Chapter 8

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Asia In the media.


I didn't know what it was but it was like something sparked between the both of us, like there was a connection there, somewhere. I know I felt it but I just couldn't pin point what it was exactly. Something in our eyes both said everything that needed to be said. All the hidden emotions and thoughts that we both tried to avoid, feelings that weren't shown. I hated this kid, or so I thought. I didn't know what it was but whatever it was we both knew we didn't want it to happen, we both didn't want it to show. We were both in denial about it, trying to hide it. It was obvious that we didn't want it to show. We were both scared of it. So from that point on everything has been 10x worst between the both of us.

We argued more on a daily basis, we grilled each other, when we had moments when were were alone where we scolded each other and everything was just way more intense then it needed to be. It was like were trying to hide something but in reality we really had nothing to hide so it was just all too confusing. I didn't like this kid, I hated him, he hated me. I had to drill that into my head. I just needed to stop thinking about him and worry about something way more important like myself.

Asia and I sat in the living room as we just just kicked it back. I been spending a lot of time with her and she really wasn't that bad. She wasn't really my best friend or even a close friend but at this point, I probably would consider her a friend. She considered me her best friend and she confided in me, a lot. I didn't mind it though, she was cool beans. Cierra on the other hand, I really didn't see her much as a friend. She would just bitch about Jay every other minute and I didn't care about that bitch ass nigga. Plus she has been more distant with me since Jay and I have started arguing. I mean that was her man and all so I could see why.

"So what you doing tonight?" Asia asked me.

"Business." I said. I was meeting with this guy. He was a young one so I knew he just wanted to take me out for dinner and then hit it. I knew I would probably have to pry money out of him and if I couldn't do that I would have to resort to my last option, stealing. I knew baby boy had money though. I only fucked with the niggas that had money.

"Oh ..." Asia trailed off. I knew she knew what I did, I was sure everyone knew. I saw it like this, at the end of the day they weren't better than me, especially with what Mikey did. I wasn't trying to knock what he did because I use to help him with that shit and it was much more cleaned up then how it use to be but still, it still wasn't good. "So I actually wanted to talk to you about something." Asia said looking down at her hands and fiddling with her fingers. "That's really why I asked you to come over." She said looking up at me through her long lashes.

"What's up?" I said nibbling on my bottom lip.

"You both do that ..." She said smiling a little.

"Do what? ..." I said in a confused tone.

"Nibble on your bottom lip ... anyways. I wanted to talk to you about Mikey." She said giving me her full attention. I raised my eyebrows at her so that she would continue. "Do you think he really loves me?" She said in a low tone.

"Yeah, of course he does. Why?" I said. He really did love her and I knew it. The way he looked at her, the way he talked about her to me, I knew he did. Mikey never even brought girls home or keep them around long enough. Now to introduce a girl to me, that was a big thing. She twisted her mouth up and looked down at her hands again. "You don't believe me?" I asked her. She let out a sigh and then pressed her lips together. I could tell she was thinking about probably what to say next.

"It's not that I .... it's not that I don't think he does ..... it's just ...." She said trying to hold back tears. I just sat there and looked at her and listened, something that I normally didn't do. She just continued to look at her hands while she tried to collect herself. "Forget abo–" she started.

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