to tell myself she was the one. Yeah she was beautiful, great sex and she down to earth but for some reason it just didn't seem like enough. So far now I was still doing my own thing. As far as Mikey, I knew he loved Asia but he had serious commitment issues.

I squeezed and caressed the girls hips and she moan slightly in my ear. I looked out the window and I noticed it was dark outside. It must have been going on 10pm and we still got no call from the girls saying that they needed us to come and get them. I knew they said that they were going to go and try and chill with Giovonni but I expected them to be back 10 minutes after they left. Giovonni probably would have sent them back but I guess not. I knew after Mikey dropped them off, that was the cue to call the bitches up.

I started making out with the girl sitting on my lap. Her long tongue went into my mouth as french kissed her. The more she pressed her lips against mines, the harder I grew. I already fucked the broad and I didn't want to go in on another round seeing as though they could be calling us at any minute to come and get them. A part of me felt bad for doing this behind her back but then again I needed to come into realization that she wasn't what I wanted because if she was, I wouldn't be doing this shit right now.

I just needed to figure this shit out. I didn't know what I wanted but I would figure it out sooner or later. I just felt like I couldn't break it off with her. I brought her all the way to Miami just for me to say it's over. Maybe I would just go through with things and see how they end up. You never know until you try. If it was meant to be then maybe it would be but for now I was just going to sit back and what and keep doing me.

"Yo, Gio finna drop them off." Mikey said pushing the girl up off of him. I pulled away from the girl, licking my lips. She looked at me with seductive eyes.

"Uh ... you gotta go babygirl. Maybe another night." I said. She smiled and got up off me. They both quickly grabbed their things and left out. Mikey and I cleaned up the small mess and sat down at the bar area. "So how long do you think we can keep this up for?" I said. Mainly asking it to him directly since he always claimed how he was in love with Asia.

"Man, I don't now. We need to chill though." He said nibbling on his lip. I wasn't ready to chill. In all honesty I wanted to be single but I couldn't tell him or Cierra that. If I told Cierra it would crush her, tear her apart. She was in love with me and I knew it. If I told Mikey, he would automatically try hook me up with Gio and that was something I didn't want either. I felt trapped. Even though my feelings for Cierra were starting to fade and I realized it was just a big crush, she still did mean a lot to me. I would never want to hurt her, I wanted us to be just friends though.

About a minute later, the door opened and the girls walked in, including Giovonni. They were all laughing and joking around. It was weird because Giovonni never tried to bond with the girls. She always kept to herself or only with Mikey. Never wanting to be friendly with anyone. It was the first time I saw Giovonni actually smile and it was ... beautiful. You know what they say though, the most beautifulest people have the ugliest personalities, sometimes. They all walked into the kitchen and their eyes were low and red. Mikey shook his head and I could tell that he was kind of upset, probably mainly at Gio. He glared at her and she just stood there biting her bottom lip, looking around innocently. Cierra stood in-between my legs and started giggling. I was slightly annoyed.

"So what ya'll do?" Cierra asked pulling Asia into him.

"Just chill and shit." Asia said in a chilled voice. We all looked at her. That wasn't like Asia. She was usually so girly and upbeat. Gio started chuckling, that signature chuckle. Mikey looked at her.

"Look, I gotta go. I'll see you bitches tomorrow." Giovonni said walking out the door.

"Byeeee Giooo." Cierra and Asia said in unison. Mikey and I looked at each other in a confused state. Was Giovonni really giving them a chance and not being a bitch for once in her life?

"Your sister is so cool babe." Asia said wrapping her arms around MIkey. He raised his eyebrow up at her.

"Yeah, she's really not that bad once you get to know her." Cierra said, mainly to me. I just rolled my eyes. I saw Mikey mouth drop slightly.

"What the fuck is going on?" Mikey said, confused as all hell. I was confused with everything that just happened too. Something definitely was up.

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