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Chapter 6 | Dad?! This is impossible!!!


* LISA's POV *

He grabbed my hand, put me on his chest and took me to his room.

" Stay here! "

" Jungkook, don't go! "

" Don't be afraid, I will protect you no matter what! "

" I'm worried about you! Don't go! "

" Don't be afraid... Nothing will happen to me... "

Jungkook left.


" Guards!!, what's going on? "

A guard came and said to me

" There's an intruder, but we caught him. We think he's from the Chinese mafia. "

" Is he still alive? "

" No, we killed him. "

" Okay. Call Tae and tell him what happened and to come quickly. "

" Okay. "

I went to my room to check on Lisa until I saw her come out of the room.

" What are you doing?! "

" You're here!! I came to you because I'm worried about you... "

" I'm fine and don't worry about me, your safety is the most important thing to me. "

" Ah... what... happened..? "

I told her what happened

" But don't worry, it won't happen again. "

" Well.. did you eat today? "

" No, not yet. Why? "

" Follow me so I can cook some. "

" Ah.. okay. "

* LISA's POV *

I cooked some and we sat down to eat.

" Isn't your father a deputy in the state? How can you be a mafia leader? "

" When my mother died, he was the reason for her death. He killed her and closed her file. He's not what you think. "

" He killed her...? "

" A few months after you left and went out of town, men from the Chinese mafia came to our house and stabbed my mother with a knife and took her with them, right in front of my eyes and my father's eyes. He didn't stop them, but rather closed the file after I went and informed the police. So I will do the impossible to find those men and... protect you. "

" Protect me...? "

"Yes. I recently discovered that your father knows some information about them. He is affiliated with them. I asked him to give me all the information he knows about the Chinese mafia, but he didn't admit that he is affiliated with them, so I wanted proof. But I am sure. That means he is also dangerous to you. I will do the impossible to protect you and I won't kill him because he is your father. "

" What?!!! It is impossible that my father might be affiliated with them. This is not reasonable. I reject all these accusations. "

" And I think he sent that intruder. "

" This is impossible!! "

Tae came

" Jungkook! He's Lisa's father! Our intelligence intercepted a call on his phone! "

Lisa was in great shock. Tae opened his phone and opened a recording

" I'll send a guard to Jungkook's house to film the house so we can make an attack plan. We have to eliminate him and get my daughter out as soon as possible. "

Lisa fainted.

472 words

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