003. teenage einstein

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act one.

chapter three: teenage einstein

"Once we accept our limits, we can go beyond them" Albert Einstein

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"Once we accept our limits, we can go beyond them"
Albert Einstein

                •.¸¸.•'¨* •.¸¸.•*'¨•.¸¸.•'¨'

THE NEXT MORNING, THE KITCHEN FILLED WITH A MIX OF CHATTER. it was Cassie's first full day with the Naturals, also meaning that her first profiling lesson with Dean and Agent Locke was after breakfast.

"How was your first night?" Vienna asks, sitting down on Cassie's left, Sloane on her right.

"It was pretty good."

"Sloane didn't cause you too much trouble?"

Sloane shot her a look, which Vienna chose to ignore.

"No, she was actually very nice. Though she did keep me up late with her statistics." Cassie answers Vienna.

Sloane's face flushed red. "Sorry." The mumble hardly escaped her lips.

"No, no. It was just fine." Cassie smiles.

"Little do you know, Colorado, that Vienna is the exact same way with historical, psychology, and book facts." Michael says, sitting down next to Vienna, eyes fixated on Cassie.

"You know you love it." Vienna smirks.

"Maybe I do." Michael replies.

"There's cereal in the cabinet and eggs in the fridge." Judd walks over to them, a folded newspaper between his hands. "I'm making a grocery run at 9:30. If any of you have any requests, speak now or forever hold your peace."

"No requests." Cassie was the first to answer.

"Low maintenance." Judd comments.

"I try." Cassie shrugs.

Vienna, on the other hand, had other ideas.

"More pancake mix, pretty please."

"Oh god, your pancake addiction is almost as bad as your coffee addiction." Michael snarks.

"So judgmental this morning."

"I'm not passing judgement, just merely stating facts."

Vienna says nothing, but takes a bite of her cheerios.

"You actually find what I said was funny, but you want me to think that I pissed you off." Michael studied her features.

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