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I sat on that bench and started admiring my teddies. They followed me and stood before me. " Guys, lets go on a carousel. " said Mark. " NO " me and Ruan shouted. " What? I know why Ruan isn't coming but, weren't you energetic just now Lex? why aren't you coming? " asked Mark. " I'm hungry...let's ride rides after we eat! " I said. " No way, you're gonna vomit everything you ate if you eat before playing " said Ruan. " Meh, its ok " I said and walked towards a restaurant. Ruan and Mark looked at each other and sighed.

~ After eating and going on rides ~

* Vomiting noise inside a bathroom *

" Lex, are you okay? do you want me to call someone? you want lemon? " shouted Ruan. " Take your time, Lex. " shouted Mark.

~ A few minutes later~

As I stood beside the carousel, the vibrant colors of the horses swirling around me, the ecstatic fireworks bursting, I felt the excitement of the theme park buzzing in the air. Mark had just run off to grab snacks, leaving Ruan and me alone. I caught him glancing at me, his expression a mix of nervousness and determination.

"Lex," he began, his voice soft but steady. I turned to him, my heart fluttering with curiosity. "I've been thinking..."

I tilted my head, encouraging him to go on. "About what?"

He took a deep breath, and for a moment, the world around us faded into the background. "About how much I love spending time with you. You have this way of making everything feel brighter, like the sun breaking through clouds."

My breath caught as he continued, "I've realized I like you, Lex. More than just friends. When I'm with you, it feels like I'm on one of these rides-full of twists and turns, but always soaring higher. Would you give me a chance?"

Just then, I caught a glimpse of Mark peeking from behind a nearby stall. His expression fell as he turned away, a shadow of sadness crossing his face. The moment hung in the air, filled with both excitement and unexpected tension, as I realized how complicated things had just become.

" I...I need some time " I said, as I stood up and ran away.

As I was running, I spotted Mark, sitting alone at a bench staring at the stars. " I have to talk things out with him..." I thought. I walked towards him and sat down next to him. Mark noticed that I was beside him and said, " Oh hey Lex, I didn't see you here- " " I saw you... " I stopped his sentence...leaving a portray of a mix of disappointment and understanding. "I know. I didn't want to interrupt. I just...I care about you, Lex."

I was shocked by his reply. So...he did like me. I've always had the feeling but I thought it was just a friendly manner... " Mark, I...I dont know how to say this to you...but, I haven't gave Ruan my answer yet...I wanted to discuss this with you before I told him- " " And does your relationship have anything to do with me? " He said, I felt a distance between us when he said that. Making me hurt...and unable to think of what to say. " I think you already know...I like you Lex...even after making everything clear...this happens? " " Mark, I'm so sorry, I thought all the things you did, that was just a friendly manner- " " No, it was not...ask my friends...ask them if I was nice to anyone in any way... " he said as he turned to face the fireworks. Tears welled up in my eyes " Is this how our friendship breaks? " I thought. " Mark...I like Ruan... " I said, hesitantly. Ruan was shocked and depressed, not showing me his face. " I hope...we still be friends even if all this happened. Let's forget this and start As friends... " I said, my voice shaking.

" We surely will...we'll always be friends. And...I wish you guys happy days. " He said. and suddenly he turned around and held onto me tightly. I did not say anything and just hugged him back.

Mark just looked at me in disbelief and excused himself to go home

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Mark just looked at me in disbelief and excused himself to go home. " What why?, you can go home with me " I said. " No, thats okay. I just...prefer going alone " he said as he walked away. I sat there, looking at him as he faded away...


As I walked home, the lights of the theme park faded into the distance, replaced by the heavy weight of disappointment. I replayed the moment over and over in my mind-Lex's surprised expression, Ruan's hopeful confession, and my own heartbreak as I watched it all unfold.

Sitting on my bed, I glanced at my phone, wishing I could just text her, but I knew it wouldn't change anything. I felt like an outsider, watching something beautiful happen right in front of me that I couldn't be a part of.

I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to shake off the feeling of helplessness. Hearing Lex admit she liked Ruan hit me hard. I had always been there for her, hoping she might see me as more than just a friend. Now, I couldn't help but feel like I had lost my chance completely.

With a sigh, I resolved to respect her feelings, even if it hurt. Maybe I needed to step back for now, giving her space to explore what she wanted with Ruan

I just know...that I wont be able to sleep at night...

that I wont be able to sleep at night

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